"U took a different path"
Remember, how in school you dreamt of becoming a zillion things, but when it came to picking up career options a lot of folks chose the conventional paths?
Whilst some over-ambitious ones risked their careers and went behind something which had a very high risk.
Now, up until yesterday I was beating myself up, my anxiety was at its peak the day before yesterday, because I am at a point where I am trying to re-imagine a career for myself, because all my life I have been that over-ambitious kid wanting to be amongst the top 100/1 million people.
But I read a very interesting article today, which clearly altered my perspective, and it led me to a chain of thought. Imagine you put your heart and soul into your startup for a few years but it did not take off for whatsoever reasons, was it your fault? no, right??
Was your choosing a different career path your fault, no right? Because if you were successful everybody would have praised you for taking that risk, but just because it didn’t work you are made to question your preferences.
You did your best.
This is for people in my network, don’t compare yourselves with people who are not on similar trajectories as you.
Now people say, don’t compare at all, but we are humans and it comes automatically. maybe you would want to compare yourself with that classmate of yours from 5th standard who got married, but would that have made you happy if you were married rn?