UKRAINE, status update, 2023-01-01; 11:55
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
(ENGLISH VERSION - scroll below)
Nuolatinis sekinimas
Rusai nebūt? rusai, jeigu nebūt? siek? pakenkti ukrainie?iams Nauj?j? met? nakt?.
Vakar dienos metu ? Ukrain? buvo paleista apie 20 raket? ir keliolika dron?. Naujametin? nakt? dar beveik penkiasde?imt dron?. Su tokiomis priemon?mis rusai i? esm?s nieko nepasiek? - ?ukrainie?i? nuostoliai minimalūs.
Duokl? reikia atiduoti oro gynybos sistemoms. Pana?u, kad Ukrainos miestai pama?u pradeda tapti oro gynybos tvirtov?mis, kurias tampa vis sunkiau ?veikti tiek raketoms, tiek ir dronams. Kaip sako ukrainie?iai – ?Не кажи — не вм?ю, а кажи — навчусь!“ – nesakyk - nemoku, o sakyk – i?moksiu.
Rusija nieko negali padaryti fronte, tad bando visomis i?gal?mis daryti spaudim? per civilius gyventojus.
?ios savait? atakos parod?, kad rusija i? ties? turi dideli? b?d? su raket? atsargomis ir j? atstatymu. Jas sugeba pasigaminti, ta?iau akivaizdu ne tokiais tempais, kokiais nor?t?.
Fronte ir v?l beveik nieko naujo. Visas d?mesys sutelktas ? kelis kar??iausius ta?kus, kuriuose kovos verda itin aktyviai. Ir toliau stebime rus? problemas, susijusias su artilerijos panaudojimu. Tai geras ?enklas, rodantis, kad ukrainie?i? sekinimo taktika veikia.
Nuolatinis rus? alinimas ir u?nugario logistini? centr? naikinimas veikia puikiai, tam tiesiog reikia daugiau laiko. ?ios spragos rusai nesugeba u?pildyti nei tank?, nei aviacijos parama.
Mūs? vertinimu 2023-ieji prasideda auk?ta nata ukrainie?iams ir skaudan?ia galva rusams.?
Continuous tracking
The Russians would not be Russians if they had not sought to harm Ukrainians on New Year’s Eve.
Yesterday, around 20 missiles and a dozen drones were fired into Ukraine during the day. On New Year’s Eve night, almost fifty more drones. With these measures, the Russians have achieved virtually nothing – the Ukrainian losses are minimal.
Tributes must be paid to the air defense systems. It seems that Ukrainian cities are gradually becoming air defense fortresses, which are becoming more and more difficult for both missiles and drones to overcome. As the Ukrainians say, “Ne кажи – не вм?ю, а кажи – навчусь!” – Don’t say I can’t, but say I will.
Russia cannot do anything significant on the front, so it is trying to exert pressure through the civilian population with all its might.
This week’s attacks have shown that Russia is really in big trouble with its missile stockpiles and their reconstitution. It is able to produce them, but obviously not at the rate that it would like.
On the front line, again, there is almost nothing new. The focus is on a few hot spots where the fighting is very intense. We continue to see Russian problems with the use of artillery. This is a good sign that the Ukrainian stalking tactics are working.
The constant attrition of the Russians and the destruction of rear logistical centers is working well, it just needs more time. The Russians are not able to fill this gap with either tanks or air support.
Our assessment is that 2023 starts on a high note for the Ukrainians and a headache for the Russians.
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
2 年Updated with English