The Ultimate Guide to Oral Dosage Forms for Supplements & Pharmaceuticals

The Ultimate Guide to Oral Dosage Forms for Supplements & Pharmaceuticals

Part One: Capsules, Tablets, Powders and Liquids

In the ever-evolving world of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals, the decision on the best method of oral supplement and medication delivery is vital. There is a plethora of options — each delivering unique pros and cons — which can make choosing between capsules, tablets, chewable tablets, gummies, liquids and others a complicated verdict. From more tangible factors like appearance and form, to less perceptible considerations like product performance, consumer acceptance and your bottom line, there is a multitude of criteria for manufacturers of dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals to evaluate.

This article will explore differences between these popular oral dosage forms, exploring the nuances of each and ultimately, helping to determine the right delivery method for you and your consumers.

Capsules vs. Tablets

The first and most easily tested difference between capsules and tablets: the taste. Capsules are renowned for their ability to effectively mask taste and odor, providing a more pleasant experience for consumers. Capsules’ smooth surface, as opposed to the rough and sometimes bulky texture of tablets, also makes the swallowing process more pleasant and easier for the consumer.

The second vital aspect to consider when choosing between capsules and tablets is their bioavailability. Capsules, with their ability to combine different ingredients in various forms such as powders, pellets, or liquids, are known to result in higher bioavailability. More of the drug is likely to enter your bloodstream, making capsules slightly more effective than single-layer tablets. This can lead to better results for consumers and patients taking the oral dosage.

Moreover, tablets are more likely to irritate the gastrointestinal tract, while the inconsistent breakdown of tablets can decrease a medication’s effectiveness and overall absorption.

Lastly, some studies suggest the capsule-manufacturing processes are often more streamlined and cost-effective. Depending on region and economic conditions, it’s about 50% cheaper to produce capsules than tablets or other delivery methods.

Capsules vs. Powders and Liquids

Another common comparison is between capsules, powders, and liquids. Here, capsules shine for their precise dosing, ensuring that the consumer gets the exact amount needed, avoiding the inconsistencies that powders and liquids might lead to.

Additionally, capsules' portability and easy consumption without added preparation make them a more convenient option for the consumer.

Read Part Two: Capsules, Softgels, Chewable Tablets, and Gummies >>


"Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets," by H. A. Lieberman et al., 3rd ed., 2009

“Tablets vs. Capsules: Pros, Cons, and How They Differ,” by Carly Vandergriendt, 2020

“Evaluating Development and Production Costs: Tablets versus Capsules,” by Graham Cole, 1998


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