UCI BMX Freestyle Committee meeting
The UCI BMX Freestyle Committee got together once more to discuss several things freestyle. From 2019 rule changes, feedback on the 2018 season, Tokyo 2020 Field Of Play design to plans for the future. There are steps to be taken but it's good to know where to go. The step by step approach from the start has turned out to be the right one. We're moving somewhere and it's actually happening pretty quickly. With the help of the riders, event organizers, federations and everyone involved, a structure is formed and it's a good base to work from.
We're not there yet, and it's impossible to reach a certain goal and say "That's it!" because BMX Freestyle is always moving, always changing, always progressing, just like the tricks that the riders do. What makes sense now, doesn't necessarily make sense in 5 years from now. You've got to be ready for change if it makes things better for everyone, or at least the majority. Changing rules for individuals isn't the right thing to do. Feedback is needed. From the scene, the riders, the federations, the event organizers, the media.
Thanks to everyone for helping out. Together we can do this. Let's make it good.