UA40: How I lost 25+ lbs while scaling my business, how much muscle you can build if you’re over 50 (according to science), PLUS the simple isometric

UA40: How I lost 25+ lbs while scaling my business, how much muscle you can build if you’re over 50 (according to science), PLUS the simple isometric

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Welcome to Unstoppable After 40, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to get fit in your 40s & 50s while growing your business or career.

What's in store for today:

  • How I lost 25+lbs while scaling my business and travelling the world
  • How much muscle you can build if you’re over 50 (according to science)
  • Sore shoulders? Try this isometric fix

Book Your Fitness Roadmap Session With Ted Ryce!

On Oct 4th, I flew to Tenerife, Spain for a live event with my mentor Peter Sage.

The name of the event was: Millionaire Business School.

I’m already working with a business coach online. And he’s been amazing. As a result of his coaching, I’ve made more money while getting my clients better results.

The ultimate win-win situation for a coach like me.

So why did I travel 1000s of miles to attend the Millionaire Business School?

Because I was getting too comfortable.

Have you ever achieved a goal but you didn’t feel happy after you accomplished it?

That was me.

While I could’ve tried reading a book or gratitude journaling, I know from past experiences that those don’t work as well as live events.


Because human beings are social animals.

It’s hard-wired into us.

We NEED the in-person connection—especially with like-minded people who’re on the same journey.

And in our modern, digital world, we are connected to more people than ever.

But we also feel more alone and disconnected.

That’s almost everyone right now.

Being an entrepreneur or high-performing professional can be extra lonely.

Everyone comes to us for help. But who do we turn to?

That’s exactly why I went.

And it turned out to be exactly what I needed as well.

I learned new skills.

I leveled up my mindset.

I boosted my motivation.

Most importantly, I walked away with an actionable plan to help my business make 7-figures in the next 12-months.

What’s funny is that I almost stopped myself from going.

I told myself I was too busy to go. That it would be better to stay put and just do the work.

But in my heart, I knew that I that was stuck in a rut.

I needed to work on business instead of being stuck working in my business.

It takes courage to listen to your heart when your mind is making up excuses.

As Peter says…

“Our nervous system is hard-wired for comfort, but our soul is wired for growth.”

Here is your Unstoppable After 40 Friday Digest:

How I lost 25+lbs while scaling my business and a busy travel schedule

Fat loss is easy when you’re highly motivated and have a strict diet.

In fact, most people give up on losing fat when life gets too busy or when they feel like they’re not motivated enough to “eat well”.

Then they wait until either life slows down or they can’t stand what they see in the mirror to take action again.

This cycle goes on for years for many people.

And it comes from the false belief that we need to be perfect to achieve a fit body and great health.

That’s why I was excited to have my friend and coach Eric Williamson back on the show. Because we discussed our own challenges staying in shape when life gets busy.

And if you haven’t heard the story, I hired Eric in 2008 when I was living in Thailand. I wanted to get lean while trying all the delicious food in Thailand.

So, if you want get lean without giving up your favorite foods (and without the guilt) then check out my conversation with Eric.

Listen Now:

Can a 85 y/o gain as much muscle mass as a 65 y/o? This is what the latest science says...

Do you believe that your age is holding you back from building muscle or getting in better shape?

One of my biggest goals is to help people overcome limiting beliefs about getting older and what they’re capable of.

To this end, a 2023 study explored how older adults (65-75) and even those over 85 can build muscle mass and strength through resistance exercise.

Their findings?

85 year-olds build muscle and strength just as well as 65 year olds.

In fact, the older adults saw significant improvements in muscle mass, which translates to better mobility, increased energy, and a stronger quality of life.

It’s a reminder that it’s never too late to start strength training—and the benefits can be transformative, no matter your age.

Sore shoulders? Try this isometric fix

Sore shoulders?

Then try the single arm bottoms-up kettlebell hold.

Isometric exercises like this can be used as a warm-up before your upper body workout. Or as a “rehab” exercise to help strengthen your shoulder without aggravating it.

How many sets? 1-3 sets

How long to hold? 30-120 seconds.

Client Highlight: Todd E.

Meet Todd.

He's a senior engineer who was working 55-hour weekly shifts to provide the

best life for his family.

Although Todd has been exercising and lifting weights since he was 15, his lifestyle changed dramatically when he became an engineer and got a desk job. His weight had crept up from 190lbs to 285lbs.

Sounds familiar?

After almost 2 decades of trials and errors Todd decided that he was ready for that change. He wanted to be in great shape for his 50th birthday.

Todd and I worked together for six months and in that time his transformation was remarkable.

  • He lost 71lbs in 6 months.
  • His sleep went from 4 hours ?? 8 hours/night.
  • He ?? productivity and ??money.

But the best part is he is feeling younger and ready to enjoy the best decades of his life.

Quote of the week:

FEAR can be spooky, but don’t let it haunt your life!

F.E.A.R. = False Evidence that Appears Real.

It shows up in the stories we tell ourselves about our limits, like ghosts from the past trying to hold us back.

These "stories" aren’t fact; they’re just interpretations we’ve made based on past experiences. When we master our mindset, we create beliefs that fuel us, not frighten us.

If we’re missing a skill, we can learn it. If we need answers, they’re waiting to be found. And if we stumble, it’s just another chance to rise back up—even stronger than before.

When would NOW be a good time to face down those inner “monsters” and take back our power?

--Tony Robbins

Until next week,

Ted Ryce

Celebrity Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & Longevity Expert

When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1) Watch my Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass, where I teach you the simple 5-step process our successful clients are using to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their businesses and enjoying their lifestyle

2) If you have questions about my coaching program, click on the button below to check my FAQ page.

3) Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get fit in your 40s & 50s without feeling achy or spending hours at the gym?

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