UK Recovery Walk Wolverhampton 13 Sept 2025
Faces and Voices of Recovery UK
UK-wide based charitable organisation Leading with Lived Experience
Following another successful year at FAVOR UK, made possible by sponsors and friends, we write to ask for your continued support of our work and to invite you to become a vital sponsor of our 17th UK Recovery Walk, scheduled for Saturday, 13th September 2025, at West Park in Wolverhampton.
FAVOR UK introduced, developed, and continues to sustain Recovery Month in the UK. To date, we have successfully delivered 16 UK Recovery Walks with well over 50,000 attendees, making it Europe's largest gathering and celebration of recovering individuals, their families, and allies. As highlighted in last year's brochure, London 2024 was a fantastic example of what the walk represents: London 2024 Brochure
We hope you will help make this happen again in Wolverhampton later this year. Preparations are already off to a flying start, with local services, public health bodies, and individuals showing tremendous support. As always, there is urgency in securing funds as early as possible to plan effectively. If you are able to donate this year, it would be incredibly helpful to have the funds cleared before the end of March 2025, in time for the new financial year. Please check out our updated, flexible sponsorship options!
We'd be happy to discuss these further with you or others in your organisation who may be better suited to these budgets and requirements. The UK Recovery Walk continues to gain popularity and recognition, and it's thanks to your investment that this innovative event—and the charity's work—can continue to thrive each year. We truly couldn't do it without your support. You can also read about some of the other essential addiction community work we are incredibly proud of in our Topics Section on our website.
For now, here are just a few highlights from last year's work. Your support has enabled much more to happen, including securing funding for two additional staff members to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. We are proud to launch the report marking the end of our three-year term as the UK's first and only addiction advocacy service: 3-Year Advocacy Case Worker Report
This advocacy service, where we fight for people to access life-saving services, will continue to grow and develop in the years to come, thanks to your ongoing support. We would also like to feature your thoughts as leaders in the addiction field and offer space in our walk brochure for your organisation's recovery stories. We hope you will write a piece for us, along with testimonials and photographs of your patients' journeys.
Please send these by June 30th, 2025. We sincerely hope you will sponsor us this year and continue to be pleased with our work. We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished with your help, but we are also open to feedback and always welcome your guidance, thoughts, and partnership throughout the year.
Thank you, on behalf of those struggling with addiction, their families, and their friends. We hope you enjoy reading our advocacy case worker service report—though it may be disturbing for the comfortable, it will be comforting for those who are suffering. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to Wolverhampton on September 13th, 2025.
Please also feel free to forward this request to any organisations or individuals who may be interested in supporting and developing our work in support of those affected by addiction. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or thoughts about going forward this year. Anne Marie Ward , CEO Faces and Voices of Recovery UK
Further Information about FAVOR UK:Please find our annual report and other links below. This is a summary of our work for the year, and we are happy to discuss it in more detail at any time. Annual Report 2024
Our Making Rights Real Campaign - #OorBill The Right to Recovery Bill Explained
There has been substantial public support (72%) for our Right to Recovery Bill, though we've also seen some discreditable and questionable misinformation circulated about it by organisations and individuals in the sector. To address these concerns, we have created a myth-busting PDF to answer some of the frequently asked questions and opposition points related to the consultation process for The Right to Recovery Bill in Scotland