UBS Rhetoric Club visits Hackaton
Linkedin Friends, I am a bit late with this as the event took place at on the 28th of June but I thought it is still worth to share with you guys.
Me and Dominik Lisowski from "UBS Rhetoric Club" had an opportunity to deliver a public speaking training during the UBS Hackathon. I am really proud that we could share our knowledge with so many amazing people that took part in this event.
If you don't know what a Hackaton is – it is an event during which a large number of people meet to collaborate in computer programming. As an example, the goal of one of the teams was to create a recording tool that will be used during skype calls to easily record the meeting minutes. In the next step, it will rewrite it as a text using machine learning and send over the call summary to all attendees. I know this isn't an innovative idea(there are working solutions like this) but for me, a tool with this functionality would have a significant impact on the productivity of many people.
At the end of the event, each team needed to present their ideas both to the judges and other participators. Me and Dominik as representants of the UBS Rhetoric Club were invited to deliver training in order to help with those presentations. We have summarized what the most valuable tips to the public speaker and we have shared our knowledge to the participants. That was really amazing event and a great experience.
During the event, I spoke to a few participants and all of them felt very excited that they were there. I have decided that I will take part in an event like this in the future when I will have an opportunity to do so. For people without any programming skills please keep in mind that you need to be a programmer to take part in an event like this. At the end, I wanted to ask if you had a chance to take part in such an event or if you are thinking about it. Maybe you know someone that took part in one? Please share your comments below and see you on the next Hackaton :)
#public speaking #training #hackaton