UAE Inheritance Law - What You Need to Know

UAE Inheritance Law - What You Need to Know

Major legal reforms implemented in the UAE allowed foreigners to make wills according to the laws of their country.

The key changes to inheritance laws, which came into force in September 2020, are part of wider changes to personal status laws aimed at encouraging more people to put down roots in the UAE and increase foreign investment. Previously, assets were automatically distributed according to Islamic or Sharia law.

The Dubai court, set up to deal with inheritance disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims, was established in September and has so far heard 16 cases involving assets worth more than AED 1 billion.

"The clearer the option, the faster and harder it is to implement"

The decision of this court is issued by a panel consisting of one judge of the court of first instance, another of the court of appeals and a third of the court of cassation. As all three levels of the UAE court system are represented, court decisions are considered final once rendered. This is consistent, for example, with criminal judgments that must be approved by all three of the above courts before they become final. "We hope that all hereditary cases will be linked or more than a year in three levels of courts against one judicial system," said Mr. Al -Shambi.

During an interview with National Mr. Al -Shambi, he answered the most urgent questions about his powers and law.

  • Can non-Muslims apply the laws of their country when executing a will?

They can do so and seek to enforce any law of any country under Article 17 of the Civil Code. This law was amended by Federal Law No. 30 of 2020, which entered into force on September 30, 2020.

However, they must provide a justification for their choice of law and a legal translation of its latest updated version. If interested parties claim to apply different laws, we call this a "conflict of law" and require each claimant to provide an updated law and legal basis for their claims.

  • If the will does not specify which law to apply, we will apply UAE law. What tests are recognized by the UAE law?

There are two types, one assigns part of the inheritance to one person, but does not name other heirs. In this case, the beneficiaries must arrange the shipment, which is ordered online and delivered on the same day. An example of this is when a husband leaves 20% of his money to his wife or transfers control of his company to his son, but makes no mention of the rest of his assets or other beneficiaries. In the UAE, changes are being made to the legislation. Another type is one that describes all their assets, beneficiaries and interests and does not require an inventory. Both types can be processed quickly if users agree with their content. If the will is oral and is disputed by any of the beneficiaries, they must file an appeal.

  • Where can I register a will?

Notary Public of DIFC Courts and Dubai Courts.

  • Does the court recognize the will of other countries?

Wills issued from abroad are recognized by UAE courts, but must be translated into Arabic, notarized and approved by the relevant authorities in the UAE.

  • When does foreign law not apply?

If the estate includes real estate in the UAE, UAE law will apply.

  • ?Why do some cases take so long?

The opening of a case takes only two days, but the actual duration of the trial is much longer due to several factors, such as the number of beneficiaries.

In all the cases UAE will consider, there are more than 12 or 14 participants. Another factor is the employer of the deceased, if any, associated with institutions such as country offices, banks, emirates and government departments in the country. This is done to find out about the property, rights and debts of the deceased. In addition, cases involving a will that is unclear or lacks legal elements take longer. Residents must seek the help of appointed lawyers to ensure that their wills are accurate and clear, which will help them to be executed quickly.

  • ?How to speed up the process?

The Dubai Probate Court allows heirs to apply in person to the relevant departments after providing permission and copies of all official letters. We will definitely contact these departments again or go to one of the court representatives to speed up the process.

  • Seizure of bank accounts by the court due to inheritance disputes?

Freezing bank accounts that are part of a disputed inheritance is not an automatic court order and requires the beneficiaries to submit a corresponding request. This is an online application that is processed quickly. Another important detail that people should know is that houses, buildings or land in the UAE - are not under the jurisdiction of our courts. They are under the jurisdiction of the land administration.

  • How do you see property outside the UAE but part of the inheritance dispute here?

The estates of Dubai residents who die outside the UAE are governed by the laws of their country of residence. The role of the Dubai Court in this case is only to prove the rights of the beneficiaries in this property. Their distribution among the beneficiaries is made by the courts of this country and in accordance with their legislation. Acceptance and recognition of the decision of the Dubai Court in this case will be governed by the laws of those countries and any court agreement between the two countries.

  • Since the verdict is final, what can someone who is unhappy with the verdict do?

They can file a motion asking the judges to reconsider their decision and explain why, or file a motion with the court's technical service citing an error in the decision.

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