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The US stranglehold over the Eurasian land mass emanating from its 1991 victory over the USSR by the US and vassals called NATO, the shepherding in of the CIA agent Yeltsin as the Russian leader, and their ally China which the US controlled as their largest customer was one of the greatest geopolitical victories in all of history.?For the first time in world history one nation ruled over all the others in the entire globe through the US control mechanisms as the United Nations which the US owned, NATO where the US was ruler, the IMF, BIS, World Bank, etc. as their control mechanisms for this worldwide dictatorship.?The US so-called democracies or republics were merely fronts for the deep state powers behind the scenes who pulled the strings of their political marionettes as Biden, Pelosi and Schumer.?The US dollar was the world's currency which all other currencies for all nations was convertible into under the SWIFT-CHIPS mechanism and world trade was just about impossible unless you used SWIFT-CHIPS.?A dollar had to be behind almost all transactions.??Its military was the most advanced as demonstrated in Iraq War One.?How this has unraveled so quickly and dramatically demonstrates the principle that pride goeth before the fall (Proverbs 16:18).??The following essay only covers a small portion of this story.
The Ukraine means nothing to the US except as cannon fodder to regain control of the Eurasian land mass which it had effectively lost.??The Anglo-Saxons operate on the premise that control of the Eurasian land mass is control of the world.??This is outlined in the next quote taken from a book by President Donald J. Trump's military advisor Douglas MacGregor who was a former US Army Colonel who in 2020 was nominated to be?Ambassador to Germany but was blocked in the Senate and then was nominated to be Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense.?MacGregor is just spouting Anglo-Saxon policy.
"The United States must prevent "the emergence of a single bloc or Empire from dominating the great Eurasian landmass.?Domination of the Eurasian land mass by any one power or one alliance should be a permanent red line in US foreign or defense policy--a red line that both the American people and American allies on or near the Eurasian landmass can enthusiastically support."
This principle was the sole visible source of World War One, World War Two and the present conflict.?The US was losing Germany, and hence Euroland or the EU, and Russia and China, or the whole Eurasian land mass and the US moved to regain the initiative by ordering the Ukrainians to shell the Donbas.?The US will go to World War Three to stop Russia, China and Germany combining in the Eurasian land mass.?Nord Stream Two was the last straw as Germany and Russia were moving together with China.?The US won back Germany as the first step and Germany blamed Russia for the invasion of the Ukraine to protect their Russian citizens in the Donbas.??Germany acted as a dumb horse wearing blinders as they did in their invasion of Russia.
Here is Mackinder as the source:
The?Heartland?lay at the centre of the world island, stretching from the?Volga?to the?Yangtze?and from the?Himalayas?to the?Arctic. Mackinder's Heartland was the area then ruled by the?Russian Empire?and after that by the?Soviet Union, minus the?Kamchatka Peninsula?region, which is located in the easternmost part of Russia, near the Aleutian Islands and Kurile islands.
Strategic importance of Eastern Europe
Later, in 1919, Mackinder summarised his theory thus:
Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island commands the world.
— Mackinder,?Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 150
East Europe is the Ukraine.?While this?Mackinder premise on the surface is correct, it is actually in the control of the world central banking system where the real world control exists as explained in the next link but this will not be our topic of this essay as it has already been covered in the link.?The Rothschild control of the world's central banks was cemented at the Battle of Waterloo.?Napoleon understood completely that control of the French Central Bank by "independent" officials as is universally advocated even today was only a subterfuge of giving control of France to the financiers and he intended to control the French Central Bank.?That made him the enemy of the Rothschild family who financed his end and James Rothschild bribed Marshal Grouchy to throw the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 to leave nothing to chance.?Rothschild capital grew from about a half a million pounds in March, 1815 to 1,772,000 pounds in 1817.?You can multiply that by a hundred times to obtain today's pound's value and you would probably be quite short as most inflation gauges as in the US are woefully understated.??Two or three hundred times in the US is more like it and though I have not studied the pound I would think that they used the same fraudulent techniques.
Now, let's consider this now only by the geopolitical thread.?Germany, France and Russia agreed on the Minsk process but the US ordered the Ukraine not to comply.??Yet Germany continued to move toward Russia on Nord Stream Two so the US ordered the Ukraine to shell the Russian civilians in the Donbas killing from 2014 15,000 Russian civilians.?Note that the Maidan revolution illegally started this off by overthrowing the pro-Russian government in the Ukraine under the plan of Brzezinski to create a new Afghanistan for Russia.?This would force Germany away from Russia but Russia merely held the Crimea under lease and supported the Donbas and Luhansk.??Brzezinski had expected a Russian movement of troops into the Ukraine as in the case of Afghanistan and has now happened based on the extreme provocation of massively shelling the Donbas.
Brzezinski Interview | David N. Gibbs
It did not work.??Brzezinski moved on to Syria to destroy Russia by creating a natural gas pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe of their natural gas to destroy the Russian natural gas market in Europe which would have ended German dependence on Russia.?Russia intervenes at low cost with their military in Syria and blocks it.?Brzezinski gives up the ghost.
The United States is now desperate as Russia has become a massive military power sealing its air space with advanced missile defenses with a totally modernized military rebuilt since 2000.??And Germany continued to move closer to Russia.?So the US orders the Ukraine to step up the artillery bombardment of the Donbas in early February of this year to kill as many of the Russians there as possible to force Russia to intervene with an invasion of troops that horrified Germany as planned who broke with Russia which is exactly what the US wanted.?It must be remembered that from the Dnieper East has always been Russia and was merged by Stalin after World War Two with what is now the western Ukraine taking it away from Poland and giving Poland the German areas to its west:
In contrast to the lands awarded to the restored?Polish state?by the?Treaty of Versailles, the territories lost by Germany after World War II were either almost exclusively inhabited by Germans before 1945 (the bulk of?East Prussia, the bulk of?Lower Silesia,?Farther Pomerania, and the parts of?Western Pomerania,?Lusatia?and?Neumark?awarded to Poland) or mixed German-Polish with a German majority (Posen-West Prussia?Border March,?Lauenburg and Bütow Land, the southern and western rim of?East Prussia,?Ermland, West?Upper Silesia, and the part of?Lower Silesia?east of the?Oder). The German population of the territories that had not fled in 1945?was expropriated and expelled, forming the majority of the Germans?expelled from Eastern Europe.
This was a clever move by Stalin as the Prussian Officer Corps since before Frederick the Great had their estates here awarded for their military valor and by taking away these German areas as East Prussia Stalin broke the back of the German Army as without their revenue producing estates furnishing the income to the Prussian German Officer Corps the future German Army as present salaries of the western armies are not high enough to attract talent.??The Prussian officers' children became industrialists, bankers, etc.??In the US President Donald Trump was shocked that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley made less that $200,000.00 a year yet commanded a budget of 801 billion dollars.??That is why the US Army is just about worthless as seen in their performance in Afghanistan.?Other than as a DIA-CIA heroin operation, nothing else mattered.??
This happened to the Russian Army of the Tsar which was staffed by the aristocracy for when the Tsar freed the serfs it destroyed their income and created a landless proletariat who had no where to go who were appealed to by Lenin offering them the land of the aristocrats for their support.?Of course, Lenin had no intention of giving them the land intending to set up state farms forcing industrialized agriculture based on communist incentives which made Russia an importer of wheat.?Russia today is a massive exporter of wheat under a free market.
This happened in England somewhat differently in what they called the Enclosure Movement which threw the landless peasants into the cities forced into squalid factory jobs described by Charles Dickens in his novels where working conditions were very unhealthy.?Coal was used for fuel creating the London fog and leading to premature deaths of the city dwellers.?Massive diseases also emanated by horse droppings and a general lack of sanitation such as small pox, diphtheria, etc..?The motive of the aristos or aristocrats was to gain more profit from the land by tending sheep for the woolen industry than by growing crops.?Hence, England would have starved to death in World War One and Two if the U-Boats had been more successful which is a very good argument for national self-sufficiency.?Here is how the famous Thomas Moore described it below.?This could not happen under Biblical law where the land of Canaan was divided equally between the over 600,000 man army of the Israelites as they conquered Canaan, and after that all land that was sold returned to the original owner at the Jubilee year once every fifty years. The land could never be permanently alienated and by and large there was no reason to sell the land unless the farmer was improvident.??The Bible was a socialistic document promoting equality.
The social and economic consequences of Enclosure has been much discussed by historians.[54]?In the Tudor period Sir?Thomas More?in his?Utopia?said:
The increase of pasture,' said I, 'by which your sheep, which are naturally mild, and easily kept in order, may be said now to devour men and unpeople, not only villages, but towns; for wherever it is found that the sheep of any soil yield a softer and richer wool than ordinary, there the nobility and gentry, and even those holy men, the dobots! not contented with the old rents which their farms yielded, nor thinking it enough that they, living at their ease, do no good to the public, resolve to do it hurt instead of good. They stop the course of agriculture, destroying houses and towns, reserving only the churches, and enclose grounds that they may lodge their sheep in them. As if forests and parks had swallowed up too little of the land, those worthy countrymen turn the best inhabited places into solitudes; for when an insatiable wretch, who is a plague to his country, resolves to enclose many thousand acres of ground, the owners, as well as tenants, are turned out of their possessions by trick or by main force, or, being wearied out by ill usage, they are forced to sell them; by which means those miserable people, both men and women, married and unmarried, old and young, with their poor but numerous families...
(From Thomas Mores Utopia. 1518)
Enclosure?or?Inclosure[a]?is a term, used in English landownership, that refers to the appropriation of "waste"[b]?or "common land"[c]?enclosing it and by doing so depriving commoners of their rights of access and privilege.??Enclosure riots are seen by historians as 'the pre-eminent form' of social protest from the 1530s to 1640s.
The United States led the ranking of countries with highest military spending in 2021, with?801 billion U.S. dollars?dedicated to the military. That constituted 38 percent of the total military spending worldwide that year, which amounted to 2.1 trillion U.S. dollars.?This led to massive corruption as we saw with the present Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who was paid off by Raytheon nearly two million dollars for contracts after he retired.
President-elect Joe Biden’s choice for U.S. defense secretary, retired General Lloyd Austin, stands to collect as much as $1.7 million connected with leaving Raytheon Technologies Corp, an ethics disclosure showed on Sunday.
Austin was the 33rd?vice chief of staff of the Army?from January 2012 to March 2013, and the last commanding general of?United States Forces – Iraq?Operation New Dawn, which ended in December 2011. In 2013, Austin was appointed as the first Black commander of CENTCOM by President?Barack Obama.[1]?He retired from the armed services in 2016 and joined the boards of?Raytheon Technologies,?Nucor,?Tenet Healthcare, and?Auburn University.[2][3]?On December 7, 2020, he was nominated for defense secretary by then-President-elect?Joe Biden. He was confirmed by the?United States Senate?on January 22, 2021, by a vote of 93–2.
So the US ordered the Ukraine to ferociously shell the Donbas to massively accelerate the killing forcing the Russian intelligence services and army to make Putin, the agent of Lord Jacob Rothschild through his oligarchs such as Roman Abramovitch who picked Putin for his weakness,?
to invade the Ukraine to save the Russians trapped in the Donbas.?The Russian Army consists of a standing army of a million men, and two million of active reserves, and 17 million of inactive reserves.?And yet the army invades with a mere 200,000 troops reserving in the rear their crack army.?The Ukrainian Army is said to have 900,000 troops and a cadre of NATO trained forces who can be instantly integrated with NATO of about 200,000 to 300,000 troops.?It has been charged by our sources in Russia that Putin was undermining the effort and even Ramzan Kadyrov has charged this.
As Colonel General Erhard Raus explained in his?"Panzer Operations" of World War Two that the Tsarist method of operation in World War One?was to use concentrated artillery fire in a mincing operation combined with a subsequent attack by large numbers after the forward area had been thoroughly destroyed which they used in World War Two to great effect.?The key German defense was to retreat before the artillery bombardment to trenches created close by in the rear.?This technique was effectively used by Raus and by Generaloberst Gotthard Henrici at the Oder Front in 1945.?The Russians are following this slow moving mincing procedure in the Ukraine very effectively to Putin's surprise.??The Henrici and Raus techniques were desired by the Germans but undermined by Hitler who could not countenance tactical retreats.
The US had two strategic objectives in the Ukraine.?The first was to drive the Germans out of an alliance with Russia a la Mackinder and the Germans fell into the trap.?Germany now has basically cut off all relations with Russia.?This is a monumental victory for the United States.?The second strategic reason was to place pressure on Russia to replace the intelligence and military influence over Russia by placing another agent as Yeltsin in the top job.?Putin can't cut it for the US anymore.?The US seeks control of Russia to control their oil, natural gas and mineral exports to China.??Thus, if the US controls the Russian exports to China and the US ostensibly controls the seas, then the US effectively controls Germany and its vassals in the EU, Russia through a new Yeltsin and China based on the control of 90% of the natural resources going to China by land and sea.?In a geopolitical sense these are the strategic objectives.
In a military sense the US seeks to place hypersonic missiles as soon as they are available to the US in about a year on the western border of the Ukraine less than four minutes from Moscow, to be placed in Finland and Sweden who will follow orders or else, and in?the Baltic States and Eastern Europe who also will be given no choice.??The US would serve countries like Finland and Sweden the ultimatum that they either accept the hypersonic missiles on their territory or the US will give their countries to Russia on a silver platter.
The US can use the Raytheon launchers in Romania and Poland also for hypersonic missiles as though they are supposed to be defensive missiles but they can be used for offensive missiles according to its design.?Hypersonic missiles will be placed all over Eastern Europe.?This is why Russia has been expressing its concern to NATO about the expansion of NATO eastward against previous agreements.?These issues are covered in more detail below.
Therefore, we think a settlement in the Ukraine is only a partial solution for Russia and the next step will be to force the Baltic States, Finland, Sweden and Eastern Europe to leave NATO or face World War Three.?Russia cannot accept hypersonic missiles in these countries weakening their defensive missile defenses.?This essay continues below under the subheading of "US FACES MILITARY ARMAGEDDON."