UAE Cross-border financial news selection(9.29)

UAE Cross-border financial news selection(9.29)

1.Per UAE Cabinet Decision: The National Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organisations Committee Replaces the Executive Office of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism

The UAE Cabinet has issued a decision?according to which the National Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organisations Committee (NAMLCFTC) shall replace the Executive Office of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (The Executive Office) in all rights and obligations, and all employees of the Executive Office shall be transferred to it, and His Excellency Hamid Saif Al Zaabi shall be appointed Secretary-General of the NAMLCFTC.?

This decision comes in accordance with Federal Decree Law No. (7) of 2024?amending some provisions of Federal Decree Law No. (20) of 2018 regarding?Combating Money Laundering Crimes and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Illegal Organisations. The amendments included the establishment of a General Secretariat for the NAMLCFTC, headed by a?Secretary-General, who will be Vice-Chairman and a member of the Supreme?Committee Overseeing the National Strategy on Anti-Money Laundering and?Countering the Financing of Terrorism.?

2.The CBUAE Releases Financial Stability Report 2023: UAE Banking Sector Showcases Resilience with Strong Capital Buffers and Favourable Liquidity Conditions

The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (CBUAE) issues its Financial Stability Report for 2023. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the stability of the UAE financial system and its developments. The report showcases the resilience of the UAE banking sector in 2023, which was evidenced by robust capital buffers, favourable liquidity conditions, improved asset quality ratios, and increased profitability.

The report highlights global and local macroeconomic trends, money market developments, domestic asset markets, and provides a detailed assessment of the UAE banking system, as well as non-bank financial institutions and the broader financial infrastructure. It underscores the continued resilience of the UAE financial system, demonstrating the effectiveness of the CBUAE's policy interventions. The report also covers significant developments in digitalisation and sustainability, reflecting the banking sector's vital role in bolstering the UAE's economic resilience and competitiveness.

The report indicates that the UAE benefitted from favourable domestic conditions in 2023, which shielded the financial system from adverse global economic trends. The UAE's real GDP grew by 3.6% in 2023, driven by a robust 6.2% expansion in the non-oil sector, particularly in tourism, real estate, and finance.


根據阿聯酋內閣最新決定,國家反洗錢和打擊恐怖主義融資及非法組織融資委員會(NAMLCFTC)將全面接替反洗錢和打擊恐怖主義融資執行辦公室(執行辦公室)的所有權利與義務,原執行辦公室的全體員工將轉移至NAMLCFTC。同時,Hamid Saif Al Zaabi閣下被任命為NAMLCFTC秘書長。


阿聯酋中央銀行行長兼NAMLCFTC主席Khaled Mohamed Balama閣下表示:“內閣的這壹決定體現了明智領導的指示,彰顯了阿聯酋堅定保護全球及本地金融體系完整性的承諾,並采取了壹切必要措施以應對全球金融犯罪。阿聯酋在反洗錢和打擊恐怖主義融資方面的舉措基於領導層的遠見與全國反洗錢及打擊恐怖主義融資戰略監督委員會的指示,並建立在高效的國家系統和強大的法律框架基礎上。”

4.阿布紮比金融周2024:匯聚全球金融精英 展現國際金融中心實力



本次活動匯聚了全球金融界的頂尖人物,包括瑞銀集團、Nuveen、PGIM、AXA IM、General Atlantic等知名機構的首席執行官。同時,阿聯酋本地金融巨頭如阿聯酋迪拜國家銀行集團也將派高層出席。著名投資者如橋水基金創始人雷·達裏奧等也將蒞臨現場,共同探討全球金融發展趨勢。





