photo 8


Uhunagho And The Extraterrestrials-intervention In the Destiny of Africans

※ We Are Partners In Extraterrestrials’ Intervention Force (OGUN) Of Holy Mountains of LakeArigbo ※


〖Protruding ET DWELLERS on Arigbo Holy Mountains at HOLY LAND OF DASSA-ZOUME are no UFOs〗


We have postulated so far that all known human races have select tribes whose solemn duty is to guide them, pray for them and provide spiritual protection for them. The race of black Africans does not have such select groups. She has enemies called IKOR instead. The ikor impose themselves on the race as her pastors, evangelists, imams, priests, chief priests, witch-doctors, babalawo, and African-witchcraft Priests (AWP). (see here?for a detailed list)

These clans, going by their designations, ought to be fulfilling the duties of select tribes that are in duty bound to help, pray, guide, and protect the race. The ikor does exactly the opposite. The ikor is subjecting the race to witchcraft initiation rituals involving the consumption of brain and psyche-altering potions.

The African race is now suffering from a debilitating African-witchcraft disease of the brain and psyche: Wiping out their psyche, will, intelligence, ?and civilization. The African race is destined for oblivion. Their doom is inevitable unless the process is stopped. Hence, the Extraterrestrials (ET) are intervening. It is noteworthy that the ET took the initiative to intervene without waiting for anyone to invite or invoke them.

PART IV is to highlight the ET-intervention, the reasons for it, and its consequences.?And importantly, to show how to manage its consequences.??

Uhunagho contains the secrets to survive the intervention, and to be reconciled with the divine origin?during and after the intervention.???


ET-intervention In The Destiny Of Africans

1. The ET-intervention is in the destiny that is being determined by debilitating African-witchcraft.

2. The debilitating African-witchcraft disease is caused by a combination of factors that include the following: initiation dramas and dance coupled with the consumption of brain and psyche-altering witchcraft potions; psychic, spiritual, and ritual abuse; (PSRA); (261) THE PROPHECY BEING FULFILLED - COMPANIONS OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTERVENTION FORCE OF HOLY MOUNTAINS OF LAKEARIGBO (temoindemont.org)and physical violence. This combination results in a disease that causes paralysis of the brain and psyche, thereby neutralizing them; and leading to a loss of will, and mental and spiritual power. ?

3. The initiation abuse has been going on for aeons. After suffering abuse from generation to generation over aeons, the black African race is now bedevilled and zombified from birth.

4. The African-witchcraft disease?has made the initiated black Africans into zombies literally; and they have become INEDUCABLE.?On top of that, they are not capable of telling the difference between good and evil. That includes all black Africans south of the Sahara and their direct descendants worldwide.

5. A point cannot be emphasized enough, because it is the primary reason, if not the only reason, for the EXTRTERRESTRIALS (ET) INTERVENING IN THE DESTINY OF THE BLACK RACE. The point is that the African race is destined for oblivion. They are doomed and will not be able to deviate from the route to oblivion; or reverse the inevitability of her doom. Her fate is sealed. ET is intervening to prevent this.

6. Let us rehash for a moment, the observable scenario that ends with doom. African-witchcraft and zombification involve initiation rituals combined with the consumption of brain and psyche-altering witchcraft potions. This involves being bewitched, being spellbound, ?and being subjected to PSRA. The combination over a very long time, namely for aeon, causes a paralysis of the brain and the ruination of the psyche. ?

7. The damage to the brain and psyches then reach the extent of the initiated Africans losing the ability to understand the difference between good and evil. This inability goes beyond morality or depravity. It is a disease that also causes the paralysis of the will, intelligence, and more.

8. Note this point forever please: Do African-witchcraft initiation rituals and potions cause the inability to distinguish between moral good and evil? Yes, it does. However, it goes beyond the inability to lead a life of moral rectitude. It even goes beyond a life of impunity. It is a life whereby the sufferer is not different from the brainless worm. They cannot 'fight' or 'flee;' they are simply zombies literally. They are not responsive to the presence of danger or attack on life--lives of human beings in general, own lives, or the survival and well-being of their dependants, or loved ones. Their instinct for survival, love, and preference is dead. They are indifferent to killings; including ritual murder (even of helpless babies!).

9. They are just not capable of distinguishing between what is good, or what is bad for them--between pain, and life free from pain for example. What is worse, the disease is degenerative: starting in a small way and ending in oblivion. It goes from unawareness to confusion, to madness, to death (possibly by suicide). In other words, the loss of control is latent and not perceptible or glaring at first. ???

10. This is the trap: Starting in a small way at the level of unawareness with most people believing that they have control. The average reader may therefore not understand why the Oboiro is categorizing African-witchcraft as a terminal disease: They are unable to note the overwhelming cases of sufferers. The important point nonetheless is the fact that ET with EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE recognize it for what it is; and is intervening. Furthermore the intervention has consequences.

11. Regardless of non-awareness or not understanding the details of the intervention, it has consequences. And you and I have no choice about the fact that it has consequences. This is why the Oboiro is highlighting their intervention as he is doing. ????

12. ?Not being capable of distinguishing between good and evil, and being ineducable at the same time implies that the initiated black Africans are doomed. Because they would not be able on their own, to cause their destiny to deviate, or to reverse the scenario leading to total loss of control; and ending in oblivion! ?Remember, that that includes all black Africans south of the Sahara and their direct descendants worldwide. Hence, the ET-INTERVENTION.

13. ET have been sending an intervenor to execute the intervention. For example, one appeared at the Oboiro's Holy Mountains Kiwu Meditation (HMKM) session on Zoom in 2022. He took a screenshot on the occasion. (see photos 10a and 10b) Other intervenors as executors of the intervention are visible amongst us from time to time. ?

?Photo 10a visit of an INTERVENOR to Oboiro’s session on Zoom. ?{Visitor on Zoom COLLOQUY 8-9Aug2022}

Photo 10a visit of an INTERVENOR to Oboiro’s session on Zoom.

?photo 10b (the visitor standing alone showing the front of the face.)

photo 10b (the visitor standing alone showing the front of the face.)

photo 10b (the visitor standing alone showing the front of the face.)

14. ET of Holy Mountains of LakeArigbo is intervening to stop the debilitating African-witchcraft brain and psyche disease. This curing intervention is prevailing in our lifetime:?Curing the race and stopping how the ikor is ruining the race. ?

15. Strive not to get lost as a victim in the process of the ET-intervention. Practise the Holy Mountain Kiwu Meditation (HMKM).

16. The ET-intervention may be focused on the casualties of debilitating African-witchcraft initiation rituals. However, it extends to humankind as a whole indirectly. Mortal gods are perishing now: Mortal gods of all races of humankind. Practise the HMKM irrespective of your racial appellation not to perish in consequence.

Our Link For Reconciling

18. ET has intelligence that is beyond comparing to human intelligence: The ETI. Begotten non-initiated black Africans have the intelligence or osa of OSA or Osanobua: A unity of ETI in every black African. It comes with their being begotten or yielded by Osanobua. (see here) Each person can realise his or her ETI through meditation and reconcile with ET through Holy Mountains Kiwu Meditation (HMKM). Those who can reconcile will be annihilated along with ikor. ?

19. Do not wait for any human preacher or priest beyond the revelations of the ET itself. They are on Earth as LakeArigbo Holy Mountains here in Dassa-Zoume, Republic of Benin. Despite their physical headquarters being located in a particular place on Earth, they are as accessible from every point on the planet as they are being sighted at various points.

20. Every competent person can perceive the sounds and revelations of the ET regardless of their human location. Hence, no need for 'messengers' or Prophets, rabbis or priests to derive gain from the ET-intervention.?Aim at becoming competent through HMKM. Be reconciled.

21. The job of the Oboiro is to teach the starting verses of KIWU.?Further verses of the creation SONG ?will be revealed to you directly as you progress. You must then continue according to your revelations; the ones that you will definitely find relevant to your needs and aspirations in these times of perpetual intervention. ?

Reconciling During The Intervention.

22. ET-intervention is resulting in a space being left behind by the annihilated African-witchcraft disease and their harbingers. Uhunagho is filling the space. Prepare to stay reconciled?through Uhunagho; with ET during and after the intervention.

23. The Holy Mountains of LakeArigbo are HEADS. Hence we may refer to them as Holy Head-Mountains. Their shape suggests it and the eyes displayed on them confirm it. Photo 8 above in particular is a bunch of heads so configured that their eyes collectively cover 380 degrees. Photo 3 below shows further configuration.

24. The revelations that will help you benefit more from the ET-intervention will come from the Holy Head-Mountains of LakeArigbo (from their heads to your uhunmwun).

25. Why Uhunagho? It is obvious following the fact that they are stretching their uhunmwun or heads to us. Photo 3 suggests a black African. Next in front of him are what look like typical African masks. ?

?(photo 3) Protruding ET DWELLERS on Arigbo Holy Head-Mountains at HOLY LAND OF DASSA-ZOUME

(photo 3) Protruding ET DWELLERS on Arigbo Holy Head-Mountains at HOLY LAND OF DASSA-ZOUME

26. The shape of the front of the lead head here is consistent with the shape of the front of the head of the visitor in photo 10b above. A session discussing Uhunagho.

27. Additionally, their domain protrudes physically into the world through Dassa-Zoume, Republic Of Benin in West Africa. Uhunagho has its origin among the Benin people of Nigeria. (The Republic of Benin was named after the Benin.) Their physical empire in the Republic of Benin covers the whole of Collins territory of the republic.

28. Some of the ET at Collins may look like rocks and stones; Including those in the valley of LakeArigbo. However, they are not all stones or rocks. Stones and plain rocks do not emit noise that any person could perceive directly (without any instruments) under any circumstances.

29. The Oboiro can perceive the vibrations from some of them as sounds or noise without any aide. He suspects that other people are aware of them too. This suspicion is founded on the fact that he 'hears' human Latin chants sometimes in connection with the Holy Mountains. He perceives ceremonial or traditional songs in his African mother tongue sometimes. It is noteworthy that the fake sounds include the language of Uhunagho and the mother tongue of the Oboiro.

30. Those faking the noise must be aware that noise or sound prevails in association with LakeArigbo and the Holy Mountains. Hence, do they try to fake it. They do not perceive the original genuine sounds. They suspect that the environment emits sounds or noise. Hence, the noise that they produce is so far from the original that it is obvious that they are fakes. The Oboiro who can perceive the true noise or sound from the ET has identified some of the sources of the noise to be the valley of LakeArigbo.

31. Next, let us have a closer look at some details. Photo 6a below is of the wall of the huge blocks in the valley of LakeArigbo. You can see the human-like eye in the white circle. Plain rocks do not have these kinds of eyes. You can see new eyes emerging within the yellow circle and blue rectangle. (Expand the picture to see them if necessary)

?photo 6a (Eyes in space-less universe)

photo 6a (Eyes in space-less universe)

32. You can see additional eyes emerging in photo 6b below.

(photo 6b) Emerging EYES in the -striations- focused

33. ?photo 6b {Emerging EYES in the -striations- focused A}

34. These are proofs that the huge blocks in the valley of LakeArigbo that look like rocks are alive and constitute the visible forms of their space-less universe. There are no gaps between entities: It is as if they are in liquid or fluid form. They however respond to human thoughts such as intimate human wishes. ?

35. Nowhere is dead in the valley of LakeArigbo (or anywhere else on the Holy Mountains): No cemeteries. Additionally, note that the corpses that the adherents of NECROLATRY worship do not emit sound. Images or objects at the shrines of deified people do not emit sounds either. What is more, the deified people that the objects or shrines represent ought to make perceivable sounds or noise in association with them. By comparison, some people can perceive sounds in some areas of pristine countryside or rivers that are hallowed. The dead and deified individuals ought to make their existence felt through sound in some form.

36. SOUND is the cardinal distinguishing factor between the living and the dead: Including deified dead people. The 'living dead' do not exist as far as they cannot emit sound or noise in any form. One is either dead and lost or is alive, living, creating, and calling forth what one wants.

Protruding ET Holy Mountains Meditation Site

37. We do not need to build temples or places to congregate for HMKM. We may congregate at the KIWU Meditation site around the Holy Mountain. (See photo 9)

??(photo 9) MEDITATION ?SITE


38. The ET are communicating with the whole world over the whole planet continuously. You can be in communication with them irrespective of space; and the distance from Dassa-Zoume and your body. You could hear them and feel their presence wherever you may be while you are meditating with the KIWU.

39. Learn the starting verses of the KIWU: The WORD to start. Further secrets will be revealed to you directly as you progress.?You would be able to continue forever according to your personal revelations; the ones that you will definitely find relevant to your intimate secret needs and aspirations.

40. We call it KIWU, the key to tune into the ETI. You can join the meditation session anywhere, any time without any electronic devices, gadgets, or the internet through ?KIWU. Get the KIWU from the Oboiro through these email addresses here?or here2.

41. You may not be sure that you were doing the KIWU correctly at the beginning. Hence, join us and learn to practise and develop. ?

42. However, if you are in the vicinity of the Holy Mountains of LakeArigbo, you can join us for HMKM at the meditation site.

43. Remember, you can join the meditation anywhere with or without any electronic devices, gadgets, or the internet on Sundays at 15 hours WAT.\; 14 hours GMT. Get the KIWU for it from the Oboiro.

44. For further information and advice send an email to [email protected]?Or [email protected]?

Join Us On Zoom

45. Login to the Oboiro on Zoom Sundays at 15 hours WAT; 14 hours GMT. Login by clicking on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85674595780?pwd=OVo1UzMrZ0p1U2FqYS21zMVBpazM5dz09


R. Dahra Hargaalga (Being of Arigbo/être d'Arigbo)的更多文章

