Ulcerative Colitis (Grahani): Know The Natural Herbs and Ayurvedic Tips.

Ulcerative Colitis (Grahani): Know The Natural Herbs and Ayurvedic Tips.

What is? Ulcerative Colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disorder that causes irritation, inflammation, and ulcers in the lining of the large intestine. It is usually chronic and involves tiny open sores in the large intestine. There occurs inflammation, especially in large intestines.? It is an auto-immune disorder where the body’s defense mechanism attacks healthy cells.

As per Ayurveda, the digestive system is known as ‘Agni’. The functions of the digestive system are

  1. Absorption of nutrients
  2. Assimilation of food particles

Ulcerative colitis is connected to the imbalance of Pitta Dosha and Vata Dosha.

When there is a malfunction of the system then it leads to inadequate digestion which results in the accumulation of AMA ( toxic substances) in the body. These toxins are absorbed and stored in the body which affects the secretion of various digestive juices and causes an impaired digestive metabolism.?

The Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

The signs and symptoms of this digestive disorder often worsen with time.?

Initially the person experiences:?

  1. Abdominal cramps
  2. Bleeding from rectum?
  3. Nausea
  4. Weight loss
  5. Burning sensation in the abdomen
  6. Diarrhea?

After a while, ulcerative colitis Symptoms may be the following:

  1. Severe cramps
  2. Skin rashes
  3. Blood, pus, or mucous in bowel movements
  4. Loss of fluids and nutrients
  5. Sudden urge to excrete
  6. Loss of appetite
  7. Pain while passing stools?

The Factors or Risk Factors of Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis causes can be any, but majorly the risk factors are:

  1. The immune system plays a vital role in the malfunction of the digestive system.?
  2. Lack of enough water leads to dehydration in the body.?
  3. A poor diet that contains processed food and junk food items also disturbs digestion & metabolism.?
  4. Lack of fibrous diet.?
  5. Insufficient nutrient intake from juices and fruits.?

Types of Ulcerative Colitis

The types of ulcerative colitis depend upon the affected part of the body. The five different types of ulcerative colitis are:?

  1. Ulcerative proctitis: The affected part here is just the rectum. It occurs in a mild state and the most common sign of this type is rectal bleeding.?
  2. Proctosigmoiditis: If this type is affecting an individual then the person experiences, bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and pain in the stomach region. The affected part is the rectum and lower end of the colon.?
  3. Left-sided colitis: The third type is the inflammation in the rectum and left side of the colon as the name suggests.? The signs are pain in the abdominal region, diarrhea, and in a few cases weight loss.?
  4. Pancolitis: Here the entire colon is affected. The symptoms remain the same as that are mentioned in the above types.??
  5. Acute severe ulcerative colitis: This type is a rare form and it usually results in serious complications affecting the entire colon and causing excruciating pain, bleeding, fever and diarrhea.?

Complications of Ulcerative colitis

If proper and timely treatment is not taken, then the possible complications can be:?

  1. Severe bleeding and dehydration
  2. Perforated colon & narrowing of the colon
  3. Inflammation of skin
  4. Liver/ kidney disorders
  5. Colon cancer

The complications can be prevented by taking timely treatment. When a proper diagnosis is done, and the triggers are reduced; the digestive system can be protected and healed.?

Ulcerative colitis (Grahini) Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is an ancient science that deals with a disorder with a purely natural approach. Ayurveda focuses to remove the root cause of the disease and gives no side effects.

As we know with the increase in technological advancement, there is a major breakthrough in the medical field too. Everything has become online, and virtual. Even Ayurvedic online consultation is available these days. You can book your ayurvedic online consultation very easily by going to the website of renowned clinics.?

Some of the best herbs and ayurvedic tips are mentioned by the experts of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. These suggestions will surely help you in the ayurvedic treatment for ulcerative colitis.?

Ayurvedic treatment for ulcerative Colitis: The treatment involves natural herbs, changes in diet, and modifications in lifestyle. The following section includes the herbs and tips for the ayurvedic treatment of ulcerative colitis.?

Incredible Herbs Which Are Good For Ulcerative Colitis

Some of the cooling herbs which are considered remarkable in Ulcerative colitis ayurvedic treatment which can easily be used to, lower the inflammation are:?

  1. Bael (Aegle marmelos): The fruit has various healing properties. This herb has a wonderful solution and helps in healing ulcers and repairing cell damage. It promotes the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Moreover, this herb is known to reduce swelling and soothes the membranes of the colon & rectum.
  2. Picrorhiza Kurroa (Kutki): This herb has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-ulcer properties. The proper amount of dosage and the right amount helps to fight the symptoms of Ulcerative colitis. Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn): It is the traditional remedy for various types of inflammatory bowel disorders. It has antioxidative & anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing inflammation of the mucosal ulcers on the inner lining of the intestine and also protect the mucosa from oxidative damage.?
  3. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra): It is also known as licorice, and has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It decreases the chances of sepsis or infection in the digestive tract. By neutralizing the acid in the stomach, it helps prevent ulcers in the intestinal mucosa.?
  4. Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia): The giloy is known to calm the Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha and is considered the best herb for ulcerative colitis ayurvedic treatment. The leaves of this herb are anti-inflammatory and intensely affect digestive functions. It also helps with the other symptoms of ulcerative colitis like diarrhea & dysentery.?

By forming a protective covering along the digestive tract, it prevents ulcers in the intestines.

5. Turmeric (Curcumin): The common compound of turmeric is curcumin. It is known to decrease inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It also has the ability to decrease cytokines and interleukins which are associated with inflammatory bowel disorders.?

6. Vaividanga (Embelia ribes): It helps with inflammation and ulceration. It has antioxidant potential which prevents the deterioration of the musical lining. Not only is helps with oxidative damage, but it also has anti-carcinogenic properties which protect the body from colon and rectum cancer.

7. Indian Gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica): The Amla helps in regularizing bowel movement and also it is high in fiber. By allowing more nutrient absorption, it helps with improving digestion. Moreover, it also stimulates the secretion of gastric juices.?

Ayurvedic Tips For Healing Ulcerative Colitis

The tips are easy and can be followed with minimal effort. The below-listed tips involve dietary modifications and changes in lifestyle which will help in fighting the disorder and also will help in building up immunity. Follow them to live a disease-free and fit life.?

  1. Diet plays a major role in enhancing as well as improving the functions of the digestive system. Have fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Try to add juices and fresh soups.?
  2. Start adding homemade butter and buttermilk to your daily meal routine. You can also add Sendha Namak to it.?
  3. Include cow’s desi ghee in your daily routine. It is highly beneficial as it helps with easy and proper digestion.?
  4. Sprouts are the best remedy as it provides proper nutrition to the body. The sprouts of radish are helpful in providing the required elements to the body. It can also be taken in the form of salads.?
  5. Instead of processed sugar and salt, add rock sugar and rock salt to your diet.?
  6. Add nuts to your daily routine, but before, consuming them, make sure they are soaked overnight.?
  7. Do not have processed food items and junk food in your diet. They will be toxic to the body as they do not provide nutrition to the body and will result in malfunctioning of the digestive system.?
  8. Another thing that can be done to maintain the metabolism is to follow an active routine. Perform walking/jogging and mild workouts which will help in proper blood circulation in the body eventually helping to improve the functions of the digestive tract.?
  9. For the stress part, yoga and meditation are the best. Yoga will help in decreasing physical and mental tension. Meditation, on the other hand, helps rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.?

These herbs will be beneficial to you if you are under the proper guidance of the experts. The ulcerative colitis ayurvedic treatment can only be successful when the experts are taken into the consideration.?

They can only guide the patient wisely and will study the medical history before prescribing the medicines and starting with ulcerative colitis ayurvedic treatment.

So, choose wisely, and before something serious happens take the guidance of Ayurvedic professionals. For more consult the experts and live a peaceful life.

Read more at: https://vocal.media/lifehack/ulcerative-colitis-grahani-know-the-natural-herbs-and-ayurvedic-tips


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