Ultimate 3D model Optimization Technology will help you

Ultimate 3D model Optimization Technology will help you

low.3D's revolutionary reducing technology makes it possible for manufacturing companies to bring complete product ranges to life on the internet - with no re-modelling required. This unique technology is allowing companies to utilize existing CAD-data for 3D product presentations or for virtual training scenarios.

low.3D Ultimate is a software specially developed to meet needs Industrial Designers within the manufacturing industry. By using low.3D designer can evaluate the design concept in real time. Designers can evaluate different design alternatives and freely rotate the product together as well zoom in on specific details. This can all be accomplished with the same visual quality that today is realized with the assistance of renderings.

There's no parameters tuning necessary to process highly optimized reduction algorithms. This significantly reduces 3D file size and download time. It offers support for the glTF format. low.3D will bring your products to life in the real-time visualization directly from existing CAD-data.

You will discover a unique option - "Quality reduction", which allows you to use all the capacity of our technology to achieve the best results. You get a low-poly model that retains the visual fidelity of a high-poly model. low.3D Ultimate saves time of a highly-paid specialist, who creates industrial or architectural real-time presentations, or builds 3D models for industrial systems of virtual reality.

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