UKRAINE, status update, 2022-09-12; 8:00

UKRAINE, status update, 2022-09-12; 8:00

(ENGLISH VERSION - scroll below)

Suski? valstyb?

Kito ?od?io kaip pavadinti putinstan? n?ra. Patyr? skaud? pa?eminim? Charkovo kryptyje suskiai ap?aud? civilin? kritin? Ukrainos infrastruktūr?. I? 12 paleist? raket? 9 ukrainie?iams pavyko numu?ti, kelios pataik? ? elektros pastotes. I? karin?s perspektyvos toks taikini? naikinimas neturi visi?kai jokios logikos, nes tai niekaip nelems ukrainie?i? kariuomen?s veiksm?. O orkai panaudojo raketas beprasmi?kai, kuri? jiems ir taip trūksta.

Taikytis ? civilin? infrastruktūr? yra baili? taikomas veikimo metodas. Kitaip kaip suskiais putlerist? pavadinti negalime. Bailiai ir mi?niai b?gantys i? fronto, kai jame pasidaro kar?ta. Ir labai dr?sūs atakuoti civilinius objektus nuo sofos.

Charkovo srityje akivaizdu ateina permainos, beveik i? visos srities jau baigiami i?stumti suskiai. Kontrpuolimas pavyko puikiai, perimta itin daug verting? trof?j?. Tai dar n?ra pergal?, o tik laim?tas vienas itin svarbus mū?is.

Pana?u, kad ukrainie?iai taip paprastai nesustos, o vystys puolim?. Po suski? i?puoli? prie? civilin? infrastruktūr? būt? laikas suduoti rimt? smūg? visiems kariniams objektams esantiems netoli sienos su Ukraina, Belgorode prie Valjuky ir pan. Dabartin?je situacija ir ork? kritin? civilin? infrastruktūra gal?t? būti puikiu taikiniu. Kaip sakoma, akis u? ak?, be jokio gailes?io. Suskiai turi ?inoti, kad u? visus nusikaltimus jie bus nubausti.

Ukrainie?iai tam turi daugiau nei pakankam? priemoni? tokiems smūgiams.

I? Chersono srities mus pasiekia signalai apie ork? atsitraukimus ? atsargines pozicijas tam tikrose fronto dalyse. Tai ir spaudimo, ir Charkovo kontratakos ?taka. Kuo daugiau motyvacijos i??ūki? patirs suskiai, tuo geriau ukrainie?iams. Nemotyvuotas karys – blogas karys.

Atsitraukimas ? atsargines pozicijas susij?s dar ir tuo, kad tuomet ork? padalinius gal?s paremti artilerija, esanti kairiajame Dnipro krante. ?iuo metu did?ioji dalis artilerijos nepasiekia ukrainie?i? padalini?. Vis d?lto atsitraukimas rei?kia, kad bus suteikta daugiau manevro laisv?s ukrainie?iams. Tai kariniu po?iūriu didelis praradimas orkams.

Zapori??s kryptyje irgi vyksta ?iek tiek veiksmo. Agresoriaus kariniai ekspertai skalambija varpais, kad ties Vuhledaru ukrainie?iai ruo?ia pana?? kontrpuolim? kaip ir Charkovo kryptyje. Turime nuojaut?, kad ka?kas pana?aus gali ?vykti ta?iau kol kas sunku pasakyti ar tai ?vyks būtent tame ruo?e bei kaip tai atrodys laike. Pasiremkime ukrainie?i? liaudies i?mintimi – “Як зберуться хмарки в кучки — буде громовиця“ – kai susirinks debesys ? krūv?, bus griaustinis.

Ukrainie?iai jau ne kart? ?rod?, kad jie moka u?maskuoti tikruosius savo tikslus ir planus. Taip gali atsitikti ir ?iuo atveju, tad bent jau kol kas negalime teigti, kad ties Vuhledaru ukrainie?iai prad?s dar vien? kontrpuolim?.

Galime patvirtinti viena, kad Zapori??s kryptyje ukrainie?iai formuoja rimt? smogiam?j? grupuot?. Ta?iau i?lieka labai daug atvir? klausim? ? kuriuos atsakym? kol kas n?ra.



State of Bastards

There is no other word for Russia. After suffering a painful humiliation in the direction of Kharkiv, the bastards shelled Ukraine’s civilian critical infrastructure. Of the 12 missiles fired, the Ukrainians managed to shoot down 9, several hitting electricity substations. From a military perspective, this destruction of targets makes absolutely no logical sense, as it will in no way lead to any reduction of action by the Ukrainian army. And the Russians have used missiles to no avail, of which they are already short.?

Targeting civilian infrastructure is a method of operation used by cowards. We cannot call the Russians anything other than cowards. Cowards and bastards who run away from the front when it gets hot. And are very brave to attack civilian objects from the coach.?

In the Kharkiv area, change is clearly coming, with the expulsion of the Russians from almost the entire area is nearly complete. The counter-offensive has been excellent, with many valuable trophies captured. This is not yet a victory, but only the winning of one very important battle.

It seems that the Ukrainians will not stop there, but will develop their offensive further. After the Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure, it could be a good time to deal a serious blow to all the military installations close to the border with Ukraine, in Belgorod, near Valjuky, etc. In the current situation, the Russian critical civilian infrastructure could also be an excellent target. As it is said, an eye for an eye, without any mercy. The Russians need to know that they will be punished for all their crimes.?

The Ukrainians have more than adequate means for such strikes.

Signals are reaching from the Kherson area about the retreat of the Russians to fallback positions in certain parts of the front. This is the influence of both the pressure and the Kharkiv counter-attack. The more challenges to Russian motivation, the better for the Ukrainians. An unmotivated soldier is a bad soldier.?

The retreat to reserve positions is also linked to the fact that the Russian units can then be supported by artillery on the left bank of the Dnipro. At the moment, most of this artillery does not reach the Ukrainian units. However, the retreat also means that more room for maneuver will be given to the Ukrainians. This is a big loss for the Russians in military terms.?

There is also some action in the direction of Zaporozhe. The aggressor’s military experts are ringing the bells that at Vuhledar the Ukrainians are preparing a counter-attack similar to the one in the direction of Kharkiv. We have a feeling that something similar might happen, but it is difficult to say at the moment whether it will happen on that particular stretch and what it will look like in time. Let us use Ukrainian folk wisdom – “Як зберуться хмарки в кучки — буде громовиця” – when the clouds gather in a pile, there will be thunder.

The Ukrainians have proved time and again that they know how to disguise their true aims and plans. This may well be the case here, so at least for the time being we cannot say that the Ukrainians will launch another counter-attack at Vuhledar.?

One thing we can confirm is that the Ukrainians are forming a serious strike group in the direction of Zaporozhe. However, there are still a lot of open questions for which there are no answers yet.

#ukraine #war #update?

Justas Gavenas, CMC

Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA

2 年
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