TYPO3 Conference 2024 – One more recap
Here we go again – 13 months after my last TYPO3 Conference recap, it's time to review this years edition. Shall we?
First and foremost: Having almost an entire year to prepare a conference definitely works out better than doing it in 6 months. That's a good learning to start with – hence why preparations for T3CON25 will be starting soon. And since this event is for all of you and not for us – we want your honest feedback, thoughts and ideas on how we can improve this even further.
Since we already thankfully had a million other recaps, I'll focus on the people and their impact, instead of on topics.
Addressing new target groups: The Public Sector Day
Adding an additional, German-focussed day to T3CON was a first, but definitely not a last. And honestly: Targeting our main end user region and sectors in their native language should have been done way earlier.
In this section, I mainly want to say a big thank you to the two main parties that made this day's success possible: Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund) with Nikolai Jaklitsch and Silke Spielkamp and Bundesministerium des Innern with Claudia Pülicher and Katja Helfert . Not only did I enjoy our planning meetings concerning your participation and the GSB 11 Panel Discussion, I am also still in awe at how well your presence at T3CON was received by all participants. Thank you for your countless hours of preparation, for traveling to Düsseldorf and for giving the Government Site Builder 11 a face and a soul. I hope we get the chance to catch up, soon!
On the same note, I'd like to thank Martina Ahlswede and the TYPO3 Academic Committee for opening up their network into the higher education sector and inviting countless end users in our name. Lara Müller and Volker Burggr?f – of course a special thank you to the both of you for presenting your best practices and use cases when it comes to TYPO3 in higher education. It was a pleasure to have you with us and it really helps TYPO3 to get end users like yourself to give their insights – this really helps us building trust and transparency. Thank you!
And let's not forget Mathias Bolt Lesniak – who took it upon himself to live-translate all topics for our international attendees during the entire day. I have no idea how you managed to do that – but thank you. This went way beyond what everyone expected ??
Back to business: Connecting the TYPO3 Agency landscape
Our TYPO3 Conference Days 2 and 3 felt, again, like a big agency meetup. It was great to reconnect with so many known people from the partner and member network, but it was equally as exciting to meet new people, too! There's not much to say besides: Thank you all for showing up and representing the strength of our ecosystem!
Additionally, to name a few:
Last but not least...
The Award Gala 2024
Safe to say: It was an unforgettable night. Our moderators, once more, guided us through the evening, the categories and the winners with such enthusiasm and love that time just flew by. Thank you, Emily Whigham and Matt Beadle – You made this night super special!
I personally felt really honored to be able to hand out the first ever "Best TYPO3 Camp Award" to TYPO3Camp Vienna . You could probably tell, how emotional I got while holding the speech. After getting the chance to visit every single TYPO3 Camp in 2024, I truly felt how much love, time and commitment goes into preparing this essential part of the TYPO3 ecosystem by the organizers. This is not something that we should take for granted, so – thank you:
You are enabling people to get together, share knowledge and spark the TYPO3 flame in newbies – Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for doing this for all of us. ??And on the same note: Dear TYPO3 agencies all throughout Europe – Please, support the camps; even with small sponsorings. Even a small contribution goes a long way.
Now – back to my usual state of being:
Ready to shed some tears?
To me, TYPO3 is definitely more than just a CMS. It's old friends ( Tracy Evans , Carlos Antonio Llanos Zarco , Fabian Stein , Benjamin Mack ) I've known for close to 10 years and new friends ( Hannes Strangmeier , Martin Helmich , Robin K. , Marco Schiffmann , Oliver Bartsch, Jens Krumm , Florian Froidevaux ) that have grown really close to my heart in this year alone. You make this TYPO3 experience a second home for me – whatever happens in my personal life. I hope you know how thankful I am to meet you every single time.
And of course: The TYPO3 crew. This weird bunch of people who make work life fun and (in stressful times) survivable.
Panos Semitekolos and Kendall Litton , who just joined in April and integrated so quick and so well to the TYPO3 ecosystem – it feels so much longer than just 8 months. The quality and sheer amount of content you are producing is insane. Joeline Bersch for capturing all of our moments for everyone to see, for keeping an overview over everything that's being published and for getting closer and closer to the editorial side of TYPO3. Tom Warwick – for being our strong standing UK person and lovingly taking care of the TYPO3 podcast and training videos.
Renate and Melanie, who are just always there, always take care of everyone and make the office feel like home.
? Daniel Fau , Luana Valentini and Frank N?gler – my second family. It's an absolute pleasure to work with you every single day and I'm utterly thankful to be able to do so. You are more than just coworkers for me and I love you all very, very much ??
Carsten Siewert – You manage to exceed expectations every single time and I don't know how you do it. Be it DevDays, DMEXCO or T3CON – every event you organize is an insane experience. Thank you for everything!
And of course: Markus Schwarz and Paula Puian for continously being able to turn even the weirdest requests into beautiful, tangible graphics, back walls, merch, videos or presentations. I appreciate your work so, so much!
I want to say a really special, heartfelt thank you to you, dear Myrna G?nnemann . You did such a fantastic job being thrown in ice cold water in September and handled every challenge and task thrown your way with success – successfully successmanaged, I'd say! It's an honor to have you by my side while further expanding TYPO3's Partner Network – can't wait for 2025! ??
It was an unforgettable night and I cannot wait for next year. To finish up, enjoy some more photos and take your guesses as to how late into the afterparty they were taken ?? Adios, Baba & lots of love.
And lastly: Thank you Markus Luigs for capturing everything for us so perfectly and Frank Schmidt , M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. for guiding us, once more, through two days of conference!
Internetkoordinator bei Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
2 个月Danke, Luisa Sofie Fa?bender, für die Zusammenfassung und Würdigung inbesondere auch des Public Sector and Higher Education Days! Es war mir eine Freude, zusammen mit Lara Müller einen Beitrag leisten zu k?nnen, und ich hoffe sehr, dass es uns mit vereinten Kr?ften gelingt, die User-Erfahrung "normaler" Redakteurinnen und Redakteure in #TYPO3 immer weiter zu verbessern.
Events & Sponsorings (Marketing) bei mittwald
2 个月So ein sch?nes Recap und wir sind Teil davon!! ???? Bilder sagen bekanntlich mehr als 1.000 Worte: Ende Februar (unsere allererste Begegnung!) vs Mitte Oktober 2024 ???? Danke für deine Offenheit, deine Hilfsbereitschaft (auch bei kniffligen Nachrichten-Verkehr hehe) und dafür, dass du so bist wie du bist, Luisa! :)
Online Marketing Managerin @dkd | Die digitale Zukunft des Marketings gestalten ??????♀? #deliveringdigitalvalue
2 个月Richtig toller Recap und vor allem sehr sch?n geschrieben! ?????
Senior Event Manager / TYPO3
2 个月hach… ??
Project Manager y Desarrollo de negocio - Portales Web con CMS y Transformación Digital
2 个月Thanks Luisa! For your words and for the insanely great work you do for everyone at TYPO3. I can't wait to see what all of us together are able to do in the upcoming years. Let's keep it up! ?? ??