UKRAINE, status update, 2024-09-26; 08:00

UKRAINE, status update, 2024-09-26; 08:00

UKRAINE, status update, 2024-09-26; 8:00

(ENGLISH VERSION – scroll below)


?mon?s ar technologijos?

Ruskiams Kursko kryptyje niekaip nepavyksta perlau?ti situacijos savo naudai. Kontratakos metu jie tik?josi perskelti ukrainie?i? paj?gas ir dal? paj?g? atkirsti. Ukrainie?iai gerai i?naudojo vietov?s privalumus ir s?kmingai i?laik? gynybos linijas.

Patys pralau?? dar vien? pasienio ruo?? gerokai komplikavo ruski? reikalus ?ioje kryptyje. Smūgis ? u?nugar? privert? ruskius greitai reaguoti ir, vietoje to, kad toliau t?st? kontratak?, buvo priversti perskirstyti paj?gumus.

Situacija Kursko kryptyje sufleruoja, kad ukrainie?iai rimtai laikosi ruski? ?emi? ir nesiruo?ia lengvai paleisti ?io grobio. Tai neabejotinai susij? ne tik su siekiu priversti ruskius perdislokuoti daugiau paj?gum? ? ?i? krypt?, bet ir su noru gerokai komplikuoti putinstano reikalus, jei klausimas prieit? iki taikos deryb?.

Strategi?kai tai labai svarbus sprendimas, tad tik?kim?s, kad ukrainie?iai ir toliau geb?s s?kmingai pasiprie?inti ruskiams. Teisyb?s d?lei, turime pasakyti, kad Kursko kryptyje ukrainie?iai ne tik ginasi, bet dar ir sugeba u?imti vien? kit? kaim?. Vis d?lto tai taktinio lygmens pasiekimai ir daugiau ties tuo klausimu neapsistosime.

Gerokai sud?tingesn? situacija kitose kryptyse, nors toli gra?u ne kritin? ar gresianti katastrofiniais padariniais. Ruskiai ties Vuhledaru pasiek? ?ioki? toki? laim?jim?, nors beveik 2 metus ?ia ukrainie?iai itin s?kmingai gyn?si. Ties Pokrovsku ruski? laim?jimai minimalūs. Yra ir kit? viet? kur matome ?iok? tok? ruski? progres?.

Kas lemia ruski? s?km?? ?od? s?km? labiau reik?t? vartoti s?lygine prasme...

Matome akivaizd?iai pasikeitusi? ruski? taktik?. Viso karo metu ji evoliucionuoja ir kei?iasi. Dabartinius ruski? veiksmus galime dr?siai vadinti kai kuriomis i?moktomis pamokomis. Vis da?niau fiksuojamas ruski? veikimas didel?mis paj?gomis. Jeigu anks?iau itin daug veiksmo vykdavo labai ma?omis grup?mis ar banga po bangos, tai dabar stebime puolim? su vis labiau koncentruotomis paj?gomis. Kur puolimas vykdomas jau kuopos ar net bataliono dyd?io paj?gomis.

Toks puolimo paj?gumas kur kas labiau remiamas aviacijos, artilerijos, radioelektronin?s kovos priemoni?. Tad automati?kai kelia gerokai didesn? gr?sm? ukrainie?i? gynybai. Laimei ruski? koordinacija n?ra tokia gera, mat trūksta daugyb?s priemoni? - ta?iau tai n?ra gera tendencija. I?vada – ruskiai mokosi, inovuoja, bando ir kartas nuo karto randa s?km? lemian?i? sprendim?.

Savo ruo?tu ukrainie?iai ginasi labai neblogai ir s?kmingai i?naudoja galimyb? naikinti judant? prie??. Karas vis labiau persikelia ? technologij? erdv?, kur s?km? vis da?niau priklauso grynai nuo technini? sprendim?.

Galime konstatuoti, kad karo stebime kardinali? mū?io lauko transformacij?. Technologijos kovoja prie? ?mones ir prie? kitas technologijas.

Ukrainie?iai pasidalino savo mintimis, kad ?is procesas tik spart?s, o technologij? svarba mū?io lauke augs. Jau dabar ?valgybiniai dronai savaranki?kai, technologini? sprendim? pagalba identifikuoja taikinius, klasifikuoja, perduoda duomenis ?u?sakovui“. Frontuose dronai ?audo ? dronus, būdami ore. Tik laiko (labai greito) klausimas, kada pamatysime autonominius dron? spie?ius veikian?ius savaranki?kai, atskirian?ius ir pasirenkan?ius taikinius bei priemones kada, kur ir kaip t? taikin? sunaikinti. Kur kas ?domesnis klausimas bus – o kas valdys tuos dronus? ?mon?s ar technologijos?

Tad art?jant link ketvirt?j? karo met? dinamika mū?io lauke tik stipr?s, technologij? svarba ir panaudojimas i? abiej? kariaujan?i? pusi? auga ir toliau augs. Vis d?lto, kad ir kaip besivystyt? technologijos mū?io lauke ypating? svarb? u?ima ginkluot? ir ?mon?s. Technologijos, kol kas, dar negali nurungti ?mogaus ir metalo. Tai matoma ir mū?io lauke. Aviacijos prana?umas, artilerijos ir raketini? paj?gum? svarba ir pan.

Kol ?i svarba i?lieka itin didel?, svarbus vaidmuo tenka ir logistikai, savalaikiam padalini? aprūpinimui. ?tai ?ia savo ?od? gali tarti ukrainie?iai su ilgojo nuotolio dronais. Per pastar?sias kelias savaites s?kmingai sunaikinti mil?ini?ki amunicijos sand?liai putistano gilumoje.

Pagal markiruotes ir kitus duomenis yra ?inoma, kad ruskiai ? front? paduoda amunicij? dar ?kar?t?“, tiesiai nuo gamybos konvejeri?. Toki?, ma?? ma?iausiai operacinio lygmens sand?li? ir saugykl? sunaikinimas yra galingas smūgis ruski? logistikai.

Tai nesustabdys amunicijos srauto ? front?, ta?iau gali gerokai pakoreguoti ruski? planus ir sujaukti logistines grandines.

Pasteb?jome tendencij?, kad kai Ukrainos prezidentas Zelenskis i?vyksta ? labai rimtus susitikimus, kaip ty?ia putinstane ukrainieti?ki dronai tampa retais sve?iais. Siekiama i?vengti dideli? smūgi?, idant ?i tema apie ukrainie?i? smūgius ? ruskyno gilum? neu?go?t? gerokai svarbesni? tem? ir klausim?. Artimiausiu metu tur?tume sulaukti rimt? ir s?kming? ukrainie?i? smūgi? ? ruskyno gilum?.

Ukrainie?iai ir toliau laikysis sekinimo taktikos (gynybos). Labai logi?kas sprendimas saugoti karius ir sulaukti tokio technologinio progreso, kai kari? dalyvavimas tiesioginio karo veiksmuose bus labiau i?imtis nei taisykl?.

Pabaigai apie prielaidas. Ka?kod?l nujau?iame, kad kai kurie s?kmingi smūgiai ? ruskyno gilum? yra kombinuotas dron? ir raket? panaudojimas. Kol kas, negalime to tvirtinti u?tikrintai, ta?iau yra ?domi? ?enkl?. Tuo pagrindu darome i?vad?, kad ukrainie?iai jau turi pakankamai neblogus raket? sprendimus smūgiams ? ruskyno gilum?, o nuo j? apsiginti ruskiams bus vis sunkiau ir sunkiau.



People or technology?

The Russians in the Kursk direction are failing to turn the situation in their favor. During the counterattack, they had hoped to break through the Ukrainian forces and cut off part of them. The Ukrainians made good use of the terrain and successfully maintained their lines of defense.

By breaking through another frontier themselves, they made things much more complicated for the Russians in this direction. The blow to the rear forced the Russians to react quickly and, instead of continuing their counterattack, they were forced to redeploy their forces.

The situation in the direction of Kursk suggests that the Ukrainians are serious about holding on to Russian lands and are not going to let go of this prey easily. This is undoubtedly linked not only to the desire to force the Russians to redeploy more forces in this direction, but also to the desire to complicate matters considerably for Putin if the matter comes to peace talks.

This is a very important decision strategically, so let us hope that the Ukrainians will continue to be able to successfully resist the Russians. In fairness, we have to say that, in the Kursk direction, the Ukrainians are not only defending themselves but are also managing to take some new villages. However, these are tactical achievements.

The situation in the other directions is much more complex, although far from critical or threatening catastrophic consequences. The Russians have made some gains at Vuhledar, although the Ukrainians have been defending very successfully here for almost two years. At Pokrovsk, the Russian gains are minimal. There are other places where we see some Russian progress.

What determines the success of the Russians? The word success should be used more in a conditional sense...

We see a clear change in the Russian tactics. It evolves and changes throughout the war. We can safely call the current actions of the Russians some lessons learned. Increasingly, we are seeing the Russians operating with large forces. Whereas before, a great deal of action was taking place in very small groups or in wave after wave, we are now seeing offensives with increasingly concentrated forces. Where the offensive is being carried out with forces as large as a company or even a battalion.

Such an offensive capability is more strongly supported by aerial, artillery, radio-electronic warfare. So, it automatically poses a much greater threat to the Ukrainian defense. Fortunately, Russian coordination is not so good, as there is a lack of many means. However, it is not a good trend. To conclude, it is clear that the Russians are learning, innovating, experimenting, and time and again finding solutions that lead to success on their side as well.

The Ukrainians, on the other hand, are defending very well and successfully exploiting the opportunity to destroy a moving enemy. The war is increasingly moving into the technological arena, where success increasingly depends on purely technical solutions.

We can say that we are witnessing a radical transformation of the battlefield. Technology is fighting against people and against other technologies.

The Ukrainians have shared their thoughts that this process will only accelerate and that the importance of technology on the battlefield will grow. Already now, reconnaissance drones are identifying targets, classifying them, and transmitting data to the "customer" autonomously with the help of technological solutions. On the frontlines, drones fire on drones while in the air. It is only a matter of time (very soon) before we see autonomous swarms of drones acting on their own, discriminating and selecting targets and the means to destroy them when, where and how. The far more interesting question will be who will control those drones? Humans or technology?

So, as we move towards the fourth year of the war, the dynamics on the battlefield are only going to intensify, the importance and use of technology on both sides is growing and will continue to grow. However, no matter how technology evolves, weapons and people are of paramount importance on the battlefield. Technology cannot, as yet, overwhelm man and metal. This is also evident on the battlefield. The superiority of aviation, the importance of artillery and missile capabilities, etc.

While this importance remains paramount, logistics and the timely supply of units also play an important role. This is where the Ukrainians, with their long-range drones, can have their say. Over the past few weeks, they have successfully destroyed huge ammunition depots in the interior of Russia.

According to markings and other data, the Russians are known to feed ammunition to the front while it is still "hot", straight off the production lines. The destruction of such warehouses and depots, at least at operational level, is a powerful blow to Russian logistics.

It will not stop the flow of ammunition to the front, but it could significantly alter Russian plans and disrupt logistical chains.

We have noticed a trend that when Ukrainian President Zelensky goes to very serious meetings, as if by accident in Russia, Ukrainian drones become rare guests. The aim is to avoid any major blows, so that this subject of Ukrainian strikes into the Russian interior does not overshadow much more important topics and issues. We should see serious and successful Ukrainian strikes into the Russian interior soon.

The Ukrainians will continue with their tactics of surveillance (defense). It is a very logical decision to protect the troops and to await the technological advances that will make the participation of troops in direct hostilities the exception rather than the rule.

To conclude on the assumptions. For some reason, we have a hunch that some of the successful strikes into the Russian interior are the combined use of drones and missiles. For the time being, we cannot say this with certainty, but there are interesting signs. On this basis, we conclude that the Ukrainians already have quite good missile solutions for strikes into the interior of Russia, and that it will become more and more difficult for the Russians to defend themselves against them.

#ukraine #war updates

Aleksandr Sandulevskij

CEO at TankEnergy Baltics

4 个月

Ruskiai ties Vuhledaru pasiek? ?ioki? toki? laim?jim?…



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