The "U" in Universe!
Where has time gone? We started out with 525,600 minutes again this year and as of the time that I started writing this article a few minutes ago, I found that we have already used 458,901 minutes, and have approximately 46 days, 1111 hours, 66,699 minutes and 40020 seconds left to 2018. As we look at the moments that are left, we must really think about what it is that we have accomplished. I am not talking about our business ventures, sales, careers and all of the things that we sometimes think define who we are. I am talking about moments created that will never come again.
We have become a society of thinkers constantly occupied. We have our phones by our sides, our computers, television, radio and all of the things that now inhabit our minds and our planet.
Some of us may consider that our "P&L's", "Profit & Loss" take precedence over our "P&L" "People & Lives". Sadly, we are on this train that keeps track of the hours and the minutes that we use up in the pursuit of that which we came here to accomplish. Are we thinking of that which is not seen by the human eyes, often not! Although this is the only thing we take with us. The time to just be, to look at the enormous wonders of our lives. Take me for instance, today I figured that I have already used 33,112,800 minutes of what time I may have on this earth. I have done a lot, in that time, but have I done it all? No, not yet!
We, the human race are the "U" in our Universe. There is no other specimen that can match the complexity of our minds and our bodies. We create life and sometimes end lives. We are the perfect being to be able to lead a nation, fight a war, have children, have a career, laugh, cry, and sometimes even stop and take time to reflect on what is important in this life.
I am pretty sure that at the exact moment when our minutes are up, and we head back home, our titles, wont matter, our religion, or party association not a requirement. Our cars wont be needed and so much more.
What we do have to realize that all we do to make someone feel like they are the "U" in your universe, will be energetically empowering to our souls. May the rest of this year and our minutes be filled with gratitude for all that we have and all we can give to another.
Maria Martinez, Regional Marketing Director TEAM Concepts