UBP House View - December 2023
UBP - Union Bancaire Privée
We are focused on one activity we excel at – wealth management for private and institutional clients
Key takeaways
2023 will undoubtedly be seen as a year full of surprises.
Despite all the negative forecasts after 2022, which was a bleak year, risk assets have delivered good-quality returns across most asset classes.
This good performance is, of course, reflected in US and Japanese equities, but also in certain bond segments, with high-yield bonds having risen nearly 9% since the beginning of the year. Of course, dispersion within asset classes is the order of the day, but it shows that cash was not the only investment solution to obtain largely positive returns in 2023. These comments also apply to diversified management
Excessive caution would therefore have been rather penalising at this stage. It would also have failed to recover the lion’s share of the losses recorded in 2022. The good news is that markets now offer a wide range of solutions that will need to be implemented intelligently and in an agile way in 2024. This situation leaves us confident about the coming months, despite the low visibility on macroeconomic data