The Ultimate Guide To Self Heal Any  Limiting Beliefs.

The Ultimate Guide To Self Heal Any Limiting Beliefs.

For more than 3 years I’ve been looking for a system that allowed me to release any limiting belief or past trauma without needing to go to therapy or pay someone for a holistic/energy healing session.

After a lot of deep dives into different energy healing modalities, books, and integrating different healing experiences in my own life, I came up with my own healing system called Transcendence Healing.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you exactly how the system works and all the steps you need to take in order to start healing your own limiting beliefs.

Let’s start with the basics.

1. Energy, the basic building block of life. ??

This system is based on energy healing.?Energy is the building block of all life, we are 99.999% energy?(even though it doesn't seem that way). The energy in our bodies is what gives life to all functions of our body.

This includes our organs, our moods, our emotions, our physical health & wellbeing, and our mental wellness. Our body is very magnetic and we have a positive and negative charges throughout our body. Think about your body as a big self-generating battery that has opposite charges.

Your hands have similar properties to those of a magnet. This discipline is called biomagnetism. We’ll be using our hands to release and reprogram our limiting belief in step 3 of the TH method.

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The same way we have blood vessels to transport blood throughout our body, we have energy channels that transport vital energy throughout our body. The systems we will be using on this system are called the Meridians. The meridians transport energy throughout your whole body.

The Meridians have a CEO, which is called the Governing Meridian. We’ll be using the Governing Meridian to send a message to the whole body to release the limiting belief when we move to the process of the healing system.

2. Your Subconscious mind: The hard drive of your computer. ??

Your subconscious mind IS your body. Your subconscious mind has stored every event, person, experience, and belief since the day you were born. Even things you might not remember are all stored in your body/subconscious.

Your body has the key to all the healing and abundance in the world because if we can find a way to effectively communicate with it, it will give us all the answers we need.

Something that is important to know is that your subconscious already knows EXACTLY what are your strongest limiting beliefs, past trauma, insecurities, etc. You only need a vehicle and a roadmap to navigate your subconscious and get answers from it.

Just as emotions are the language of the body and thoughts are the language of the brain, pictures, images, and symbols, are the language of your subconscious mind. We’ll be using a symbol to heal our imbalances before we release our limiting beliefs.

Have you ever tried improving some habits or tried to improve yourself in an area of your life but found yourself procrastinating or self-sabotaging that initiative?

When what we consciously want is not in alignment with what we believe on a subconscious level, we’ll always sabotage ourselves because the root cause of the issue hasn’t been resolved. That is why working directly on your subconscious is around 100X more effective than your conscious mind.

3. Muscle Testing: The vehicle to communicate with your subconscious mind.???

Every thought, word, or emotion, carries a certain frequency and energy. Through a discipline called applied kinesiology, we are able to test if our muscle weakens or stays strong when we ask it a question.

This discipline uses our neuromuscular system (muscles + nervous system) to determine whether the question we ask our subconscious mind is true or false. On average, your muscle will test 15% weaker when it picks up a negative answer.

You can start practicing muscle testing now, by doing what we call a set of calibration statements. You can use the calibration statements of love and hate, or my name is _ (your true name) vs my name is _ (a false name), and notice how a true vs false statement feels like.

Feel free to use any set of statements that you want. There are many ways you can do muscle testing, you can do a quick search on youtube and find many tutorials on how to do muscle testing. My favorite way to do muscle testing is called the elbow test.

4. Intention: The most powerful weapon at your disposal to create powerful shifts in your life. ??

A lot of people don’t really know the difference between intention and attention. In very simple terms, where you set your intention is where your energy and attention go. You can use your intention to direct your energy wherever you want it to go. It works in the background.

Your intention is very powerful because it’s like a broadcast you’re sending to yourself and to the universe around you. I won’t get too deep into explaining the intention, but just know that we’ll be using the energy of our intention to release the limiting beliefs in a matter of seconds.

5. Limiting Beliefs: The faulty software programs in our subconscious that we need to update. ????

Limiting beliefs are like faulty software programs running on our operating system. We need a way to be able to identify them, release them, and reprogram new updated software that empowers us and helps us achieve our biggest goals and desires.

Limiting beliefs can either be created by our own experiences, or they can be inherited from our ancestors. There is an entire modality called ancestral healing/generational trauma, but I won’t go into it in this guide. Just know that sometimes, the limiting beliefs you have are not even yours ??.

In the chart below, you can see the different types of imbalances. Think about limiting beliefs as the root of the tree, and all the other types of imbalances are the branches and the leaves of the tree. When you heal from the root of the tree, you also heal every other part of the tree.

In Transcendence healing, we first work on healing and releasing what we call underlying imbalances before we can release the core limiting beliefs. It makes sense because if we don’t clear the landmines first, there is no way that we can plant new seeds (reprogram new empowering beliefs).

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6. Heart Energy: The most powerful energy in the universe, yes, you can use it whenever you want. ??

The last principle you need to understand is the power of the energy of your heart. I know right? Weird, since nobody ever taught us anything about this in school. But hear me out, because this will revolutionize the world very soon.

Think of your heart’s energy as a limitless supply of high-frequency energy that you can tap into whenever you want. When ANY type of healing happens the healer is not actually healing you, you are healing yourself. This is because of a principle called resonance.

The practitioner creates a very high-frequency field to accelerate your own healing in your body. The principle of resonance says that whenever there are two different frequencies, the lower frequency will match the other higher frequency and “resonate” with it.

We’ll be using a very simple exercise that will allow you to 20–50x your normal frequency ?? so that we can focus that energy and create the healing we want.

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Ok, We Made It! Transcendence Healing Method ??

Okay, so if you’ve stuck with me so far, congrats, we’re now getting to the good part. The TH method is broken down into 3 simple steps.

Step number 1: Identify.?This is where we use muscle testing and the knowledge of our subconscious in order to identify our strongest core limiting beliefs.

Step number 2: Heal.?This is where we use our intention and our heart energy to create our healing program, where we heal all underlying imbalances of our strongest core limiting beliefs.

Step number 3: Release & Reprogram.?This is where we use our intention and the CEO of the energy meridians (The Governing Meridian) to release the limiting belief and install the new empowering belief.

You now have 2 options depending on what you want. You can either:

  1. Follow the step by step walkthrough below and do your first self-healing,
  2. Or you can skip and go directly to option 2 to do the the walkthrough below and experience the healing system by just reading a statement I created at the end of the article. I used the same exact steps I’m teaching on this blog to create the automatic healing program you can use at the end of the article.

OPTION 1: Step by step walkthrough ?? (DIY)

Let’s walk through each step in detail, you can follow along as you try the healing system.

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High level view of Transcendence Healing

Step number 1: Identify. ??

Okay, we start!

The first thing you’re going to want to do is to identify your strongest core limiting belief. For this, you’re going to want to practice muscle testing for 5–10 minutes to get the hang of it.

Muscle Testing Preparation:

Step 1:?Balance your body, energy, and nervous system with the alternate nostril breath.

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Step 2:?Using your muscle testing method of choice, calibrate your muscle. I’ll be giving you the instructions for the standing up test, one of the easiest muscles to test.

Stand up straight in a relaxed position and say your positive statement. Your body should till forward which indicates a positive response.

Now do the opposite and test your negative statement, your body should tilt backward indicating a negative response. Repeat different statements until you feel confident about your results.

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Let’s identify your strongest limiting belief:

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Using the chart above, ask the following questions until you get a positive response:?“I am not safe”?is my strongest limiting belief. Replace the quoted belief and try all seven until you get a strong yes!

Once you have your strongest core limiting belief, you can move on to step 2. You can always come back and heal other limiting beliefs one at a time.

Step number 2: Heal. ?

Let’s say that your strongest limiting belief is “I am not safe”.

In order to release and reprogram this belief, we have to clear all of the underlying imbalances that created this belief in the first place. We’ll be using some pretty advanced energy technology to do this in about 5 minutes, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.


  1. Think of any symbol or icon to represent the healing?you’re about to have. It can be as simple as a circle, square, leaf, or anything that comes to mind.

2.?Let’s write the rules of the healing program together.?Since this is your first time, I’ve already created a pre-set of rules for you. In the future and with experience, you can change and create rules on your own.

The rules we’ll be using are the following:?a) To work on all known and unknown imbalances of this belief. To heal and release all imbalances. To instantly revitalize your body and energy after the release of each imbalance

3. Close your eyes and visualize the icon you created in step 1.?Set your intention to link the rules from step 2 with the icon from step 1. Don’t worry if you don’t feel or see anything, just by setting your intention to do so, you’ve already done it, so you’re good either way!

4. Time for the Heart Focused exercise. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the area of your heart. Imagine that your breath is going in through your chest and out through your chest. Breathe in and out slowly, for about 5 seconds each.

Do this about 10–12 times until you feel a sensation around your heart. Now, keep doing the heart-focused breathing, but add a feeling of love and gratitude to your heart area. You can think of the thing you love the most in your life, and have a big smile as you keep breathing in and out.

This will 20–50x your normal frequency, as you elevate your feelings of love and gratitude. Finally, after 1–2 minutes of doing this exercise, bring to your mind’s eyes your symbol, and set the intention to send this heart energy directly into the symbol, every time you do an out-breath.

Do 10–20 out-breaths like this and then stop. Your energy healing program is now automatically running in the background

5.?Close your eyes and enjoy the on-demand healing as the energy releases all of your underlying imbalances.?I like to listen to some healing songs like Elven Quest. 99% of the time all underlying imbalances will be released in 5–10 minutes. Keep in mind that you’re releasing trapped emotions, past trauma, physical imbalances, and energetical imbalances that created this limiting belief. The healing experience is really chill and you don’t have to worry about anything. You’re done with step 2! ??

As a bonus, you can actually muscle test after step 2 to make sure all underlying imbalances have been released. Just ask your subconscious “have all underlying imbalances been released”

Step number 3: Release & Reprogram. ??

What a journey huh? If you’re having an information overload that's completely normal, I’m literally giving years of experimentation condensed in a long Medium article. Hang on though, we’re almost done :).

  1. First, you need to find the opposite of the limiting belief so that you can install it into your subconscious.?Just create the opposite phrase of the limiting belief. For example: “I am not safe” can be changed for an opposite empowering belief like “I am safe and secure, and everything is okay”
  2. Now, we release the limiting belief from our body, forever!?Set the intention to release the limiting belief we’ve been working on.?You can just say, “I set my intention to release X, Y, or, Z belief. Just trust that whatever you’re doing is right.
  3. Now, using the fingertips of your right or left hand, we are going to amplify our energy of intention?so that it literally reaches every cell of your body, and the intelligence of your body releases the limiting belief (which at the core is just stuck or unprocessed energy lodged in our body, that’s why we use energy to release energy).
  4. Finally, swipe 10 times with your hands from the middle of your eyebrows all the way to the bottom of your head on the other side.?Hold your intention as you swipe. Trust that whatever you’re doing is the right way for you.

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5.?After you’ve swiped 10 times,?muscle test to see if the limiting belief was actually released.?Ask “Did I release X limiting belief just now?” 9/10 times you’ll get a positive answer. If you did not, just set your intention again and swipe 10 more times.

6.?Now repeat steps 2–5, but this time we’ll do the reverse. You’ll set your intention to install the new empowering belief we created in step 1. Set your intention and swipe 10 times, and your new belief should be installed in your body! Muscle test to confirm and repeat the process if needed.

BONUS — OPTION 2: Done for you healing. ??

If you’ve chosen this option, I’d still highly recommend you get familiar with the healing process so that you know exactly how it works.

For this option, you won’t be able to know which limiting belief we’re working on (as I can’t muscle test for you in a written article) but you’ll still get the same benefits as the DIY process. You can still learn muscle testing and then experience this option 2.

Sit in a comfortable seating/meditative position, with your back straight.?Read this sentence and decide if you want to experience this healing experience. If you’re open to it, just say I am open to it, and you’ll have started the healing program.

It will work and release all underlying imbalances of your limiting belief, and then it will automatically release the limiting belief itself + reprogram a new opposite empowering belief.

If you’ve practiced muscle testing, you’ll be able to verify that you’ve released your strongest limiting belief from your body and your energy.

Congratulations, you’ve self-healed your first limiting belief. ?? ?? ?? ??♀? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

How do you feel? Do you feel confident and empowered because you were able to heal yourself instead of relying on other people to “heal you’?

Let me know in the comments how your healing experience was, and what were your biggest takeaways. I’ll respond to all comments and questions in this article as I know we just went through a mini healing MBA in under an hour, LOL.

Thank you so much if you’re made it this far in our journey together. It’s been my pleasure to have shared with you this groundbreaking healing system called Transcendence Healing, and I know you’ll enjoy it a lot.

You can use the system to heal A LOT of different limiting beliefs and create unlimited abundance, confidence, and personal power.

The mission and vision of Transcendence Healing. ??

My mission in life is to give others life-changing healing tools like this system so that they can become self-empowered and take charge of their life.

My passion is to see others have that inner transformation that allows them to tap into their unlimited potential for personal power, and that my friend is what we’ve done just now.

My vision is to create a self-healing and self-empowerment revolution in our society, especially for our younger generations that need so much healing and personal power.

If you share this mission with me, it would mean the world to me if you shared this with just one person who could have their lives changed with this modality.

Let’s connect and share our breakthroughs. ??

If you want to get in touch with me, want to learn more about the system, or have any questions about this article, send me a DM on Instagram @healwithjp.

If you want to join other entrepreneurs and creators who are on their healing journey, join my Free Self Healing University Facebook Group, where we do weekly meditations and Q&As and we share our healing breakthroughs as well. Link to join:?

Sending you all the best,

-JP ????

Jean Paul Boyd

I’m extremely passionate about helping young entrepreneurs heal & transform their subconscious limitations into empowerment. Founder of Transcendence Healing.

This sounds phenomena! ????????????

Anthony Evans, MiF

VPA | Treasury & Capital Markets

3 年

Amazing work, Jean Paul, thanks for sharing!


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