Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi
Raspbian, the Raspberry Pi operating system, is based on Debian, a version of Linux. Did you know there is more than one type of Linux? Debian is one, but there is also Ubuntu, Fedora, and Free BSD.
Ubuntu is a popular linux distribution and has been available for Raspberry Pi - but installing and running a desktop version has been challenging. Now...Ubuntu Desktop is available through the Raspberry Pi installer and is as easy to install as Raspbian
The best way to learn about Ubuntu is to install it on your raspberry pi and be sure to use the correct version of the installer for your Raspberry Pi.
Outside of the layout, Ubuntu isn’t that much different from Raspbian. It comes with Libreoffice, a web browser, and other utilities you’d expect.
I found that although python is installed by default, GPIO libraries such as RPi.GPIO and gpiozero are not available. I failed in my attempts to install them, although if I was willing, I suspect I could have eventually succeeded. But using python with Ubuntu to control the GPIO is not a beginner’s game.
There may be other languages that can be successfully used with the GPIO under Ubuntu, but it seems each requires an advanced installation procedure.
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