UKRAINE, status update, 2022-03-08, 8:30
Justas Gavenas, CMC
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
Добрий день, ми з Укра?ни
Pra?jusi naktis, neskaitant eilini? bombardavim? ir antskryd?i? buvo viena ramesni? nuo pat karo prad?ios. Tebesit?sia civili? gyvenam?j? rajon? ap?audymas.
Rusijos puolimas beveik sustojo. Labai minimalūs poky?iai, lyginant su ankstesne diena. Rusams dabar labai svarbus persigrupavimas ir logistikos paj?gum? atstatymas.
Prie Kyjivo vis dar sutelkta labai daug kariuomen?s. Pana?u, kad ?ie padaliniai nepasipildo naujais paj?gumais. Na, o jeigu pasipildo, tai n?ra didelis mastelis.
Visose gynybos linijose ukrainie?iai sugeba i?laikyti turimas pozicijas. Kol kas pana?u, kad ? dideles kontratakas nesivelia. Rusus kontratakuoja ma?ais padaliniais, ta?iau da?niau.
Vis dar kasdien daug prane?im? apie ukrainie?i? pasalas ir kitus būdus, kuriais naikina rus? paj?gas. I? to, kur sunaikintos transporto priemon?s (mi?ke, palei u?tvank? ir pan.) galima spr?sti, kad rusai kar?tligi?kai ie?ko būd? kaip saugiai u?tikrinti prie?akini? padalini? logistik?. Su ?iomis problemomis rusai susiduria visose kryptyse.
Sutemus vir? Kyjivo buvo numu?ti keli rus? l?ktuvai. Buvo laukta daugyb?s antskryd?i?, ta?iau pana?u, kad itin greitai numu?ti l?ktuvai privert? rusus persigalvoti. Aviacijos antskryd?iai vyksta, ta?iau j? kiekis ma?esnis.
Galima neabejoti, kad Kyjive pilna toki? sistem?, kaip Stinger, bei ir kur kas rimtesni?, kaip BUK, Osa, Tunguska ir pana?iai. Tad aviacijai ?iek tiek suri?tos rankos.
Artimiausiu metu ma?ai tik?tina, kad rusai mes bent kiek ?enklesnes paj?gas ? Ukrain?. Dalini? sukomplektavimas ir paruo?imas bent minimaliems veiksmas yra ilgai trunkantis ir sud?tingas veiksmas. Jeigu kokyb? n?ra svarbu, o gyvyb?s neskai?iuojamos, tuomet proces? galima ir paspartinti. Tik?tis naudos i? to, būt? berg?d?ias reikalas.
Darome prielaid?, kad rusai turi dideli? i??ūki? ?enkliai pastiprinti savo puolim?. Būtent to labai reikia rusams. Tik?tina, kad koviniai paj?gumai gali ?enkliau i?augti ne anks?iau kaip po 7-10 dien?.
JAV ?valgybos duomenys atskleid?, kad rusai ? Ukrain? pasiunt? jau beveik visas savo paj?gas, nepasilikdami rezervo. Tai labiau ?jimas Va Bank nei racionalus sprendimas karo metu.
Ukrainos nuotaikos draskomos prie?prie??. Viena vertus yra kuo pasid?iaugti – s?kmingi antpuoliai, tvirta gynyba esmin?se kryptyse, nuolat prie?ui padaromi nuostoliai. Ta?iau liūdes? kelia civili? gyvenam?j? kvartal? bombardavimas ir labai sud?tingos s?lygos apsuptuose, smarkiai nuo rus? puolimo nukent?jusiuose miestuose.
Per dvylika par? rusai ne?gyvendino savo siekio. Dar daugiau, patyr? itin skaud?i? nuostoli?, kuri? niekaip nepavyks ignoruoti. Tai tiesiogiai ?enkliai sumenkino rus? karin? gali?, apribojo kovos veiksmus.
Lieka didel? viltis, kad ukrainie?iai ir toliau s?kmingai kovos. S?kmingai naikins prie?? artilerija, neleis atsipalaiduoti ar lengvai u?imti nauj? ?emi? ir miest?. Ukrainie?iai turi visas tam reikalingas priemones ir ?ingredientus“.
Добрий день, ми з Укра?ни
Last night was one of the calmest since the start of the war, apart from the bombings and air raids. Shelling of civilian residential areas continues.?
The Russian offensive has almost stopped. Very minimal changes compared to the previous day. Regrouping and rebuilding logistical capacity is now very important for the Russians.?
There is still a very large concentration of troops near Kyiv. These units do not seem to be replenished with new forces. If they are, it is not on a large scale.?
The Ukrainians are managing to hold their positions on all lines of defense. So far, they do not seem to be conduct major counterattacks. The Russians are being counter-attacked only by small units albeit more frequently.?
There are still many daily reports of Ukrainian ambushes and other means of destroying Russian forces around the country. The destruction of vehicles (in forests, along a dam, on service road near railway etc.) suggests that the Russians are feverishly looking for ways to secure the logistics of their forward units. The Russians are facing these problems in all directions.?
Several Russian military aircraft were shot down over Kyiv after dark. Numerous air strikes were expected, but it seems that the quick downing of some of the airplanes has made the Russians change their minds. Air strikes are still taking place, but at a lower volume.?
There can be no doubt that Kyiv is full of systems such as the Stinger, but also much more serious ones such as the BUK, the Osa, the Tunguska and so on. So Russian aviation will be facing more threats.
In the short term, it is unlikely that the Russians will commit any more significant forces to Ukraine. Getting the units together and ready for even minimal action is a lengthy and complex exercise. If quality is not important and lives do not count, then the process can be accelerated. Expecting to benefit from such an approach would be a futile exercise.?
We assume that the Russians have a major challenge to significantly reinforce their offensive. This is what the Russians badly need. It is likely that a significant increase in combat capability will not take place for 7-10 days.?
US intelligence has revealed that the Russians have already sent almost their entire force to Ukraine without retaining a reserve. This is more of a Va banque move than a rational decision in wartime.?
The mood in Ukraine is torn by contradictions. On the one hand, there is much to be pleased about - successful offensives, a strong defense in key areas, and continued losses of the enemy troops and equipment. However, the bombing of civilians and their property, and the very difficult conditions in the encircled towns, which have been badly affected by the Russian offensive, are a source of sadness.?
The Russians did not achieve their objective within twelve days. What is more, they have suffered extremely heavy losses which cannot be ignored. This has directly undermined the Russian military power considerably, limiting combat action.?
It is to be hoped that the Ukrainians will continue to fight successfully. They will successfully destroy the Russian forces with artillery, and will not allow them to relax or to take new lands and towns easily. The Ukrainians have all the tools and "ingredients" for this.
#ukraine #war #update
Directeur ESMS
3 年Thank you. It seem to be a little bit optimistic. Unfortunately…
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
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Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
3 年TURIME TIESIOGIN? RY?? I? ?VYKI? VIETOS. Susira?in?jame su 69 met? moterimi Ukrainoje. Ji ra?o mums pati. LIUDIJIMAS #6. Filologo verdiktas … Людмила Александровна филолог, всю сознательную жизнь преподавала украинский язык в школе, услышав от кого-то ругательное слово, страшно возмущалась. Она доказывала, что в красивом и певучем украинском языке нет матерных слов. А вот популярное нынче изречение ?Руський корабель, ?ди на…? она одобрила. Просто сказала, что два последних слова надо писать слитно и считать это неологизмом, рожденным временем и реалиями…
Co-founder @ ADVENTICA | Managing partner @ TALENT? NAMAI | Blogger @ INFOKOMANDA
3 年We do hope you are still interested in ENGLISH VERSION. It is available.
Leadership Coach | Lecturer | Speaker
3 年Tik?kim?s geriausio...