Ultimate Guide for Cemetery Grants in Victoria, Australia

Ultimate Guide for Cemetery Grants in Victoria, Australia

Most people think of cemeteries and graveyards as merely a location where the remains of their loved ones are buried. Yet, those attending a cemetery or graveyard understand the considerable amount of care, attention to detail, and rehabilitation one requires. Undoubtedly this means a significant amount of money will at some point be the means to a solution to an unforecasted problem. Victoria is one of the states in Australia that recognised this and launched Cemetery Grants for cemeteries in Victoria. This is a guide to cemetery grants in Victoria from Chronicle for all Victorian cemeteries.

Some of the larger cemeteries can be comfortably self-funding and are, in most cases, extremely profitable businesses. However, many of the small to medium public cemeteries run by a group of dedicated volunteers (and Cemetery Trusts) often lack the finances to improve their area, hence the need for cemetery grants.

Government-backed financial assistance in the form of cemetery grants is created to assist public cemeteries and Cemetery Trusts in repairs, constructions, and physical (and digital) improvements for the benefit of the community.?

A Background on Cemetery Trusts in Victoria

Every public cemetery in the Great State of Victoria is managed by a selected group of individuals called a “Cemetery Trust.” All members of each trust are volunteers appointed by the Governor in Council, based on the recommendations of the Minister for Health.

In the purest sense, the role of a Cemetery Trust is to oversee the operations of their given cemeteries.

In Victoria, these trusts are classified into two classes:

Class A and Class B Cemetery Trusts.

Class A Cemetery Trusts manage large, and often multiple, cemeteries, while Class B Cemetery Trusts are in charge of small-to-medium-sized public cemeteries.

What You Need to Know About Victoria Cemetery Grants

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Australia’s Victorian government grants, specifically their cemetery grant program are offered twice a year. This allows individual public trusts the opportunity to meet one of the two deadlines; which is currently in both?November and March of each year.

What is the purpose of the cemetery grant?

According to the Department of Health, the cemetery grant, aims to?“enhance the delivery of cemetery services”?across Victoria, support the governance, maintain the infrastructure, sustain the volunteer workforce, and?invest in the local community.

Who can qualify for the cemetery grant?

Victoria’s cemetery grant is available for both Class A and Class B Cemetery Trusts. In other words, all?public cemeteries may apply, as long as they satisfy the eligibility requirements.

The State of Victoria knowingly recognises that Class B Cemetery Trusts have far less disposable income than Class A trusts. This is why the State of Victoria will prioritise all grant submissions based on need, rather than want. Meaning, Cemeteries; which direly need support more are prioritised over others.

Another consideration that Australia’s Victoria Health Department takes into account is the nature of the requests. For instance, urgent needs (those involving public safety) will take precedence over others.

How Much Funding Is Available In The Grant?

Cemeteries, based on their needs, will be granted funds depending on how much the cemetery requires in order to implement their proposed improvements; along with the number of State funds available.

It is important to note that occasionally, the state may approve?partial grants?rather than the full amount, depending on the state funds available and the nature of the applications from the Cemetery Trust.

What Kind Of Projects Can Be Funded?

Since Victoria Cemetery Grants are need-based and give priority to cemeteries with less funding, you can apply based on the following needs/concerns:

Public Safety.?Removal of items that may be a threat to public safety, such as walls.

  1. Tree Removal?is also one of the valid concerns that this cemetery grant hopes to address. However, tree removal may need additional approval from the local council or the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning.
  2. Repairs.?Enhance the cemetery’s function, like repairs involving roads, gates, fences, pathways, toilets, car parks, rotundas, walls, and storage sheds (or garages).
  3. Additional Burial Areas.?The establishment of new burial areas is also considered one of the grounds for the application.
  4. Equipment.?Grave covers, shoring equipment, watering systems, garden tools, lawnmowers, fuel, and poison are also included, as long as they contribute to the cemetery’s function.
  5. Computer Hardware.?Laptops, desktops, or printers for the cemetery staff to use in enhancing public cemetery service.
  6. Cemetery Software.?An up-and-coming trend in grant submissions is by utilising Victorian Government Grants for software, particularly cemetery management and mapping software.?Cemetery Trusts may ask for funding to cover the following costs:
  7. Cemetery Records Software.?The government-backed grant can be used for?cemetery software?over multiple years, especially for subscription-model software like Chronicle Cemetery Management Software.
  8. Cemetery Mapping Software and Surveying Services.?The DHHS also funds surveying services. The key benefit in utilising?digital cemetery?mapping services is that the cemeteries can have an accurate, real-world digital representation of their cemeteries, which the community can use to virtually navigate their public graves.
  9. Consulting Services.?Cemetery Trusts may apply for a strategic consulting grant, which may be used for funding future planning and design for cemeteries. Services for the analysis and improvement of messy?cemetery records and databases?may also be included here.

Ineligible Grants

?There are also applications considered ineligible by the State of Victoria. Ineligible grants are applications for financial provision for normal cemetery operations and certain kinds of repairs.

They include the following:

  1. Restoration and repairs of memorials
  2. Salary of trust employees
  3. Ground keeping or any form of ongoing cemetery maintenance

Additionally, the state does not provide reimbursements for funds spent in anticipation of the grant. Purchases, repairs, and any work specified on the application should commence?after?the state approves the funding, not before.

Successful Grant Approval: Beechworth Cemetery Trust

One good example of a successful grant application approval for cemetery software is the story of one of our members, Beechworth Cemetery Trust.

They applied for a grant to cover all of their expenses for cemetery records /digital cemetery mapping software (Chronicle), as well as strategic consulting services for their organising records and documents.

Fast forward the application process, Beechworth Cemetery Trust was able to obtain an approved grant. This enabled them to take care of all the necessary required changes; including receiving a 5-year Chronicle cemetery software contract.

With Chronicle, Beechworth has a cemetery mapping and records management rolled into one powerful yet easy-to-use software system; which they now use for better community service and engagement, and further growth.

Read more about Beechworth Cemetery’s Case Study on our website.

5 Easy Steps in Applying for the Victorian Cemetery Grant

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Victorian Government Grants Can Help Fund Future Cemetery Projects

A Cemetery Trust does a tremendous job in keeping a public cemetery up and running but being a team of volunteers, they can only do so much.

In Victoria, Trusts can apply for grants to help them fund projects, like new burial site construction, repairs, and even purchasing cemetery records software, as these projects help promote public safety, improve cemetery function, and offer better service to the public.

Whether it’s for new equipment, toilet repairs, or for records and mapping software to make your life easier, Victoria’s grant can help fund your vision for your community.

If you need any assistance or have any questions in regards to cemetery grants, do not hesitate to contact Chronicle. Our Australia Cemetery Consultant has been assisting Victoria Cemetery Trusts to get funded for their cemetery digitisation projects. Let us help by quickly working together in preparing the necessary documents; so your cemetery is fully equipped with the proper documents needed to get 100% approval for your software upgrade.

Resources: Victoria Cemetery Grants Guidelines”. health.vic.gov.au



