When you're in a crisis, caring for a loved one who is struggling with mental health (or physical health!), often the last thing you want to do is make up ways for friends and family to support you. But when someone says, "just let me know if you need anything," you either have to come up with something, or just shake your head exhaustedly, and say something like "no, no, I'm fine." While silently crying. Or silently cursing....

There's a better way! Check out this video for just three of the suggestions from We've Got This: Journal for Parents with Kids Struggling with Mental Health . Having quick answers like these at the ready can make it possible for you to get the help you need, and for your friends and family to actually help you! There are many more suggestions in the journal, too.

A Quick Request

Do you attend any professional conferences? Might my message, helping organizations break open conversations on mental health so they can be TRULY supportive of mental health, be a good fit for that conference??

I'd love to know about any conference or organization that could benefit from this work. I'm on a mission to help communities and organizations up their game when it comes to mental health, and I need YOU to help me get there.?If you have any suggestions, or can make any introductions, just reply to this newsletter and let me know! Thanks in advance for helping me spread the word.

Want a program like this for your organization or team? Reach out! I've got programs on improving culture by supporting mental health and on meaningful self-care that makes a difference.?

Remember, we're in this together, and we can do this.


PS - New Web Site Alert! Check it out at !

Monica Edgar

Document Processing Technician

4 个月

Thanks so much! Hopefully this video as well as your other material will help those individuals suffering from mental illness and their families. I know sometimes, from personal experience, they can feel very isolated and lonely. The small things do indeed make a difference!!!

When my husband was in the hospital, everyone asked this question and I was too overwhelmed to answer more than "nothing right now, thanks." But some friends brought lunch or dinner, and others got a gift card for a massage. It was wonderful! Now that we are caretaking at home , no one even asks! This is so on point!?

Veronica Riley

President, Veronica Riley Training & Consulting

4 个月

Love this, Tara Rolstad. It's great practical advice for people like me who sincerely want to help, but never know what to offer! Thank you!



