The Ultimate Call for a CDL Driver
Robert Allen Tillinghast, jr.
Husband , Father, and God Fearing American
As a CDL Driver The Most Highest Calling is Safety. Its Not Making Money, Impressing Some Stuff Shirt in the office. Its safety.
In Twenty Years of Driving , I have Obtained a Safety Record few could Compare to. Its by Gods Grace and Diligence I have this Record. Like I Said above, Its Safety. Period. So, Lets Talk about what is at stake.
A Short True Story { This Happened to a Dear Friend of Mine. I am Withholding Names for Privacy.
{ My friends Father and Mother and Sister were Killed when a Semi crossed the Center line and Hit Their Car HEAD ON !!!!!
Two Months Later His soon to be Bride was Killed by a Dump Truck that Crossed the Center line. }
My Friend lost nighty percent of Everyone He ever Loved in the Blink of an Eye. Can You Imagine? How Intense that Pain would be? My Friend is Super Human and Has the Good Lord to Comfort Him, That is the Only Reason He can Still form words today.
So Why do I tell You this Story? Simple !!!1 There is a Real World cost to Your Actions behind the Wheel of a Large Truck. Safety has to Be Job one!!!!!! Just looking away from the Job for a second can cause Death and Unspeakable Pain to Others and Yourself.
Roger Miller, One Time sang a Song called " King of the Road". That is what the CDL Driver is. The King of The Road. We need to Stay ever Diligent and Safe to Earn the Title " King of the Road". If You do not, You are just a " Steering Wheel Holder" , and Death and Pain Untold could lay around the next bend.
May God Bless all Who Read this and Please stay safe out there.
{ This Writer has Been Driving a CDL Truck for Over Twenty Years with a Spotless Safety Record. This is not a work of Fiction. This was Written for the Sole Purpose to Remind Us all what is at stake when Driving a CDL truck. This can Be shared , copied and Distributed as Anyone can see fit. Please feel free to share it} - Robert A Tillinghast,jr.
{ This is Published in Honor of My Dear Friend and in Honor to the Memory of His Loved Ones Lost. I Pray this Helps in Some Small way towards the Healing Process.} - Robert .