UKRAINE, status update, 2023-01-26; 10:50
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
(ENGLISH VERSION - scroll below)
Paj?gum? saugojimas
?tampa tarp rus? karin?s vadovyb?s ir Prigo?ino auga. Visi?kai realu, kad artimiausiu metu pamatysime rimt? santyki? ai?kinim?si, o, galbūt, ir vien? kit? netik?t? i?kritim? pro lang?.
Rus? generolai, kad ir kokie vyk? ar nevyk? bebūt?, nesileis ?eminami buvusio nusikalt?lio, sugeb?jusio gauti putlerio palankum? ir sukūrusio priva?i? karin? kompanij?.
Pirmuosius rimtus signalus jau pastebime mū?io lauke ir u? jo rib?. Akivaizdi kova u? būv?, priemoni?, kuri? reikia Vagner kovos veiksm? vedimui, ribojimas, akivaizdus u?duo?i?, kurios yra itin nepalankios Vagner, skyrimas ir t. t.
?velgiant ? Bachmut? susidaro ?spūdis, kad ukrainie?iai labai tikslingai ?trauk? rusus ? sekinan?ias ir varginan?ias kovas. Pakanka pa?iūr?ti, kokie padaliniai kovoja ukrainie?i? pus?je gynyboje, viskas tampa labai akivaizdu.
?ia mes nematome smogiam?j?, ?turmo paj?gum?, kurie pama?u, ta?iau i?nyko i? informacinio lauko. K? tai gal?t? reik?ti?
Ukrainie?iai protingai saugo savo svarbiausius paj?gumus reik?mingiausiems mū?iams. I?mintingai sud?liota strategija lemia kur kas daugiau nei taktiniai sprendimai. Tai stebime viso ?io karo metu.
Ties Vuhledaru rusams nesiseka. Skambiai parei?k? apie pergales, jie dabar nutilo, man ukrainie?i? veiksmai akivaizd?iai sustabd? rus? ord? ir privert? atsitraukti i? dalies u?imt? pozicij?.
Pastarosios paros rus? nuostoliai d?iugina dideliu sunaikintu kovos technikos kiekiu. Tendencijos i?lieka akivaizd?ios – rusai ir toliau nuosekliai sekinami, netenka kovini? paj?gum?.
Nakt? rusai smog? dronais, visus 24 ukrainie?iams pavyko numu?ti. ?iuo metu vyksta oro ataka raketomis ir dronais. Palink?sime ukrainie?iams s?km?s ir j?g? atremti ?? i?puol?. Ukrainie?i? liaudies i?mintis sako – ?Зимове тепло, як мачушине добро“ – ?iem? taip ?ilta, kaip kad pamotei gera.
Securing capacities
Tensions between the Russian military leadership and Prigozhin are growing. It is quite realistic that we will soon see a serious clarification of relations, and perhaps one more unexpected fall out of the window.?
The Russian generals, no matter how good or bad they are, will not be humiliated by a former criminal who has managed to win Putin’s favor and has created a private military company.?
We are already seeing the first serious signals on and off the battlefield. There is the obvious struggle for survival, the limitation of the means needed to conduct Wagner's combat operations, the obvious assignment of tasks that are extremely unfavorable to Wagner, and so on.
Looking at Bakhmut, one gets the impression that the Ukrainians have very deliberately drawn the Russians into a debilitating and exhausting struggle. It is obvious just by looking at the units fighting on the Ukrainian side in defense.?
Here we do not see the strike and assault forces, which have slowly, but surely, disappeared from the information field. What could this mean?
The Ukrainians are wisely preserving their most important capabilities for the most significant battles. A wise strategy determines much more than tactical decisions. We have seen this throughout this war.
At Vuhledar, the Russians are not doing well. After loudly claiming victory, they have now fallen silent, while the actions of the Ukrainians have clearly stopped the Russian horde and forced it to retreat from the positions it had partially occupied.?
The Russian losses of the last day are gratifying in the large amount of combat equipment destroyed. The trend remains clear: the Russians continue to be steadily tracked and are losing combat power.?
Overnight, the Russians struck with drones, all 24 of which the Ukrainians managed to shoot down. An air attack with missiles and drones is currently under way. We wish the Ukrainians the best of luck and the strength to repel this attack. Ukrainian folk wisdom says - "Зимове тепло, як мачушине добро" - winter warmth is like the kindness of a stepmother.
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
2 年Updated with English