UK's Life Principles

I have chosen to redirect my life from that kind of person that prioritized money, fame, properties, working on a successful career, and the like; to that kind of person that’s able to create an impact on others’ lives. I used to be the kind of person that believed that anything that has nothing to benefit me then it’s out of my bucket list, and none of my business. I participate or collaborate or help someone only after working on my accounting math – returns on the activity should exceed the cost spent on the activity. That was me. Some of the misconceptions about one’s life purpose are that it has to be based on a person’s status, wealth, authority, or position attained. It sang into my heart like a song that tops the Billboard 100. That’s how I used to hear the phrase money is everything in life. “A successful person has money and can live all the life they wanted. However, over the years I have been following the life stories of people whom society defines as successful. Almost all of them are wealthy, I found that a lot of people who have abundant wealth, fame, power, beautiful or handsome spouses, etc., still had a feeling of emptiness, something missing in their lives. This provoked my thought and got me started to wonder whether success and happiness cannot dine on the same table. However, I know only a few successful people have proven that to be possible. This is because they have a unique definition of a purposeful life.

If I have a good education, I would be able to get a good job, build a career, make good money, and live a good life – a good life is a happy life. What’s life? When you gain the whole world and lose your soul (Matthew 16:26.) A question that struck me the first time I got lured by a friend to go to church. That evening, I went home, and reread the verse and that verse influenced my entire purpose in life. A year later, I chose to defer and redefined a purposeful life based on that which brings fulfillment to my soul, not wealth, not power, and not any material in life. Hugo Huijer, a Dutch, Founder of Tracking Happiness, in one of his studies, and weekly inspiring stories defined a purposeful life: “a purposeful life is when you are moving towards a big goal in your life that aligns with your values and passions and makes you happy.” Whether I would have chosen to define my purposeful life with either of the two definitions above, certainly an action plan is common in both - to become successful.

Although this doesn’t come easily, I shape my life into what I call the UK’s principle. It’s not like the United Kingdom, it’s my full name’s initials. UK’s principles are made up of my life principles which I use as a guide to think and make life decisions.

First is, Success. What success means to me? A key word in discussing one’s purpose in life. I have defined success as the desired result I get when living my purposeful life. At work, I ask myself the question - is donating my used books through the company’s books drive to the children in public schools in Des Moines bring me a sense of satisfaction? And would it impact the lives of parents and children in the Des Moines community? Yes. That’s what success is all about to me, by extension, that’s what a life with purpose is to me. I woke up every morning, go to school, go to work full-time because I knew I have to capacitate myself to be able to bring the change I want to see for myself, my family, my friends, and my community. “If you know what you are working towards and what you are doing that is a success” (Strangers’ Secret by Earl Nightingale).

Next on my list is Focus. One thing my life has been proud of was being able to identify my life purpose. To me, this is one of the most valuable benefits of examining a life of purpose. My focus in life is like the blueprint for my actions and decisions. Earl Nightingale in his message on the Strangers’ Secret further says that the man is different from a pig because of his mind and everything else can be found in a pig. I use my mind to stay focused and use my focus to determine what, why, when, and where I am going to invest my time, energy, money, and talents.

A very important one I want to mention here is Passion and the sense of satisfaction. According to Merriam-Webster, “passion” refers to a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement either for something or about doing something. Although my definition of this is slightly different, well, that’s my key motivator to living. Sometimes, friends ask me “why do you work and end up spending on people, sometimes strangers instead of on the things that should make you happy? Like renting or buying a nice place, a good car, a vacation, seeing a movie in the theater, etc. “you so young man!” Tamba, a close friend exclaimed. “Why do you suppose that? I asked him while relaxing on the couch in his place. I continued before he could say a word, “well, conversely if I do all of those things you mentioned while I am quite aware of other people who could use that for food, school purposes, pay medical bills which could impact them for life. The smile that a bowl of Mac and Cheese brings out from the face of a hungry kid brings me more satisfaction than buying a new car.

Finally, When I am fulfilled: Fulfillment in life comes by maintaining a good relationship with your deity. For me, anything I identify would affect this relationship I cut it off and replace it with something that maintains or improve my relationship with God. How do I do this? Well, I do that by always going for righteousness. I measure my daily life dealings to righteousness.

My life has been so guided by these principles. I know when I am failing and when I am succeeding because I have a unique definition of success. I have set goals and mapped objectives to reach those goals, I can measure my goals and that helps me determine the next steps. This goes like a planned activity because I have a sense of direction and focus and I feel motivated to do the things I do every day because the passion I have for them brings satisfaction and a fulfilling life, a life with purpose.

You said it all. That's the true definition of success. It's not about your fame, the money you have etc. It concerns about your impact in the society


