UKRAINE, status update, 2024-08-27; 8:00
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
(ENGLISH VERSION – scroll below)
Būtent taip norime prad?ti ?i? ap?valg?. Paskutinis masinis ruski? smūgis raketomis ir dronais buvo itin nes?kmingas. Taip, itin ma?a dalis raket? ir dron? savo taikinius pasiek?, ta?iau net neabejojame, kad ruskiai tik?josi visi?kai kito rezultato.
?iuo metu jau ?inome, kad kombinuoto smūgio metu i? viso buvo paleista vir? 230 vnt. priemoni?. I? j? taikinius pasiek? vos apie 10 proc. Tai tur?t? varyti ruskius ? absoliu?i? nevilt?.
Labai gaila, kad ir tie keli procentai ?praslydo“ pro ukrainie?i? gynyb? ir padar? ?alos, ta?iau, laimei, ji ne tokia didel? kaip gal?jo būti.?
Galbūt, ka?kas nesutiks su tuo, kad tai vadiname i?skirtine s?kme. Pamenate Irano ? Izrael? nukreipt? masin? raket? ir dron? atak?? Jos metu buvo numu?tos prakti?kai visos ? Izrael? nukreiptos priemon?s.
Palyginkime ?iuos atvejus - kuo jie pana?ūs ir kuo skiriasi.
Realiai jie pana?ūs keletu aspekt?: kiek ir kokios ginkluot?s buvo panaudota bei pana?ia atakos trukme. Galime dr?siai teigti, kad ruskiai pasis?m? patirties i? to, kaip atak? ?vykd? Iranas, nors ji ir nebuvo s?kminga. Izraelio ataka tarsi preliudija tam, kas v?liau vyko Ukrainoje.
Kas nepalyginama ir kod?l vakaryk?t?s gynybos efektyvum? dr?siai galime prilyginti Izraelio gynybos efektyvumui?..
Ukraina betarpi?kai ribojasi su putinstanu ir pasiruo?imo laikas atremti atak? gerokai trumpesnis. Priminsime, kad apie Irano leistus dronus Izraelis ?inojo likus ne vienai ir ne dviem valandoms iki dron? atskridimo iki Izraelio erdv?s. Pakankamai anksti Izraelis ?inojo ir apie raket? paleidim?. Ukrainie?iai toki? informacij? tur?jo tik apie dal? pavoj? kelian?i? taikini?.
Izrelio dydis leid?ia koncentruoti priemones ma?ame plote, tai rei?kia, kad objektai ? kuriuos smūgiuojama i?sid?st? labai ribotoje geografin?je plotm?je, o oro gynybos priemon?s smarkiai ir e?elonuotai perdengia viena kit?.
Ukrainoje, kuri yra ma?daug 30 kart? didesn? nei Izraelis potenciali? taikini? ruskiams yra apstu. ?alis mil?ini?ka ir visk? u?dengti oro gynybos priemon?mis yra ne?manoma. Tod?l j? i?d?stymas yra pasirenkamas pagal galim? taikini? svarb? ir oro gynybos priemoni? efektyvum?.
?ios ruski? atakos metu neabejotinai labai reik?ming? viet? u??m? aviacijos panaudojimas, kur i?skirtin? d?mes? būt? galima nukreipti ? F-16 ir j? galimybes naikinti oro taikinius kiek ?manoma ankstyvesn?je stadijoje, taip leid?iant i?saugoti maksimal? ant?emin?s oro gynybos resurs?. Deja, ukrainie?iai nedisponuoja tokiu ?spūding? modernios aviacijos resursu, kok? turi Izraelis. Ir ?ia kalba, matyt, jau eina net ne apie kartais ma?esnius paj?gumus.
Na ir paskutinis itin svarbus elementas, ? kur? turime atsi?velgti – Ukraina GYN?SI VIENA, tik savo pastangomis. Tuo tarpu Irano raket? smūgio atveju Izraeliui apsiginti pad?jo visa eil? valstybi?.
Jeigu palyginsime priemones, tai pamatysime, kad Ukraina su daug kart? ma?esniais paj?gumais itin s?kmingai atr?m? ra?ist? atak?.
Kaip tai pavyko? Mobilios grup?s, ?aibi?kas apsikeitimas duomenimis apie taikinius, e?elonuota oro erdv?s gynyba, aviacijos panaudojimas, teisinga pagrindini? oro gynybos priemoni? i?d?stymas pagal galim? taikini? svarb?, integruota oro erdv?s steb?jimo ir oro gynybos sistemos.
Turime pripa?inti, kad esame itin maloniai nustebinti, o labiausiai d?iaugiam?s tuo, jog ukrainie?iai labai kūrybi?kai ir sumaniai apjung? ir suintegravo skirtingas oro erdv?s steb?jimo ir gynybos sistemas. Taip, ne visk? ir ne visur, nes sistemos ?vairi? kart?, technologij? ir t.t. Ta?iau bendras paveikslas yra labai teigiamai nuteikiantis.
Ruskiai tur?t? pasimokyti i? tokios atakos ir grei?iausiai ateityje matysime dar labiau rafinuotus atakos sprendimus ir bandym? kombinuoti priemones. Ta?iau dabar, matyt, jau galime teigti, kad ruski? galimybes smogti dar didesn? smūg? riboja strategin? aviacija ir turimi resursai. Ruskiai gali i?sitraukti ?iaur?s Kor?jos, Irano balistini? raket? kort? ir dar gausesn? dron? panaudojim?. Kaip sako ukrainie?iai – ?Хитр?сть, яка була викрита вже не явля?ться хитр?стю“ – atskleista gudryb? neb?ra gudryb?.
K? ? tai atsakys Ukraina? Grei?iausiai artimiausiu metu nei?vysime ka?ko tokio ?spūdingo. Taip, ir toliau bus atakuojami taikiniai ruskyne – naftos gamyklos, kuro baz?s, elektros pastot?s ir kiti taikiniai. Lauktume itin galingo smūgio ruden?, tuomet, kai smarkiai subjurs orai, o ypa? spustels pirmasis ?altukas. Matome tik vien? taikin? – ruski? elektros sistem?, jeigu tiksliau tai perdavimo tinklus. ?ia yra ruski? achilo kulnas.
Kod?l taip teigiame? Vis? pavasar? ir vasar? steb?jome ??valgybinius“ ukrainie?i? smūgius ? tokius taikinius. Pastarieji akivaizd?iai buvo daromi su tikslu suprasti kaip reaguoja ruskiai, kokios atstatymo galimyb?s ir kiek rezervo ?ioje srityje turi ruskiai.
Kaip rodo surinkti duomenys, o mes tai matome plika akimi, ruski? elektros tinklai ypa? lengvai pa?eid?iami. ?stabu, kaip vos keli? pasto?i? ?i?jungimas“ paraly?iuoja didel? dal? ruski? elektros tinkl?. Labai tikim?s jog matysime priverstin? atomini? elektrini? i?jungim?, kurias okupantai bus priversti i?jungin?ti, kai prad?s byr?ti elektros gamybos ir perdavimo sistema.
?Pabaigai apie front?.
Pokrovsko kryptis kraujuoja, ten ukrainie?iams sunku, ta?iau skirtingai daugelio ?ekspert?“ nuomon?s laikom?s nuostatos, kad ten vykstantys veiksmai jokiu būdu n?ra strateginio ir netgi operacinio poveikio. Atid?iai steb?sime, kaip visa tai vystosi. Galime pasakyti, kad ruskiai ?io karo metu kaip ir buvo tik?tasi mokosi ir tai matosi mū?io lauke. Tai nevyksta greitai. Vis dar laikosi m?sos taktikos ir netausoja resurs?.
Ukrainie?iai savo ruo?tu jau prakti?kai savait? nevykdo aktyvi? veiksm? Kursko srityje. Taip, veiksmai vyksta, bet jie labiau epizodiniai, nesiekiant dideli? pergali?. Pirmasis ir svarbiausias etapas ?gyvendintas, dabar ruski? eil? ne tik mesti paj?gas bet ir ?sivelti ? ukrainie?i? primest? mū?? Kursko kryptyje. Pastebime, jog ra?istai permeta daugiau paj?g? i? piet? ir ryt? front? ? Kursko krypt?. Tai rodo, jog mūs? teiginys apie realaus ruski? strateginio ir operacinio rezervo nebuvim? pilnai pasitvirtina.
Ukrainie?iai savo ruo?tu itin daug d?mesio skiria propagandai ir ruski? klaidinimui. Vis pasirodo prane?im? apie vien? ar kit? ukrainie?i? ?bandym?“ pulti Bryansko kryptyje, kaupiamus rezervus pietuose ir t.t.
Ruskiai supranta, kad ne be reikalo vyksta Kursko operacija. Tai tik preliudija kai ko didesnio, o kur ir kas atsitiks - m?sl? ir ruskiams, ir mums. ?tai tod?l ruskiai ir s?di lyg ant adat? bandydami sp?lioti bei patys sau sukeldami stres?. Ukrainie?iai puikiai kuria ?fog of war“ - didina neapibr??tum?, ver?ia prie?? daugiau pastang? d?ti ne suplanuot? veiksm? ?gyvendinimui, o bandymui pasiruo?ti reaguoti ? tai, k? sugalvojo ukrainie?iai.
Na o k? mes? Mes ir toliau pra?ome ir renkame pinigus 3D printeriams, smulkioms atsargin?ms dalims, plastikui. Mūs? pa?i? remti nereikia – turime rankas, kojas, galvas, i? pa?alp? negyvename. Pagalba reikalinga Ukrainai, tad jei norite ir galite, prisid?kite prie paramos 3D plastikui ? Ukraina: V?? Miliūt?, LT437044090110465590, paskirtis: plastikas
This is how we want to start this review. The last massive Russian missile and drone strike was a huge failure. Yes, an extremely small proportion of the missiles and drones reached their targets, but we have no doubt that the Russians were expecting a very different result.
We now know that the combined strike fired a total of over 230 pieces. Of these, only about 10% reached their targets. This should drive the Russians to absolute despair.
It is a great pity that even that few percent 'slipped through' the Ukrainian defences and caused damage, but fortunately it was not as great as it could have been.?
Perhaps someone will disagree that we call this an exceptional success. Remember the massive missile and drone attack by Iran on Israel? It brought down virtually all the missiles targeting Israel.
Let us compare these cases - how they are similar and how they are different.
They are similar in several ways: the number and type of weapons used and the similar duration of the attack. We can safely say that the Russians have learnt from the Iranian attack, even though it was not successful. The Israeli attack was a prelude to what happened later in Ukraine.
What is not comparable, and why can we safely compare the effectiveness of yesterday's defences to that of Israel?
Ukraine is immediately adjacent to Russian borders and the lead time to repel an attack is much shorter. It should be recalled that Israel was aware of the Iranian drones’ arrival hours before they have reached Israeli space. Israel also knew well in advance of the missile launch. The Ukrainians only had such information on a fraction of the targets of concern.
For the case of Israel, the size of the missile allows for the concentration of assets in a small area, which means that the targets to be struck are in a very limited geographical area and the air defences are heavily and echeloned over each other.
In Ukraine, which is about 30 times the size of Israel, potential targets for the Russians are plentiful. It is a huge country, and it is impossible to cover everything with air defences. Therefore, their positioning is chosen according to the potential importance of the targets and the effectiveness of the air defences.
The use of aviation has undoubtedly played a very important role in this Russian attack, where the F-16s and their ability to destroy air targets at the earliest possible stage, thus allowing the maximum air defence resource to be preserved on the ground, could be singled out for special attention. Unfortunately, the Ukrainians do not have the impressive resource of modern aviation that Israel has. And this is obviously not even a question of sometimes lesser capabilities.
One last, very important element that we must consider is that Ukraine DEFENDS ALONE, and only through its own efforts. Whereas, in the event of an Iranian missile strike, a whole series of countries helped Israel to defend itself.
If we compare the means, we can see that Ukraine, with many times fewer forces, was extremely successful in repelling the attack by the Russians.
How did this work? Mobile groups, lightning-fast exchange of data on targets, echelon air defence, use of aviation, correct positioning of the main air defence assets according to the importance of potential targets, integrated air surveillance and air defence systems.
We must admit that we are very pleasantly surprised, and most of all we are delighted that the Ukrainians have combined and integrated the different air surveillance and air defence systems in a very creative and skilful way. Yes, not everything and not everywhere, because the systems are of different generations, technologies, etc. But the overall picture is very positive.
The Russians should learn from such an attack, and we are likely to see even more sophisticated attack solutions in the future and an attempt to combine means. However, for the moment, we can probably say that the Russians' ability to strike even harder is limited by strategic aviation and available resources. The Russians can play the North Korean card, the Iranian ballistic missile card and the even more extensive use of drones. As the Ukrainians say, "Хитр?сть, яка була виkriта вже не явля?ться хитр?стю" - a trick revealed is no longer a trick.
How will Ukraine respond? We are unlikely to see anything so spectacular soon. Yes, there will continue to be attacks on targets in Russia - oil refineries, fuel bases, electricity substations and other targets. We would expect a particularly powerful strike in the autumn, when the weather turns very cold, and especially when the first frost hits. We see one key target: the Russian electricity system, or rather the transmission grids. It is a Russian Achilles heel.
Why do we say that? Throughout the spring and summer, we have been observing Ukrainian 'reconnaissance' strikes against such targets. The latter were obviously made with the aim of understanding how the Russians would react, what the recovery options were and how much reserve the Russians had in this area.
As the data collected shows, the Russian electricity grid is particularly vulnerable. It is amazing how the 'switching off' of just a few substations paralyses a large part of the Russian electricity grid. We very much hope that we will see the forced shutdown of the nuclear power stations that the occupiers will be forced to shut down when the electricity generation and transmission system starts to crumble.
Finally, news on the front.
The Pokrovsk axis is bleeding, it is very difficult for the Ukrainians there, but, contrary to the opinion of many 'experts', we are of the opinion that the actions taking place there are in no way strategic or even operational. We will be watching closely how all this develops. What we can say is that the Russians are learning in this war, as expected, and that is evident on the battlefield. It is not happening quickly. They are still sticking to meat tactics and sparing resources.
The Ukrainians, for their part, have not been active in the Kursk area for practically a week. Yes, there are actions, but they are more episodic and not aimed at major victories. The first and most important stage has been completed, and now it is the turn of the Russians not only to abandon their forces, but also to engage in a battle imposed by the Ukrainians in the direction of Kursk. We can see that the Russians are shifting more forces from the southern and eastern fronts to the Kursk axis. This shows that our statement about the absence of a real Russian strategic and operational reserve is fully confirmed.
The Ukrainians, for their part, are focusing heavily on propaganda and misleading the Russians. There are constant reports of one or other Ukrainian 'attempt' to attack in the direction of Bryansk, of accumulated reserves in the south, etc.
The Russians realise that the Kursk operation is not without reason. It is just a prelude to something bigger, and where and what will happen is a mystery for the Russians and for us. That is why the Russians are sitting on pins and needles trying to speculate and causing themselves stress. The Ukrainians are good at creating a 'fog of war' - increasing uncertainty, forcing the enemy to put more effort into trying to prepare to react to what the Ukrainians have come up with, rather than into implementing the planned actions.
#ukraine #war #update
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
6 个月Updated with English