UKREiiF- the Commonplace round up
It’s been a week since we visited one of the UK’s biggest levelling up and real estate events:?UKREiiF, so we’re here to share our highlights and favourite learnings from those jam-packed three days.
UKREiiF (The UK’s Real Estate investment and infrastructure forum) brought together the public and private sector – with delegates from every major UK?region attending – alongside Government, developers, inventors, housebuilders, tech experts and more. While manning our own stand, we had the chance to talk to a number of industry leaders, browse some very interesting booths (while picking up a few freebies of course), and maxing out our step counts trying to catch all fringe events happening across Leeds.
Check out our (brief) UKREiiF rundown as well our team’s favourite moments from the event!
My highlight was probably dinner with Inward Investment team at Leicester City Council, or watching Lauryn do her thang at our panel event - Amy Hazelhurst, Business Development Manager
Day 1 at UKREiiF- time to explore!
Day one was PACKED, but we’ve still pulled together some bite-sized snapshots of our favourite moments there. We also want to give a massive thank you to everyone who stopped by stand D22 and grabbed a free pen!
My highlight was actually the train up to Leeds. I sat opposite a senior Partner at Calfordseaden and managed to do a demo on the train up! The funniest part was when they suddenly paused me and said, ' Ahmed, I’m about to lose you (as we started to go through a tunnel) but I was sitting opposite him! -?Ahmed Khan, Head of Private?
Day 2 at UKREiiF- Talks, walks and connections
What were my highlights? Definitely listening to the great Commonplace team do our thing at the panel on the last day. Also listening to many local authorities saying how engagement is key to them. Personally, it was also great to meet with the team in person for a number of days - Mark Holleron, Business Development Manager
Now for Day 2's highlights!
I loved how much focus was given to bringing communities on the journey of regeneration, community engagement and value of partnerships to ensure better places are built. Also Victoria Hills from RTPI's jokes about the Levelling Up Bill (LUB) - I can't stop lubbing you - Jen Miller, VP Customer Experience
Day 3- Commonplace Roundtable event
“My highlights were the industry talks from different regions of the UK and how they talked about improving all areas of the country, not just London. There were also a ton of fun fringe events where we could meet new contacts and spend quality time with colleagues.” - Amish Patel
Day 3 was the day we’d been waiting for- our very own roundtable:?Engagement and community data best practices: using partnerships to achieve governmental white paper goals. We gathered any expert panel, including:
Jen Miller:?VP Customer Experience Commonplace
Lauryn Brown:?Development Director Commonplace
Chris Hogwood:?Managing Director?Landsec
Adam Brannen, MRTPI:?Head of Regeneration?Leeds City Council
Leigh Bramall:?Director?Counter Context Ltd
Jeff Scales:?Head of Services North?Locality
We answered what we saw as the main questions:?how?to engage communities,?why?community engagement is so pivotal, as well as the data and?what?can be done to unlock the voices of those who may not be part of the discussion in the first place. For us, Community engagement and building upon transparent meaningful conversations are key to successful projects.
My highlights were a range of positive comments that Commonplace got - from Rob Krzysowski (Haringey council) speaking about the development which has come about in the local areas due to using the engagement platform, and our panel discussion. As well as Jenna Frudd (Willmot Dixon) being really interested and enthusiastic about our platform and the tools we have as well as working with us in the future! Built Environment Leaders Group event and the RLB network social with Mark Beaver and team - Lauryn Brown, Development Director?
Has your interest been piqued by our roundtable discussion? We’re always happy to talk in GREAT detail about how a clear engagement and communication strategy can bring your projects to the next level. Just click below and a member of our team will be back to you ASAP.