"Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid". ~ John Wayne
[access your email cheat sheet here: - you're welcome]
It's an excellent observation, isn't it?
Here's another most excellent observation...
There's a helluva lot of marketers out there making email-marketing tougher than it need be.
Am I calling these marketers stupid?
I am.
Listen Chief...
...I'm not saying email marketing isn't tough.
It is tough.
And if you're a sensitive-little-snowflake or you are taking medication for a heart-related issue, then I strongly advise against you pursuing email-marketing.
But, assuming you're in good health, there's only one other factor that will determine if email-marketing will be too tough for your-righteous-self.
And that is this:
If you're not the brightest crayon in the pack, email-marketing will be extremely tough for you.
But you're one of my subscribers.
And nearly all my subscribers (some slip through the cracks) are highly intelligent individuals, so I don't see this being a problem for you.
That said, I still wanna give you a little list of steps to make damn sure your email-marketing doesn't get any tougher than it should.
Check it out:
(1) Have a good product or service your market wants (Screw that part up, nothing will work)
(2) Offer your market something free to "get them in the door", and collect their email-address (VERY important part right there)
(3) Send regular emails (one per day is good, if you're doing it the "Maverick's way") selling your product or service.
(4) Grow your list of subscribers
(5) Keep opening and reading The Email Marketing Maverick's emails and implement all that thou readeth
What did I hear you say?
You say that list is all well and good Kelvin, but how do you increase sales?
It's a good question, Pookie.
But, I have already answered that question in the list I just gave you.
Let me give you a clue:
It ain't step (1), (2) or step (3).
It isn't step (4) either!
Kelvin Dorsey ~Email Marketing Maverick
Oh, the email cheat-sheet. If you would like that, proceed here: