UI and UX are Not same !
GVS Chaitanya
Growth Leader | GTM & Product-Led Growth | Data-Driven Marketing | Scaled Writesonic to Top 10 fastest growing internet products | Speaker at LSE, Google AI, Teckpon
What is the major difference between UI and Ux ?, if you need a short and simple answer , Ux design is all about making the user feel , there is Human on the other side not a computer And UI / UI design is the interaction of how you interact with a machine .
Always Remember , A Good Looking UI is might not always be Good UX
Googling the Bubble it’s easy to find the weird comparison between UI and UX. Well its possible to sketch out a design (UI)with out a well developed logic but it will be good for Dribble or behance , We need to understand and create a hierarchy of different cases and stages from the end user to create a User friendly product , which users will fall in love .:P
Build a product for your visitors , Not for yourself.
Design thinking will impact growth and Core values of the company .
Everything around us has been designed in such a way that produces emotion from things and brings the best user experience , which are interlinked all together with natural environment moment-by-moment: such as like or a dislike, anger , frustration etc.
How do We Deliver a Design That Gives great User Experience?
Adopting great strategies will Result in great User experience. Use the power of product Research, design thinking, Innovation, product testing to effectively set up the product on users. These subsequent touch-points will tap the Footprints and pain points where designers can identify the frustrations which users may encounter while using the product. Not only should designers strive to eliminate these frustrations, but in addition, should try to eliminate Opportunity legs that turn critical moments into positive experiences.
Design is Not just What it Looks Like , Design is how It works
Design is How it Works-
lets talk about Some Great product design Here ! — UBER !
I Have some serious love for great product design and Uber is one among the great products with seamless innovation and Great design which I believe. It started as a Mobile app-Ride hailing company in San Francisco to one of the most disruptive Startup Companies around the world.Where the design plays a Crucial role in the success factor. I’m constantly Humbled by the smarts and generosity shown by Uber Design Team which played a major role in scaling its Ops globally at a Massive pace, within weeks and Months they hit big by launching in the world's Biggest Cities like Bangalore , hong Kong, Singapore, Colombo, Amsterdam…etc
They made Buttons on the Screen look so good that you'll lick them
Making the Complex Simple- the Steve Jobs Way !-
For a concept that we all understand, ‘Simple’ is difficult to compel.
We may ‘know it when we see it’, but there’s lot more behind what makes a product or app feel simple and easy than ever.
Simple can be harder than complex you have to work hard to make your thinking clean and make it simple .
Like most things in life, there’s more than just the surface appeal of simplicity and how we use these ideas on a specific project.
Here’s an example of what I'm talking about: If I asked you what colour you associate with boys, most of you would instantly picture blue (and pink for girls). You don’t have to actively think about the answer. It’s just in there. You have already made a connection with the colour where Boy=blue, Girl =pink.
Let’s use an App as an example. When you first visit an app there are certain elements you expect like a menu pane, scroll, sign-in at left pane, sign out at bottom for getting around, or a search at the top of the app Every ‘type’ of app, from a Movie booking app to e - wallet app, every app has these prototypical elements.
When an app doesn’t lay to these expectations and principles it’s harder for the user to understand the elements and functionality if the app, Resulting in boring user experience losing a potential user for the product creator.
Please feel free talk about Ux and product design in comments
When I’m not writing, I’m working on growth hacking and product UX, figuring out campaigns to increase demand across.