UKRAINE, status update, 2023-02-22; 7:50
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
(ENGLISH VERSION - scroll below)
Tolimi smūgiai
Vakar didel? dalis ukrainie?i? itin ?d?miai klaus?si putlerio kalbos,?bandydami suprasti būsimus putlerio ?ingsnius ir galimus karo eigos scenarijus.
Jo kalba jau i?analizuota daugelio ap?valginink?. Mūs? vertinimu,?jis nepasak? nieko ypatingo, netgi nuvyl? savo nery?tingumu ir mekenimu. I? to,?k? pasak?,?i?vada viena – kar? jis nori t?sti, tam bando mobilizuoti visuomen?, bando i?laikyti jos palaikym? ir yra nusiteik?s pasiekti savo tikslus. Visas tas ??okis“ aplink visuomen? sudaromas tik vienu tikslu – ir toliau vyks mobilizacija karui su Ukraina.?Apibendrinkim ukrainieti?ka patarle - “Сво?х не страхай, а наш? ? так не бояться” - sav? neg?sdink, o mūsi?kiai ir taip nebijo.
Vienas ?domesni? aspekt? – nes?kmingas raketos, galin?ios ne?ti atomin? u?tais? bandymas kaip tik tuo metu kai putleriui to labai reik?jo. Tad ir g?sdinimai vakar? pasauliui labai skurdūs.
Tuo metu Ukrainoje situacija ir toliau prakti?kai nesikei?ia rusams patiriant labai didelius nuostolius.
I? ?domesni? ?vyki? norime pamin?ti ?ios nakties smūgius, kuriuos sudav? ukrainie?iai. Daugelyje okupuot? miest? ir vietovi? rusai aktyvavo oro gynybos priemones. Fiksuoti s?kmingai smūgiai ? karinius objektus ir ten,?kur rusai nesitik?jo, tai yra u? Himars raket? veikimo nuotolio.
Kokia ginkluot? buvo panaudota ?iuo metu n?ra ?inoma, tikim?s artimiausi? keli? dien? b?gyje su?inoti daugiau. Pats faktas tur?t? ypa? suneraminti rus? karin? vadovyb?, mat dabar jau pagrindinis sausumos tiekimo kelias ? Krym? tampa nebesaugus.
Art?jant pirmosioms karo metin?ms ?tampa auga. ?i simbolin? data svarbi abiems?pus?ms. Ar sugeb?s ukrainie?iai kaip reikiant ?k?sti rusams ?iomis dienomis? K? paruo?? rusai ir kaip siekia ?pamin?ti“ ?i? dat?? Tai paai?k?s jau artimiausiomis dienomis.
Mes galime pasid?iaugti vienu faktu – ryt rusai bandys ?v?sti desantinink? dien?. Tik viena problema – per metus kruvino karo absoliu?i? daugum? rus? desanto ukrainie?iai paki?o po vel?na. Ryt bus didel? gedulo diena,?o?ne ?ventimas. Su kuo ir sveikiname putleristano desantininkus ir j? ?eimas.?
Distant blows
Yesterday, a large number of Ukrainians listened very attentively to Putin’s speech, trying to understand his next steps and possible war scenarios.
His speech has already been analyzed by many commentators. In our estimation, he did not say anything special, and even disappointed us with his indecisiveness and bluster. The only conclusion that can be drawn from what he said is that he wants to continue the war, is trying to mobilize the public to do so, is trying to maintain their support and is determined to achieve his objectives. The whole ‘dance’ around the public is for one purpose only – to continue to mobilize troops for the war with Ukraine. Let us summarize with a Ukrainian proverb: ‘Сво?х не страхай, а наш? ? tak не бояться’ – do not scare your own people, as ours are not scared anyway.
One of the more interesting aspects is the unsuccessful test of a missile capable of carrying an atomic charge, just when Putin needs it badly. Thus the threats to the World have been someone lessened.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the situation remains virtually unchanged, with the Russians suffering heavy losses.
On a more interesting note, we would like to mention the blows struck by the Ukrainians last night. The Russians have activated air defenses in many occupied towns and areas. Successful strikes have been recorded against military targets and where the Russians did not expect them, that is, beyond the range of the HIMARS missiles.
What weapons were used is not known at the moment. This in itself should be particularly worrying for the Russian military leadership, as the main land supply route to Crimea is now becoming unsafe.
Tensions are rising as the first anniversary of the war approaches. This symbolic date is important for both sides. Will the Ukrainians be able to give the Russians a proper bite in the coming days? What have the Russians prepared and how do they intend to ‘commemorate’ this date? This will become clear soon.
We can be happy with one fact: tomorrow the Russians will try to celebrate Paratroopers’ Day. The only problem is that, during a year of bloody war, the vast majority of the Russian paratroopers have been put under the turf by the Ukrainians. Tomorrow will be a big day of mourning, not celebration. And ‘congratulations' to the paratroopers of Putin and their families.
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2 年?iaip ryt ne desantinink? dien?. Tarybiniais laikais tai buvo raudonosios armijos diena, o dabar t?vyn?s gyn?jo (kad ir kaip ironi?kai tai beskamb?t?) diena. Desanto (vdv) diena rugpjū?io 2...
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
2 年Updated with English
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
2 年Atsipra?au, kad nematote vakaryk?t?s ap?valgos. LINKEDIN blokuoja Sorry you don't see yesterday's report. LinkedIn is banning updates on war with whatsoever reasons of harrasment and bullying.