UKRAINE - A Land of History and Beautiful WOMEN.....
Vladimir Pavlovitch Sirota
20,000+ Network - Experienced Sign Maker, the Real Estate Sign Man. Only 46 years making Real Estate Signs...
It is interesting that most people of the Western world have very little knowledge and understanding of the importance of Eastern Europe and the role it has played in ancient history and that it was once known throughout the known world as Kievan-Rus. The Slavic people settled in the region of Southeastern Poland and Northwestern Ukraine about 2,000 B.C. and lived the life of hunter/gatherers until the time of Attila the Hun, when he came up into that region and the various Slavic tribes dispersed to avoid his onslaught.
(Bare with me folks, there is a reason for all of this background information.)
The various bands or tribes went in various directions. Some went North Northwest, into what is now Poland. Others west West, into what is now the areas of the Slovak and Czech Republics, and yet others went South, toward the Adriatic Sea and settles from Northern Italy, all the way to northern Greece, and were knows and the Yugoslavs, meaning Southern Slavs. Then there were those who went Northeast and finally those who traveled Southeast, to a region along the Dniper River, where Kiev is located today.
About a hundred years later, in the middle of the 5th century, the city Kiev was founded by three Princely brothers, Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv and their sister, Lybid. They called the city Kyiv (Kiev) after the oldest brother.
Legend has it, that the Apostle Andrew was on the hills where Kyiv stand today and that he predicted and foresaw that there would be a great and mighty city on those hills, someday.
Early in the 9th century, Vikings began traversing the river systems of Eastern Europe and trading with merchants in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. The people of those regions began calling them RUS. Archeologist have found coins and artifacts from the Middle East, Greek, Rome and Egypt in various settlements in Scandinavia, substantiating this fact. The Vikings were not newcomers to the land that is now called Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
In 862, the city of Novgorod, a prosperous trading center, there were several merchant groups that were fighting among themselves for control of the trading and often engaged in bloody combat. So, one of the groups called for Rurik, from the tribe of Rus, in Jutland, to come with his warriors and establish order. After Rurik brought order and peace to Novgorod, the city elders asked that he stay and rule over them. He saw what was a prime opportunity and so he and his two brothers agreed. His brothers took adjacent regions and the three of them began to control the trade routes to the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
Rurik's two brothers soon died and so he assumed full control of the northern, headwaters region. In 879, Rurik died and his son Ingvar (Igor), assumed the rule and became the Grand Prince of Kyiv. History has him as an incompetent ruler and his military campaigns were disasters. Since that time, Kyiv became the primary city and the seat for the administrative leadership of the Slavic people. The regions of the north and south, east and west were united and brought under the authority of Kyiv and the territory was called Kyivan Rus.
So, what we know today as Western Russia, Belarus and Ukraine were all called Kyivan Rus and the Bloodline of the Royal Family of Russia, began with Rurik and then moved to Moscovy in the 13th century and remained there until Peter the Great, changed the name from Moscovy to Russia in the 17th century.
Though Ukraine, as it is known today, had existed as Kyivan-Rus, from the time of Rurik, and before that as the principality of Kyi, Kyiv was a very rich and prosperous trade center. Merchants from all over the the known world, China, Persia, Iraq, Egypt, North Africa, Scandinavian, European and the Mediterranean countries came to Kyiv and traded with with each other and then returned to their respective countries.
During this period in history, the 12th Century,London had a population of 20,000 and Paris, 30,000, Rome was about 60,000 and Constantinople had 100,000, and Kyiv had a population of more than 50,000 inhabitant and more than 400 churches. It was a thriving center of international trade and commerce. This continued until Batu Khan and the Golden Horde, plundered the city because they would not submit to him and pay him tribute, in 1240 AD.
Why all of this background? Maybe it is to help you better understand who and what the Slavic Women are. 1,300 years ago, there was a mix of Scandinavian blood intermingled with the Slavic race, thousands of Viking warriors arrived with Rurik and they intermarried with the natives and maybe, that is where the blondes and the crystal blue eyes came from. However, the women in Ukraine and the other Slavic countries are some of the most naturally beautiful if not the most beautiful women on the face of the earth. Unless one is really into the darker toned skin, like the Asian, or Latinos from Central or south America or even the South Sea Island beauties. The ladies in Ukraine, make a concerted effort to stay in shape and keep that lean, girlish figure. They like to dress well and wear mini-skirt, even in the dead of winter. Well dressed women, in high heels, I mean HIGH heals and NO panty hose, bare legs, gorgeous bare legs. If they dress down and more casual, in jeans or shorts, many of the women will still wear high heals. It just gives them that long and lean look and a guys, western guys want to just stop and admire these works of art. (The local men, could care less. They see this all of the time and they just blow the women off.) But when a women get a compliment from a Western man, who happens to pay them attention, they just love it and through him the largest and warmest smile.
Truly, the women are very romantic and can be extremely intimate, but they would like a man to be romantic towards them. You know, bring her flowers, chocolate candies or a small gift. they love it when a guy pays attention to them and demonstrates his interest in them. If a woman is interested in the guy, she will want to just spend time with him doing whatever interest the man. She will show her interest in the man by listening to him talk with her and boast as most men like to do, or go for long walks along the river, a park or even a local shopping center or mall.
Ukrainian women are not demanding, but they do want the man to demonstrate and show his interest in her, by being a gentleman and treating her like a lady. Once again guys, whenever you go to meet a beautiful woman, bring a small token of your interest and affection, flowers, candies or a worthwhile gift. It may not seem like a lot to you, but for the woman, it shows them and tells them that you are definitely interested in her and you are making an effort to win her heart. Once you have done that, the world is yours, she is yours and as long as you don't take her for granted, but display respect and affection, you will be treated like a KING. Your requests and desires will be fulfilled, beyond your wildest dreams.
Now that we have your attention, maybe you are happily married and this is not of interest to you, but you happen to know one of your friends who has been divorced or maybe single and had a difficult time finding a woman who will relate to him and he's unable to establish a lasting relationship. Tell your friend about us, and allow us to help him find the right match for him, a woman who would be interested in him truly and personally.
No, we are not like most of the International Marriage and Dating Services, who work extra hard to fleece their male clients or get them hooked on taking a Dating Tour, only to have him spend from $4,000 to $10,000 and come home with nothing but a memory of how he did not find the right lady. We don't work that way. We want our men to find the right lady and be able to communicate with her, knowing she is getting your letters and you are reading her genuine responses. No nickel and dimming a guy. We are here to help and that is what we will do. we will help the man find the right woman and then hook them up and help them even with a translator for their correspondence, at no additional cost. You've got it.We are here to HELP.