The Ultimate Guide Of On-Page SEO To Rank Higher In Google |Best Checklist

The Ultimate Guide Of On-Page SEO To Rank Higher In Google |Best Checklist

Nowadays, Everyone wants to rank their websites/blogs, and everyone wants to increase their organic traffic (Traffic, which comes from search engines). but the 90% of peoples fail for doing this

Why do They fail?

Because they do not use correct strategies for ranking purpose they often use black hat techniques rather than white hat SEO techniques

Read About: Top White Hat SEO Techniques To Rank Your Site in 2021

I guess that you’re thinking about On-Page Seo? and how to deal with it? so, don’t worry after reading this post your all your doubts Regarding On-page SEO.

 What Do You Mean By On-Page Seo:

On-Page SEO is the type of SEO (Search engine optimization). known as a big player in the game of SEO, Without on-page, you even can’t Think to rank your site at any search engine 

it is simply Optimize Your web pages according to search engine needs it is also known as On-Site SEO Because it is Done within The Site. 

Let’s talk about the importance of On-page Seo and why it plays an important role in ranking your site.


Is On-Page SEO Still Important In 2021?

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yeah! It still essential in 2021 because it works with the site’s structure. On-page SEO helps search engines to understand the site’s structure, its content, and its behavior. 

it also helps your website to get higher positions on search engines against your targeted keywords.


Also Check Out:  Top Free Keyword Researching Tools


Now days google become smart it doesn’t only consider on-page SEO scores to rank any of the websites. It also relies on many other factors like Domain Authority,  social signals  (shares, likes, tweets, follows, etc.), Page Authority backlinks, and many more


The primary goal of Google is to write articles for visitors, not for google’s spiders. If you serve your users, your post will automatically rank. 

On-page SEO also helps search engines to rank higher your site according to users’ search needs. Time by time google is getting smarter and its sophisticated algorithm takes strict decisions to rank any website on Google SERP.

According to Big players of Digital Marketing (Neil Patel), On-page SEO is the heart of SEO. If you ignore it you can't even index your site on google.


Essential Techniques Of On-Page Seo To Rank In 2021:

Before going into details of On-page Seo specific elements first, you should clear the most important and critical techniques of on-page


1-Write Creative Content For Your Blog:

Keep in your mind always content is king. If you compromise with your content it means that all of your SEO efforts are useless. 

Always produce meaningful content  for your readers attract them and built a relationship with your readers by answering their queries on your blog post


2-Build Your User Experience:

User experience depends upon many factors like responsiveness, the loading speed of your page, and many more

But make sure you have deeply researched your keywords, and fulfill users' needs what they want from your site. 

Answer reader’s questions on your blog post and reduce your bounce rate

because when a user bounces back from your site then he never comes again. it will affect your ranking. According to google if any visitor bounce back means he can’t find the relative answer on your site


Make sure that visitors coming from any search engines have a good time on your site. 

If they hit the back button quickly, it means the user bounces back, and your ranking will drop too rapidly.


Make use of the fact that you have enabled the comments section for your visitor and regularly answer their questions. If you build a community from comments, then a visitor comes again and again on your site reading your meaningful article.


Now take a look at other on-page SEO Techniques


1-Do Perfect Keyword Research:

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You can also use free keyword reaching tools as well. It’s the central part of ranking because, without planning, you can’t win any match.

Keyword researching is the pre-planning of your content if you are a new blogger or you have just published your site then focus on long-tail keywords

Brainstorm the topic which you have planned to write. For the best practice, write down the key points that you’ll cover content. 


Write down 5-10 search phrases you think would pertain to this topic.


Utilize the keyword Researching Tools to view monthly search volumes for each keyword.


Narrow your options down to obtainable search terms Not go for the highly competitive keyword which has a monthly volume approx 600000 month, 


Target low volume keywords up to 50-500 (if you are new) with low SEO difficulty keywords


Also Read: Off-Page Seo Guide With Updated Check List

2. SEO Optimized Content:

For the perfect on-page SEO, The main pillar is SEO Friendly Content that actually provides a piece of meaningful and well-structured information to your visitor.


Many things come on SEO Optimized Content, but we will cover some of the significant things that actually affect your SEO efforts. Like;


(1) Use H1 Headers

H1 is a significant tag it should never be omitted from page, post, or product. Search spiders pay attention to the words which H1 tag 

Try to use the H1 tag once in your post or product title. Because due to search engine H1 tag is considered as the name of your post (title)  try to use your primary keyword in the H1 tag

(2) Use H2-H4 As a Sub-headers

Search engines and human visitors will use these to better understand the structure of the topic. While headers can help with SEO,


Make sure your Title is set as H1 Tag and try to use different heading under H2-H4 heading levels.


Don’t overuse these heading because google doesn’t like stuffing. Try to use your secondary keyword on a subheading to acknowledge search engines about your keyword


Avoid long sentences as headers and Avoid duplicating your H1 Header within H2-H6 sub-headers


(3) Paragraph Text

This simply refers to the content itself, and this could reside on the home page, interior pages, blog posts, products, etc.


Try to optimize your paragraph text with bold and italic fonts, use the best font family. I recommend you use “Arial” as a font family for a better understanding of the text.

Include your keyword phrase several times within the content (avoid keyword stuffing).

Use keywords in the first sentence of your post. Highlight your main word with a highlighter or bold your main keyword to focus your visit on that particular word.


Use images along with your paragraph to make the topic interesting for your readers. as we know the famous phrase “picture worth is thousands word” Use infographics images instead of lengthy and boring long paragraphs.


Don’t worry about keyword density. Along with great content use the focused keyword in a natural manner (where needed).


(4) Use Images With Proper Alt Text + Title


Images are great for SEO, usability, and sharing on social media. While all content won’t have the option for a picture, use an image where possible. Images make your content beautiful short and interesting.


Along with your content, images also ranks on the search engine images can be a great source of traffic if you used them properly


Image file names should describe the image and use your keyword if possible. do not use your keyword along with all images, use it where needed.

Image alt text should describe the image. there would be two options in images alt text and Title try to use long description on Alt Box and short concise summary on Title.


(5) Internal Linking

An internal link connects one page of your website to another page. Internal links provide value to your reader as well as help search engines locate content.


Internal linking helps you to reduce bounce rate and will help your visitors to spend more time on your blog and stay connected with other related topics of the blog.


Internal Linking also helps search engines to discover more pages in a speedy manner. 


As we all know that every search engine crawl the site content link by link, so if you add internal links to your content using a natural way then it will increase your search engine ranking/


Best Practice for Internal Linking:

Place links where they help the reader and provide value

Link to your cornerstone content, services, and products

Link with good keyword-rich anchor text

Vary your anchor text for a link, so it doesn’t appear forced

Don’t overuse links and in doing so make the content unreadable

(6) External Linking:

Along with the Internal Linking. External linking is as important for better On-Page SEO. It’s also a great idea to link out another website on your blog to serve a better user experience for your readers.


Don’t be afraid to use external links to support other content. I suggest caution be exercised in the number of external links used.


Use External links in a natural manner where it needs. For best practice, use the No-Follow Tag on your external links.


External Links Should Open in New Windows.


(7) Readability

For SEO-friendly content, you should have reliability in your content. I will share with you some bullet points by following these rules, you would be able to increase your content reliability. Ease of use matters in SEO.


The simple thumb rule formula for ranking your site is :


“User Happy + Google Happy = Higher Your Rank”


Follow These Tactics For Reliable Content:

1- Write short paragraphs instead of long paragraphs. if you write long paragraphs, the user will get bore. Write your article in an easy, understandable, and concise way.


2- Use bullets to help digest lists

3- Use subheading so visitors can scan your content. remember sub headers also helps search engine to analyze your content


4- Don’t allow images to interfere with text flow

3- Meta Title:

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Meta Title Is one of the essential factors of on-page SEO. Meta title helps search engines to understand your topic. Make sure your post title attractive and meaning full. There is three most popular step that is followed by the top SEO experts to make their post tile more engaging and attractive.


1- Use H1: Use H1 Tag to write a meta title For your post. The Title should be in heading 1 (H1) Tag format.


2-Use Targeted Keyword: Make sure to use the targeted keyword on your post-Meta Title in a natural way. It helps your article rank to higher positions on search engines.


3- Improve CTR: CTR  is known as (click-through-rate). It means how many numbers of visitors click on your link after reading Title and Description. Make sure you have used attractive words while writing your article title.


For Ex: “On-Page Seo” is the simple name of the post, but improve your Title CTR. You must write as “The ultimate guide of on-page SEO To Rank Higher” now this is the well-written Meta Title.  at this time after reading your article title reader must click on it


Note: Keep Your Title length in between 50-65 character

4- Meta Description:

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The Meta description is basically known as the basic summary of your article. This Meta description will be shown beneath your post title, it will help the user to understand the topic. there are also some tactics to write a good meta description.


How To Write A Meta Description?

  1. Create the meta description tag to attract a click and include keywords A lot of search engines display information from this tag in their search results if this tag is present on a page and if its content matches the content of the page and the search query.
  2. Make sure you have to use your targeted keyword in the meta description to rank your desire keyword on the google search engine.
  3. While search engines pick up on your keywords, it’s also important for users to click on the post. You need to write user-friendly meta descriptions that make sense and related to your post.
  4. Go to your competitor's site and check his meta description for a better understanding.
  5. Your meta description should be written in a very concise, meaningful, and attractive.


5- Optimized URL’S (Permalinks) For On-Page Seo:

Along with these SEO practices, you should have an SEO-friendly URL on your site. The URL is displayed as part of a search result in Google and it appears below the document’s, title, and snippet. If your permalinks will long then search engines face difficulty crawling them at last google search engine shift these URL’s on the excluded tab (Means crawled But Not Index Format).


Pro Tips For Create SEO Friendly Permalinks:

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  1. you must include your targeted primary keyword on your permalink.
  2. permalinks should be as short as possible
  3. use dashed to separates words
  4. Don’t use stoping words on permalinks like (a, an, at, in, on. and)
  5. While content silos are great. keep silos short so they do not create so many layers that the URL is long and unreadable
  6. Don’t let your blogging platform create an automatic slug for you. always customize your own slug
  7. Use HTTPS connection  to secure your permalinks

Note: If you are a WordPress user recommend you  to always Use Yoast Seo Plugin for making Permalinks


6-Improve Page Speed (On-Page Ranking Factor):

Page speed is one of the most important factors in ranking higher. it’s essential because google made it an official ranking factor. according to the study when load speed is more than 5 sec then 75% of visitors will leave the website. As a result, your bounce rate will increases.


You can check your blog/website page speed in google’s official tool page speed insights


You have to enter your blog URL there, after a few seconds, the tool will return a page with a result. some results regarding your website’s performance. Below you can see detailed information about what actually affects your speed theatre coding, HTML, images, and many more speed factors

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How To Improve Page Speed: you can  contact your developer to overcome this . for the best practice use compressed images on your blog in order to improve your page speed


7- Mobile Friendliness Web Page:

Mobile SEO is the process of optimizing your web pages that looks great on mobile phones and function properly on mobile devices. When you perform mobile SEO, you will provide a great site experience to users.


Do you know that over 70% of users surfing web pages over mobile phones? if you want to make engagement with mobile users then your blog should support mobile-friendly web pages. this is also a factor that is considered as a ranking factor on google search engine


for the best practice of  making blog mobile-friendly, you should use AMP themes (Accelerated mobile pages)

Updated On-Page Seo Checklist 2021:

  1. Always start with keyword selection, research, and testing
  2. Add targeted keyword on the Title
  3. Use Keyword On permalink
  4. Remove all stop words on permalinks
  5. Use keyword On a post with 2.5 Keyword density
  6. Use keyword On the description
  7. Add Meta Title
  8. length of the title should be 50-65 words
  9. Meta Description tag
  10. Add images and infographic to look post attractive
  11. ALT tags on images
  12. compress your images before uploading
  13. H1 tags (use only once in the title)
  14. URL structure (short and simple)
  15. Internal linking strategy
  16. external linking (if need)
  17. Content
  18. Maintain Keyword density
  19. Site maps, both XML and user-facing
  20. Usability and accessibility
  21. Track target keywords
  22. use FAQ schema
  23. Expect results in 6-12 months


Avoid These Common Mistakes

Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

“Keyword stuffing”  simply refers to the practice of loading a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results.

don’t do this if you do keyword stuffing Google will penalize your account and take down your ranking. use your targeted keyword in a natural manner.

Crappy Content

People write content to fill white space. Don’t do it! You need to provide real value to website visitors. You have to something outstanding to resonate with readers. No amount of SEO will help bad content, so start with something substantial. Write good content, and you will be rewarded for it tenfold.

Forgetting the Keyword

You’ve done your keyword research, and you’ve written your content. When you look closely at the content, you realize you used variations of your keyword phrase (good) but totally forget to use the exact keyword (bad). Take the time to go back through your content and weave in the right focused keyword.

Inaccurate SEO Knowledge

Be careful about what you read on the internet and watch article dates. Until you are confident with your SEO knowledge, refrain from optimizing your pages and posts. Take the time to learn best practices. And don’t try something unless you have a solid grasp of the tactic and the positive or negative ramifications that may result.

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