UKRAINE, status update, 2022-10-13, 7:50
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
ENGLISH VERSION - scroll below
Vakar? atsakas
Putlerio smūgiai ? civilinius objektus atsisuko prie? j? pat?. Kuo daugiau eskaluoja, tuo grie??iau vakar? pasaulis reaguoja ir smarkiau palaiko ukrainie?ius. Ypa? daug d?mesio skiriama ukrainie?i? aprūpinimui ginkluote.
Pra?jo vos kelios dienos nuo rus? raket? ?kvalo, o vakarai masi?kai skelbia apie prie?l?ktuvini? gynybos sistem? tiekim? Ukrainai. Kalba eina apie pa?ias moderniausias. Paraleliai ir apie priemones artilerijos paj?gum? sustiprinimui. NATO ?alys suteiks didel? kiek? ginkluot?s, kurios ukrainie?iams reikia labai daug.
Chersono srityje ukrainie?i? progresas i?lieka. Orkams nepavyko pilnai sustabdyti puolimo ir atremti ukrainie?i? ?turmo ?ioje kryptyje. Ukrainie?iai didina spaudim? rusams, siekdami sekinti ten esan?ias paj?gas.
Atsarg? kiekis, atgabentas ? ?i? krypt? yra ?spūdingas, vis d?lto ne begalinis. Bandymas aprūpinti padalinius orkams labai brangiai kainuoja. J? pastangos per hidroelektrin? gabenti atsargas ir kovos technik? nuolat torpeduojamos ukrainie?i? artilerijos smūgi?. Netyla prane?imai apie ?vairi? kolon? ar kari? susitelkimo viet? s?kming? sunaikinim?.
Pietuose ukrainie?i? artilerija pastaruoju metu padidino smūgi? skai?i?. Tai tiesiogiai lemia ir didesnius ork? nuostolius fronte ir u?nugaryje.
Charkivo srityje taip pat fiksuojamas ukrainie?i? progresas. Tuo metu orkai kasa tran??jas, stato u?tvaras kaip pirmojo pasaulinio karo metu. Bus ?domu steb?ti toki? veiksm? ir in?inerini? ?rengini? efektyvum?.
XXI - ajame am?iuje tai gali ir nepagelb?ti orkams i?laikyti fronto linijos. Tai gali suveikti netgi prie?ingai, kai tikint tokios sistemos efektyvumu tam tikri fronto ruo?ai bus gerokai ma?iau pridengti kovos technika ir kariais. Ukrainie?iai neabejotinai ras sprendimus prie? ?ias rus? pastangas. Ukrainie?i? liaudies i?mintis- ?Вкра?на – мати, за не? треба головою стояти“ – Ukraina – motina, u? j? būtina savo galva atstov?ti.
Zapori??s kryptyje kol kas s?lyginai tylu, o kovos ties Bachmutu ir toliau i?lieka labai nuo?mios. Pasirod? kol kas nepatvirtint??prane?im?, kad orkai pagaliau pasiek? Bachmuto miest?.
Orkai siun?ia ordas mobik? ? front?, ta?iau kai kurie atvejai labiau apgail?tini nei grasinantys. Su senais ginklais, o kartais ir be j?. Su ?oviniais arba be j?. Visi?ka m?sa. Tam tikrose kryptyse tai bus reali paspirtis ten kariaujantiems rusams, bet bus ir toki? viet? kur tai sukels daugiau problem? ir rizik? jiems patiems.
Western response
Putin’s strikes on civilian targets backfired on him. The more it escalates, the tougher the western world reacts and the more strongly it supports the Ukrainians. Particular attention is being paid to providing the Ukrainians with weapons.
Only a few days after the Russian missile barrage, the West is announcing the supply of anti-aircraft defense systems to Ukraine in large numbers. We are talking about the most modern ones. At the same time, are talks are about measures to strengthen Ukrainian artillery capabilities. The NATO countries will provide lots of artillery weapons, which the Ukrainians need in great quantities.?
In the Kherson area, the Ukrainians' progress continues. The Russians have failed to fully halt the offensive and to repel the Ukrainian assault in this direction. The Ukrainians are increasing pressure on the Russians in order to decimate the forces there.
The number of supplies that have been brought to this direction is impressive, but not infinite. Trying to resupply the units is very costly for the Russians. Their efforts to transport supplies and combat equipment through the hydroelectric power station are constantly torpedoed by Ukrainian artillery strikes. There are continuous reports of the successful destruction of various columns or concentration points.?
In the south, Ukrainian artillery has recently increased the number of strikes. This has resulted in higher losses of the Russian troops at the front and the rear.?
In the Kharkiv area, Ukrainian advances have also been seen. At the same time, the Russians are digging trenches and building barriers as in the First World War. It will be interesting to observe the effectiveness of such actions and engineering installations.?
In the 21st century, this may not enough for the Russians to hold the front line. It may even do the opposite, where the belief in the effectiveness of such a system means that certain parts of the frontline will be much less covered by fighting vehicles and troops. The Ukrainians will undoubtedly find solutions to these Russian efforts. Ukrainian folk wisdom has it that ‘Вкра?на – мати, за не? треба головою стояти' - Ukraine is a mother, and we must stand up for it with our lives.
The Zaporizhzhya direction is relatively quiet for the time being, except for the fighting at Bakhmut which continues to be very intense. There are yet unconfirmed reports that the Russians have finally reached the town of Bakhmut.?
Russians are sending hordes of mobs to the front, but some of them are more pathetic than threatening. With old weapons, and sometimes without them. With or without bullets. Complete meat. In some directions it will be a real boon to the Russians fighting there, but there will be places where it will cause more problems and risks for themselves.
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
2 年Updated with English