The Ultimate Cure
Ok, it’s only a few weeks until the election… so today we’re talk about who I am voting for and why.
HA! We will absolutely NOT be talking politics on these airwaves.
But honestly, it’s a crazy time in the world. I am so unbelievably uninformed.
Hey ChatGPT, “what are the top 5 issues going on in the world - make them short bullets”:
That’s exactly what she wrote back to my question. Interesting. Some things never change.
Anyways, we’re not here today to solve world hunger or climate change.
I’m here to remind how fucking awesome sports are.
Why?? Because sports are the perfect distraction to those bullets that ChatGPT sent over describing how the world is in shambles.
Do I wish I was more informed on what the hell was going on? Yeah, sure.
Would I trade it for the useless knowledge of knowing the name of each player and where they attended college from 75% of NFL rosters? Nah, wouldn’t change a thing. It makes me a happy camper (and a decent gambler).
The Turkey Table
Thanksgiving is coming up. Top tier holiday.
Do you want to ruin it by talking about the election? Or would you rather have some fun and chirp your sisters about how awful their fantasy football rosters are?
My dinner table will be a very healthy debate about whether Drake Maye is the guy or not. He, of course, is.
Our family fantasy football league is just as high of stakes as who our next president of The United States will be.
The loser has to ski down our local ski mountain (shoutout Sunday River) in a bathing suit in below freezing temperatures. Terrifying.
Here’s the thing… sports don’t ask for much.
They just need a few hours of your time and a little emotional investment. Potentially a monetary investment as well if you like to gamble, like I do, follow me on Twitter for locks.
In return, you get the highs, the lows, the suspense, and the satisfaction of screaming at your TV when the ref blows a call. It's perfect.
It’s the world where bad days turn into miracle comebacks.
Like how the hell could anyone ever make Mondays a positive thing? Insert Monday Night Football.
It’s the only place where a 6’6" dude named Travis Kelce dating Taylor Swift is a major storyline, and we’re all pretending like it’s the most important cultural event happening right now.
Sports are a happy place.
You can ignore the news for a few hours and focus on something as simple as, "Will Kyle Pitts ever be a good consistent fantasy option with all that talent?" or "Will Joel Embiid ever win a ring?".
All the crazy world issues fade away. For better or for worse.
So sure, I could read more about geopolitical conflicts or study up on the economic instability in America.
But sports? Sports are where I find the joy.
They keep me sane when everything else feels like it's on fire. They’re the one place where, win or lose, you can always come back next week and start fresh.
Besides the Patriots right now. We are a DUMPSTER FIRE.
That’s why, no matter how crazy the world gets, you’ll always find me here - planted on the couch on a Sunday watching Scott Hanson run me through “seven hours of commercial free football”.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So yeah, make sure you get out and vote this season… for the FedEx Air and Ground NFL Player of the Week.