UCF: "Do All Lives Matter?"
Allie L. Braswell, Jr., MA, CUDE
CEO @ Braswell Group? | Speaker | Author | Executive Coach |Leadership Development | Culture & Belonging | MagicMakers Group Independent Consultant
Earlier this year, I had the awesome opportunity to share in a conversation with the faculty and students of the University of Central Florida (UCF) on the topic of "Do All Lives Matter?": Conversations about Race, Law Enforcement, Social Justice. The event was hosted by the UCF Center for Law & Policy, UCF's Office for Diversity and Inclusion, UCF's Social and Justice Advocacy, and the Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action office. Joining me in the conversation was Sanford, FL City Manager, Norton Bonaparte, also pictured here. The session was moderated by 9th Judicial Circuit Court Judge, Bob Leblanc. There were many reasons that the city did not erupt in the types of behaviors exhibited in Ferguson and now Baltimore. I believe the primary reason was because the community came together to request that due process be followed in dealing with the issues. The clergy, retired judges, community stakeholders and concerned citizens locked arms in a call for action, and patience to allow the process to run its course.