Ubuntu is a philosophy that supports collectivism over individualism. This philosophy embodies a set of values and principles that emphasize the interconnectedness of all people, the importance of community, compassion, and mutual respect. ??????? By its slogan ‘I am because we are’ or ‘humanity to others’ Ubuntu has deep roots in African cultural tradition, particularly the Nguni Bantu-speaking peoples of southern Africa.

It has been passed from generation to generation as a guiding principle to communal living for communities to maintain their set of values and ensure their collectivism over individualism. However, it’s been noticed that the practice is changing to individualism possibly due to the grid for personal development rather than community empowerment and infiltration of different external cultures.

Why Ubuntu?

The philosophy is popularized by prominent figures like Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the noble peace prize Nelson Mandela who is well known for his anti-apartheid policy. Nelson and Tutu believed so much in Ubuntu because they saw the philosophy help South Africa heal from the past. Considering the values and principles of Ubuntu, it is crucial and worthy of embracing because it promotes dignity and respect, the spirit of solidarity, survival, compassion, care for others, love, sharing, reconciliation, and reciprocity.

Ubuntu serves as an example of how nations and communities promote reconciliation, the principles continue to inspire peace promotion and reconciliation.


Ubuntu suggests that our well-being and humanity are intrinsically tied to the well-being and humanity of others. In essence, the happiness, success, and dignity of one person are linked to those of the entire community.

?Compassion and empathy

Ubuntu encourages individuals to show compassion and empathy towards others. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and sharing in the joys and sorrows of fellow human beings, fostering a sense of solidarity.


It places a strong emphasis on community and collective responsibility. Ubuntu promotes the idea that individuals should work together for the greater good of the community and that everyone has a role to play in supporting and uplifting one another.

Respect for others

Ubuntu calls for deep respect for the inherent dignity and worth of all individuals, regardless of their background, race, or any circumstances. It encourages treating others with respect and recognizing their humanity.

Conflict resolution (forgive)

In the context of conflict, Ubuntu promotes reconciliation and forgiveness. It encourages resolving disputes through dialogue and seeking restorative justice rather than retribution.

Human rights and social justice

The Ubuntu philosophy aligns with the principles of human rights and social justice. It advocates for fairness and equity in society, striving for a more just and inclusive world.

Community Building

Ubuntu emphasizes the importance of building strong, supportive, and cohesive communities. It encourages active participation in community life and working together to address common challenges. Today, Ubuntu is celebrated in cultural events, education programs, and as a guiding philosophy for building a more inclusive and equitable society.


??????????? Nursing is a profession that entails all the guiding principles of Ubuntu philosophy but it is unfortunate that many nurses are not recognized and are taken as the doctors’ maids, especially in countries that are still developing. In Uganda the belief is not different, many nurses are not recognized not only by their managers but also by the public. This is against the Ubuntu philosophy values of respect, survival, and the spirit of solidarity.

Nurses play a very crucial role in the health care delivery system taking 75 percent of work workforce in Uganda’s health system and 70 percent globally.

Philosophy plays a role in the history of caring, roughly translated as human kindness in nursing as a profession is well known for that. Many nurses have left strong legacies, amongst them is the South African Albertine Sisulu- A nurse, midwife, mother, and activist who was against anti-apartheid policy in South Africa together with her husband Walter and friend Nelson Mandela who worked to create a rainbow nation despite her death in 2011 with less recognition.

Conclusion: Nurses are the interface of care for the patients and exhibit all the guiding principles of Ubuntu philosophy however they remain less or go unrecognized which underscores Ubuntu values in the 21st century.

Like it has been passed from generation to generation, cultural institutions and social institutions must fix the crossed fingers to ensure the Ubuntu philosophy is strengthened further.

The ideology should be strongly embraced in all institutions, during cultural events and education programs to promote peace and reconciliation, build strong communities, respect, the spirit of solidarity, love, empathy, and reciprocation.

Institutions should embrace recognition of their staff, continuous mentorship, and early childhood coaching to raise a generation that has a deep understanding of their cultural values and genesis.

The philosophy, if strengthened will also help build a strong workforce of nurses hence increasing capacity building.

As an Ubuntu catalyst, I take this opportunity to recognize the efforts of the cultural leaders, social justice defenders, activists, and COVID-19 front liners particularly the following.

1.????? Dr. Kajoba Charles Kimuli- Covid19 incident commander UPS.

2.????? Dr.Malungu Leonard

3.????? EN Sande John

4.????? EN wabuna

5.????? EN Solomon

6.????? PO1 Alomu James

7.????? Wdr Kogo

8.????? EN Natukunda Denis

9.????? ANO Nambi Salama

10.? ANO Draku Fred.

All of Uganda's Prisons Service for the endless efforts during the fight of COVID-19.

Napoleon Bounaparte

RN Murchison Bay Hospital

AKU Alumnus



