Anthony (Tony) Rogers MSc
Experienced medical industry professional integrating my considerable experience and expertise to ensure customers maximise the benefits of our products.
Yesterday saw the delivery of the UK's first Samsung OMNITOM Mobile CT Scanner to my customers at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. The machine will be installed and commissioned this week and will go in to action shortly.
This unique unit is destined to deliver high quality Head CT scanning directly to the patient's bedside on the Neuro Critical Care Unit (NCCU) at the hospital and will reduce the need for patient journeys to the static CT scanners within the Trust.
The Omnitom can perform rapid16 slice scans, including both CT Angiography and CT Perfusion, of the highest image quality. The equipment features advanced 3D and multiplanar reconstruction as well as artifact correction. As the Omnitom has an ultra small footprint it can be kept immediately to hand in the corridor of the NCCU.
The Omnitom gets its name from its unique "omni-wheel" configuration. This stunning piece of design allows amazing maneuverability in any direction and at any angle which is especially useful in small spaces such as at an ITU bedside. OmniTom Product Video | NeuroLogica
As the unit is totally mobile it can easily be moved to other areas of the hospital in much the same way as a mobile X-ray system. This feature allows the Omnitom to be taken and used for general Paediatric imaging in other areas, as well as the possibility to image head trauma in the Emergency Room.