UKRAINE, status update, 2022-12-08; 6:40

UKRAINE, status update, 2022-12-08; 6:40

(ENGLISH VERSION - scroll below)


Karo intensyvumas nemenksta net ir esant nelabai palankioms oro s?lygoms. Jeigu ka?kas tik?josi, kad karas ?iem? nevyks, labai suklydo. Karai itin retai nustoja vyk? esant itin blogoms oro s?lygoms. To nesitikime ir Ukrainoje.

Fronte situacija i?lieka sunki, ta?iau pakankamai stabili. Yra minimali? pasistumdym? taktiniame lygmenyje, kurie kol kas neperauga ? ka?k? didesnio.

Esant ?iai stabiliai situacijai abi pus?s bando ?gyvendinti tam tikrus u?sibr??tus tikslus. Kas pildosi logistik?, o kas ruo?iasi puolimui.

Rusai bando perimti iniciatyv? ?vairiose kryptyse. Kol kas nelabai sekasi, ta?iau pastang? deda daug. Ukrainie?iai supranta, kad negali leisti okupantams diktuoti s?lyg?, nes tuomet bus priversti ne ?gyvendinti savo tikslus, o taikytis prie to, k? primeta prie?as. D?l ?ios prie?asties iniciatyvos tur?jimas yra toks svarbus. Orkai j? tur?jo karo prad?ioje, ta?iau nei?laik? ir, kol kas, nesimato prie?as?i?, kod?l situacija tur?t? pasikeisti.

Ukrainoje yra labai daug savanori?kai einan?i? ir norin?i? eiti kariauti ?moni?, tad nereikalingas privalomasis ?aukimas. Tai rodo, kokia auk?ta yra kari? ukrainie?i? motyvacija ginti t?vyn?. To niekaip negal?tume pasakyti apie ra?istus.

Nuolat fiksuojami atvejai, kuomet agresorius stengiasi i?vengti dalyvavimo kovos veiksmuose. Siekia pasiduoti ? nelaisv? arba gr??ti ? putinstan?. Daugeliui i?keliamos bylos ir grasinama kal?jimu. Represyvin? politika yra tai, ant ko stovi ork? kariuomen?.

Kol motyvacija ukrainie?i? gretose bus tokia auk?ta, o rus? itin ?ema, tik?tis poky?i? teroristin?s valstyb?s naudai fronte ne?manoma. Kaip sako ukrainie?i? liaudies i?mintis – ?Грудка р?дно? земл? дорожча за золото“ – gabal?lis gimtosios ?em?s brangesnis u? auks?. O k? jau ten kalb?ti apie skalbimo ma?in? ar voni?...




The intensity of the war does not diminish, even in adverse weather conditions. If anyone expected that the war would not be fought in winter, they were sorely mistaken. Wars rarely cease to be fought in extremely bad weather. Neither do we expect that in Ukraine.

On the frontline, the situation remains difficult but stable enough. There are some minimal shifts at the tactical level, which have not yet escalated into anything major.

In this stable situation, both sides are trying to achieve certain objectives. Who is working on logistics and who is preparing for the offensive.

The Russians are trying to take the initiative in various directions. So far they are not very successful, but they are making a lot of efforts. The Ukrainians realise that they cannot allow the occupiers to dictate the terms, because then they will be forced not to achieve their own goals but to accept what the enemy imposes. That is why having the initiative is so important. The Russians had it at the beginning of the war, but they did not keep it, and so far there is no reason why the situation should change again.

There are many people in Ukraine who are volunteering and willing to go to war, so there is no need for compulsory conscription. This shows how highly motivated Ukrainian soldiers are to defend their homeland. We cannot say the same about the Russians.

Cases are constantly recorded where the a recruit in Russia tries to avoid taking part in combat operations. They seek to surrender to captivity or to return to Putinstan. Many are prosecuted and threatened with prison. Repressive policies are what the Russian army stands on.

As long as motivation in the Ukrainian ranks remains high and in the Russian ranks low, it is impossible to expect any change on the front in favor of the Russian state. As Ukrainian folk wisdom has it, ‘Грудка р?дно? земл? дорожча за золото’ – a piece of home land is more precious than gold. Let alone a washing machine or a bathtub…

#ukraine #war #update

Justas Gavenas, CMC

Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA

2 年

Updated with English

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