The Ultimate All-in-One
On January 4, 2018, I wrote that smartphones perform the functions of other electronic products; however, the phones do not acquire the forms of these devices. Yet, the "form" is purposeful and essential for handling and operating those devices. Therefore, smartphone users may have a harder time handling and operating the phones for these functions.
I gave an example using the a traditional still camera. That made me think about what other products do smartphones emulate. Here is an initial list of 50 things. I am interested in your impressions and welcome any additions. The basic question is for what other products do smartphones with the right apps substitute:
address book, alarm clock, audio recorder, audio player, board games, books, calculator, camcorder, camera, cash register, CD player, clock, compass, credit card, dictation machine, DVD player, flashlight, GPS handheld and car, laptop, letters, maps, microscope, mirror, monocular, MP3 player, musical instruments, newspaper, note paper, organizer, playing cards, point & shoot camera, radio, reference books, remote control, Rolodex, scanner, security camera, security monitor, shopping list, slides, telephone, telescope, television, thermometer, travel planner, video games, walkie-talkie, wrist watch, webcam, word games. #Holdware