The ultimate example of Leading by Example
Paolo Papandrea
Operations Management | Six Sigma Green Belt | I keep Operations in order | Data Driven People Person
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
(Mark 16:15)
I believe that few people truly understand the meaning of "Lead by example."
Most of the leaders I have worked with would talk a big game about this concept but ultimately did not truly apply it.
Leading by example doesn't mean sitting down with your coachee for 30 minutes and telling them at the end, "Now that I've shown you how to do it, do it yourself."
Leading by example is a full-time job
If simply telling others what to do to achieve the desired results were enough, many companies would be efficient and thriving in their markets.
Think back to your childhood. I know that if you're in a leadership position, it's probably been a long time. But if you make an effort, I'm sure you'll find valid examples, both positive and negative.
How did you develop certain hobbies or passions? Did someone come and tell you to be passionate about something after briefly explaining what it was?
There's a good chance that the things you're passionate about were passed down to you by someone in your family. An aunt, grandfather, or your parents. Someone who passed on their excitement to you.
You saw them spend hours and hours doing what they were passionate about. You asked them questions, and they took you along with them and showed you how it's done.
Even Jesus applied the same rule.
Before sending his disciples into the world, he himself preached, taking them with him.
It took the entire Gospel before Jesus withdrew from them and sent them to preach to the world.
It was a gradual process, not without ups and downs.
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
Imagine if after inviting Simon Peter and Andrew, and subsequently the other disciples, to follow him and after making this promise to them, Jesus had immediately sent them out to preach.
How do you think that would have gone? How many of them would have really gone? And with what results?
Before sending them into the world, Jesus took them with him, up and down Galilee.
He preached, healed, performed miracles, taught.
And when teachings came in the form of parables, he explained their meaning to them on the side.
Only after all this did Jesus gather them and assign them their mission, but he still didn't send them out into the world. He continued to take them around with him until the day he was arrested.
And only then did his disciples go out to preach autonomously.
So, literally, Jesus never stopped leading by example.
And that's the example you should follow with your team.
When was the moment you stopped leading by example because you became too busy?