The ugly side of law firm research
The following article has been written by the collective Legal 500 research team. I am immensely proud of them for stepping up and calling out lawyers for historic unacceptable behaviour against the research team. Be warned, I won't tolerate that kind of behaviour towards anyone who works at The Legal 500.
The #MeToo moment has shone a light on inappropriate behaviour in the practice of law. Unfortunately, some lawyers still don’t get it, but The Legal 500 will be taking a stand
For months, the legal press has detailed a string of sexual harassment scandals within several of the world’s leading law firms. Baker McKenzie, Dentons, Quinn Emanuel, Linklaters, Herbert Smith Freehills, Latham & Watkins, and, more recently, Clyde & Co and Reed Smith have all found themselves under the glare of the media spotlight after allegations of inappropriate conduct by partners emerged.
In the midst of the #MeToo movement, there should be a heightened awareness of what constitutes inappropriate behaviour in a workplace setting. Unfortunately, some lawyers are failing to take note. Even in interviews with our team certain partners (not, it must be said, from the firms above) are displaying the same bullying and harassing behaviour that has dropped those at other firms into hot water.
In October, one member of our editorial team was subjected to unwelcome advances from a law firm partner that shall remain nameless. Then, only a few days later, she was told by a different partner at another firm that the secret to his youthful appearance was the number of women he’d ‘had’; information our co-worker neither requested nor had any interest in knowing.
Although able to brush off the second incident and focus on the reason she was there, the first encounter was more unsettling. Never for a minute did she feel in any danger – they were in a public place, in broad daylight, having coffee – but the partner’s constant touching, comments on her appearance, persistent dinner invites, and total lack of interest in talking about anything related to The Legal 500 made for a very uncomfortable meeting.
Aware the partner’s behaviour was unacceptable, our colleague was concerned that any reaction would come across as her ‘making a big deal of it’ and would increase the awkwardness of the situation. In the end, she was relieved the lawyer in question had somewhere else to be immediately after the meeting, allowing her to make an escape.
However, in advance of this meeting our co-worker gave this individual her mobile number so they could contact each other in the event either of them was running late. That evening she received a text message from the partner informing her he was ‘upset’ they couldn’t have drinks that night but that he would send through an invite to connect over Telegram – the encrypted cloud-based messaging app – for ‘a more secure communication line’. She didn’t respond and, fortunately, the lawyer hasn’t contacted her since.
Like many women, our colleague has experienced this sort of behaviour in bars and clubs, but she didn’t expect it in a fairly innocuous afternoon work meeting. Reports in the press have made it apparent that this sort of unseemly behaviour (and much worse) is fairly prevalent in some law firms, with associates, trainees, and support staff targeted by those in power. It is a persistent problem that #MeToo has yet to fix, so perhaps it is inevitable such inappropriateness can cross over into lawyers’ meetings with representatives from the legal directories.
The above incident is not a one off. Having spoken to members of our editorial team, senior management at The Legal 500 were shocked to discover other examples of inappropriate or unprofessional conduct initiated by lawyers during the research process for our various guides. Although incredibly difficult for some to come forward with this information, we heard of unacceptable exchanges which ranged from ill-conceived attempts at flirting to misogyny and sexism directed at our female researchers, and even instances where well-known partners, unhappy with their current rankings, shouted at and belittled researchers during interviews.
This is the ugly side of law firm research. For the record, we will not tolerate abusive or harassing behaviour directed at any of our team. Our researchers should feel safe going into any meeting with any partner around the globe. It is not acceptable to treat research interviews as pick-up opportunities or to vent your frustrations at junior members of our team. While we don’t mind healthy debate, abuse and hostile questioning of our professional judgement is not acceptable. We expect our team to act with professionalism when meeting firms, and we expect the same in return.
Going forward, we’ll be encouraging our editors and researchers to call out unacceptable behaviour and will be empowering them to walk away from meetings where they feel unsafe or are not treated with the respect they deserve. A report of the offences will be sent to the firm’s senior management and, in the most extreme cases, research into those offending partners’ practices will be terminated. Clients depend on us to help them make the right decision when instructing external legal providers; how can we possibly recommend a practice if those inside it are behaving in the manner described above?
The Legal 500 Research Team
Rechtsanw?ltin - Fachanw?ltin für Familienrecht - Mediatorin - Referentin - Legal IT
6 年Important to make this misconduct public! "Best practice" so far is to "reward" the victim with an NDA, some money - and a leave. The offender always stays - until it becomes public. And: Also this coin as it's other side: As a family-lawyer last year I discussed maintenance issues for different children and women with my client. It was business for him (the price should be reasonable), nothing else. He told me: See, the amount of stress I have, the amount of responsibility I have, the amount of money I move - one woman is not enough for that, I always have about three to four. His actual wife was sitting with us at the table, happily nodding ...
Thank you for writing this, and to your colleague who had the courage to bring the incident up with you.?? I haven't seen as much commentary exposing this behaviour in law firms as there has been in other fields (media, Westminster).? I suspect that this is not only because the power of influential partners in law firms over more junior people's careers is serious, but particularly because successful lawyers are really smart at being ambiguous and deniable, or covering their tracks (except some like the fellow in your story - what a creep). One fellow partner in another big law firm commented to me (together with a media industry friend) that he did not think there was a need for #MeToo?call-outs in law firms, because there really wasn't this kind of power-based harassment.? That's not only obviously wrong, but it's really naive and sad that a fellow senior law firm partner should think this.? I don't know of these behaviours from partners currently in my firm, but why on earth would we or our peers be immune from this?? The kind of people who behave like this will continue to do so if they think they can get away with it, without being challenged for it. Please keep talking about it.
Assistant Director of Law and Governance , MO
6 年Colleagues should be empowered to call out such behaviour, it is indefensible. Perhaps the publication ought to omit the “offending “ firms from their next print run, I’m sure that would focus minds
Chartered Marketer | Experienced Business Development Professional
6 年Appalling.? Well done for taking a stand.??
Barrister at Wilberforce Chambers
6 年That this still goes on is scandalous. It was par for the course in the 1990s but after #me too how can these individuals think that this kind of behaviour is ok?!!!! The offenders should be reported to their managing partners, to the regulatory bodies and their names should be published. Naming and shaming might be the only way to end this type of despicable behaviour.