Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing
EduBridge Learning Pvt. Ltd.
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Digital marketing has multiple definitions. To some it is entertainment, to some, it’s a way of communication. But today Digital marketing has evolved as a powerful tool for marketers and brands. Thanks to Digitization, marketing and sales have become so glamorous. Digital marketing is a vast topic and today through this blog we intend to give you a ready reckoner on what is digital marketing, how it has evolved as an important tool, and what all comes under it.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is all about driving communication, acquiring brand visibility, and marketing products/services to the right target audience with the use of desktops, laptops, mobiles, or smart TV. The only difference is how creatively the brands package their communication.
Advantages of digital marketing
Types of Digital Marketing
It is the kind of marketing model where advertisers can promote and sell their products/services through affiliate marketers or third-party publishers. These third-party publishers help publishers to generate leads and in return, the affiliates get compensated by the publishers. In Affiliate marketing, there are categories like:
Advantages of Affiliate marketing:
Content marketing empowers brands and businesses to effectively communicate their message through various formats like blogs, videos, thought leadership articles, and case studies.
Advantages of Content Marketing:
E-mail marketing allows you to create highly personalized content and reach out to specific customers who have subscribed to your marketing messages.
Advantages of E-Mail Marketing:
Influencer marketing allows brands to reach specific audiences through social media ambassadors who are popular on such platforms. Through influencer marketing, one can drive paid or sponsored posts.
A targeted approach where marketers can reach out to consumers on their smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.
Advantages of Mobile Marketing:
With people getting obsessed with digital mediums, marketing has undergone a dynamic change. For brands it's not just about sales. It is all about creating personalized experiences that grab the attention of the customers. Innovation, attraction, and customizations are some of the attributes that brands include in their marketing mix. Digital marketing has gained popularity in a quick span as it creates a sense of excitement among the audiences and has a high recall value.
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