UKRAINE, status update, 2024-09-17; 8:00
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
(ENGLISH VERSION – scroll below)
Giliai ir nesimboli?kai
?Kursko operacija ?gauna nauj? spalv?. Rusai, sukaup? paj?gas met?si ? pakankamai akipl??i?k? ir avantiūri?k? kontrpuolim?. Vos po pirmos paros pasigirdo ?ekspert?“ kalb? apie tai, kad nereik?jo ukrainie?iams vystyti naujos krypties, o koncentruotis ? Pokrovsko front?.
Ruski? puolimas staigiai i?sikv?p?, o nelauktas ukrainie?i? smūgis ? u?nugar?, pralau?us nauj? pasienio ruo??, dar labiau apsunkino situacij? Kursko fronte. Ruski? situacija ?ia smarkiai komplikuoja up?, o rasti i?eit?, kai paj?g? aprūpinimas ar manevravimas galimas tik d?ka pontonini? tilt?, yra ypa? sud?tinga.
Stebime vien? po kito naikinamus pontoninius tiltus, vos tik jiems i?dygstant. Da?nu atveju ruskiai net nesp?ja j? pastatyti, o jie jau sunaikinami.
Ankstesnio operatyvinio apsupimo metu buvo svarstoma, kad ruskiai turi trauktis, jie pasielg? visi?kai kitaip – pritraukin?jo paj?gumus. ?tai dabar ?ie pritraukti paj?gumai yra gerokai gausesni, o j? izoliavimas tampa dar skaudesniu. Neatmetame to, kad ruskiai bandys dar labiau stiprinti savo grupuot? ir i?laikyti vietos kontrol?.
Dalinai tai teisingas sprendimas, mat atidavus ukrainie?iams Seimo up?s kairiojo kranto kontrol?, j? susigr??inti bus ypatingai sunku. Ruskiai t? supranta ir, manome, jog visomis i?gal?mis bandys i?laikyti turim? kontrol?. J? nelaimei jie turi labai ma?ai erdv?s manevrui, ko nepasakysi apie ukrainie?i? paj?gumus.
Būtent geb?jimas manevruoti ir tur?ti erdv?s manevrui lemia ukrainie?i? paj?g? s?km? Kursko kryptyje. Ruskiai ir toliau traukia paj?gumus Kursko srities gynybai ir i?laisvinimui. ?iame kare tai jau tapo did?iausiu ruski? prioritetu. Dr?siai galime tai teigti, i? to kokie padaliniai permesti ir toliau permetin?jami ?io tikslo ?gyvendinimui. Kanibalizuojami Ryt? ir Piet? frontai, aukojama perspektyva pralau?ti frontus vardan Kursko regiono atkovojimo.
Situacija ties Pokrovsku stabilizuota, nors tarakonai ir toliau lenda i? vis? pakampi?. Atsi?stas paj?g? pastiprinimas pad?jo ukrainie?iams kardinaliai pagerinti situacij?. Taip, vis dar i?lieka tam tikr? ypa? pavojing? moment? ar minimali? ruski? pergali?, ta?iau dinamika visi?kai kitokia nei buvo prie? por? m?nesi?.
Kursko operacija mūs? akimis demonstruoja vien? ?dom? aspekt? – ukrainie?i? geb?jim? vykdyti jungtines operacijas. Stebime, kaip koordinuojamas aviacijos darbas ir smūgiai ? ruski? pozicijas ir taikinius. Ukrainie?i? paj?gos gerokai patobul?jo ir pagerino s?veik? tarp skirting? paj?g?. Rusai, tur?dami didel? aviacijos panaudojimo patirt? Sirijoje, turi kur kas didesn? patirt?. Laimei nesugeba i?naudoti turimo potencialo. Tuo tarpu ukrainie?iams tai nauja patirtis, kuri? jie kaupia karo metu.
Situacija fronte pakankamai stabili, stebime signalus apie galim? veiksm? suaktyv?jim? tam tikrose kryptyse, kurios iki ?iol buvo labai stabilios. Ir tik?tina, kad ?ia iniciatyv? pademonstruos ukrainie?iai, kurie ?iuo metu pana?u testuoja galimus veiksmus ir prie?o gynybos linij? tvirtum?. Ta?iau tai daro labai atsargiai ir itin ribotais veiksmais.
Sud?tingiausia situacija ne fronte, o toli nuo jo. Ukraina ken?ia nuo nuolatini? ruski? atak? raketomis ir dronais. Tikslas ai?kus – i?sekinti ukrainie?ius, j? kantryb?, i?varginti moraliai. Be to, tai ir būdas kenkti Ukrainos ekonomikai, kuriai ?ala d?l nuolatini? i?puoli? akivaizdi. Tam rusai turi paj?gum?, nes sugeba gamintis tiek dronus savi?ud?ius, tiek ir raketas. Artimiausioje perspektyvoje nesitikime, kad situacija pasikeis ar pager?s ukrainie?i? naudai.
Ukrainie?iams reikia dar daugiau oro gynybos priemoni?, nors tai, k? turi jie i?naudoja itin efektyviai. Deja, j? nepakanka, o tiekimas pernelyg l?tas.
Pabaigai apie ukrainie?i? paj?gumus smogti ? gil? ruski? u?nugar?. Kol Vakarai mind?ikuoja vietoje ir neduoda leidimo smogti ? ruskyno gilum?, ukrainie?iams tenka kliautis tik savo kuriamais paj?gumais.
?iuo metu ukrainie?iai gali smogti dronais, dronais-raketomis, bei savo gamybos raketomis (Grim-2, Neptun ir pan.). Ka?kuriuo metu su?inosime apie ukrainie?i? s?km? vystant raketinius paj?gumus, ta?iau, kol kas, tenka laukti. Palūk?ti, kol bus pasiektas rimtas prover?is sukuriant raketas, galin?ias smogti 500+ km atstumu, bei u?tikrinant galimyb? jas gaminti ne pavieniais egzemplioriais.
Toki? paj?gum? i?vystymas bus viena paskutini? vini? ? ruski? karst?, i? esm?s kei?ianti ruski? nuotaikas ir nor? kariauti. Tai gali tapti pa?iu rim?iausiu pretekstu ruskiams realiai s?sti prie deryb? stalo ir u?baigti kar?. Nes karas realiai ateis ? ruskyno teritorij?, giliai ir ne simboli?kai.
Renkame param? 3D printeri? ir plastiko ?sigijimui ir siuntimui ? Ukrain? kariniams tikslams: V?? Miliūt?, LT437044090110465590 Paskirtis: plastikas, PayPal [email protected]
Deep and impactful
?The Kursk operation takes on new colors. The Russians, having amassed their forces, threw themselves into a rather brazen and adventurous counterattack. Immediately "experts" appeared with the opinion that the Ukrainians should not have developed this new direction but should have concentrated on the Pokrovsk front.
The Russian offensive suddenly receded, and the unexpected Ukrainian blow to the rear, breaking through a new border section, further complicated the situation on the Kursk front. The Russian position is severely complicated by the river, and finding a way out when the supply or maneuver of the forces is only possible thanks to pontoon bridges is particularly difficult.
We are witnessing the destruction of pontoon bridges one after the other as soon as they appear. In many cases, the Russians do not even have time to build them before they are destroyed.
During the previous operational encirclement, it was assumed that the Russians would retreat, but they did something completely different - they built up their forces. Here now, the forces that have been brought in are much more numerous, and their encircling is even more painful. We do not rule out the possibility that the Russians will try to further strengthen their group and maintain local control.
This is partly the right thing to do, because once the Ukrainians have control of the left bank of the Seym River, it will be extremely difficult to regain it. The Russians are aware of this, and we believe that they will try to keep control at all costs. Unfortunately for Russians, they have very little room for maneuver, which is not the case with the Ukrainian capabilities.
It is the ability to maneuver and to have room for such actions that determines the success of the Ukrainian forces in the Kursk direction. The Russians continue to pull in forces for the defense and liberation of the Kursk area. In this war, this has already become the Russians' top priority. We can safely say this from the units that have been and continue to be redeployed to achieve this objective. The Eastern and Southern Fronts are being cannibalized, the prospect of breaking through the fronts is being sacrificed for the sake of regaining the Kursk region.
The situation at Pokrovsk has been stabilized, although Russians continue to crawl out of all corners. The reinforcements sent have helped the Ukrainians to improve the situation dramatically. Yes, there are still some particularly dangerous moments or minimal Russian victories, but the dynamics are completely different from what they were a couple of months ago.
The Kursk operation demonstrates the ability of the Ukrainians to conduct joint operations. We are seeing the coordination of air work and strikes on Russian positions and targets. The Ukrainian forces have made significant improvements on the interoperability between the different forces. The Russians, with their extensive experience of the use of aviation in Syria, still have more experience. Fortunately, they are not able to exploit the potential available. For the Ukrainians, on the other hand, this is a new experience which they are building up during the war.
The situation on the front line is quite stable, and we are observing signals of a possible intensification of actions in certain directions which have been very stable so far. And it is likely that the Ukrainians will take the lead here, as they seem to be testing the possible actions and the strength of the enemy's defense lines at the moment. However, they are doing so very cautiously and with very limited actions.
The most difficult situation is not on the front line, but far from it. Ukraine suffers from constant Russian missile and drone attacks. The aim is clear: to exhaust the Ukrainians, to exhaust their patience, to wear them down morally. It is also a way of undermining the Ukrainian economy, which is clearly being damaged by the constant attacks. The Russians have the capability to do this, because they can produce both suicide drones and missiles. In the short term, we do not expect the situation to change or improve in favor of the Ukrainians.
The Ukrainians need even more air defenses, although they are using what they have very effectively. Unfortunately, they have an insufficient amount of it, and new deliveries are too slow to arrive.
Finally, on the Ukrainian capacity to strike deep into Russia. While the West is standing still and not giving permission to strike deep into the Russian heartland, the Ukrainians must rely solely on the capabilities they are building.
At present, the Ukrainians can strike with drones, drone missiles and missiles of their own manufacture (Grim-2, Neptun, etc.). At some point we will know about the success of the Ukrainians in developing a missile capability, but for now, we must wait. Wait for a serious breakthrough in the development of missiles capable of hitting 500+ km and ensuring that they can be produced in more than just one-offs.
The development of such a capability will be one of the final nails in the Russian coffin, fundamentally changing Russian attitudes and willingness to fight. It could become the most serious pretext for the Russians to come to the negotiating table and end the war. Because the war will come on Russian territory, deeply and with an impact.
#ukraine #war #update
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
5 个月Updated with English
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
5 个月Renkame param? 3D printeri? ir plastiko ?sigijimui ir siuntimui ? Ukrain? kariniams tikslams: V?? Miliūt?, LT437044090110465590 Paskirtis: plastikas, PayPal [email protected]