TypeScript Types: Any, Object, Unknown and Never
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static types to the language. Types help us to write more robust and maintainable code, as well as tackle errors at compile time. TypeScript has many built-in types, such as number, string, boolean, array, ...etc. But it also has some special types that are useful for different scenarios. In this article, we will explore four of these special types: any, object, unknown and never. We will see what they mean, how they differ, and when to use them.
Any: The Flexible Type
The any type in TypeScript allows us to use a variable as if it could be any data type. We can assign any value to a variable of type any, and we can perform any operation on it without any type checking or error. For example:
let x: any = "hello";
x = 42; // OK, x is now a number
x = true; // OK, x is now a boolean
x.foo(); // OK, no error even if x has no foo method
The any type is useful when we don’t know or care about the type of a variable, such as when we get data from user input or external sources. However, using any too much can defeat the purpose of TypeScript, as we lose the benefits of type checking and code completion. It is usually a temporary solution or a last resort when we have no other type information available.
Object: The General Type
The object type in TypeScript represents any non-primitive value, such as an array, a function, a class, or an object literal. We can assign any object-like value to a variable of type object, but we cannot perform any operation on it that is not common to all objects. For example:
let y: object = { name: "Alice", age: 30 };
y = [1, 2, 3]; // OK, y is now an array
y = () => console.log("hello"); // OK, y is now a function
y.name; // Error, property 'name' does not exist on type 'object'
y.length; // Error, property 'length' does not exist on type 'object'
y(); // Error, y is not callable
The object type is useful when we want to restrict a variable to only hold non-primitive values, such as when we use the Object.keys or Object.values methods. However, using object is not very precise, as we lose the specific properties and methods of the actual object type. It is usually better to use a more specific type, such as an interface or a class, to describe the shape of an object.
Unknown: The Safe Type
The unknown type in TypeScript is similar to the any type, as it can hold any value. However, the unknown type is more restrictive than the any type, as it does not allow us to perform any operation on it without first checking its type. For example:
let z: unknown = "hello";
z = 42; // OK, z is now a number
z = true; // OK, z is now a boolean
z.foo(); // Error, Object is of type 'unknown'
z + 1; // Error, Object is of type 'unknown'
if (typeof z === "string") {
z.toUpperCase(); // OK, z is a string inside this block
The unknown type is useful when we want to represent a value that we don’t know yet, such as when we get data from an API or a library. It forces us to check the type of the value before using it, which makes our code more robust and safe. It is usually a better alternative to the any type, as it preserves the type information and prevents us from making mistakes.
Never: The Impossible Type
The never type in TypeScript represents a value that never occurs, such as the return type of a function that always throws an error or never returns. We cannot assign any value to a variable of type never, and we cannot perform any operation on it. For example:
function throwError(message: string): never {
throw new Error(message);
function loopForever(): never {
while (true) {}
let a: never = throwError("something went wrong"); // OK, a is never assigned
let b: never = loopForever(); // OK, b is never assigned
let c: never = 42; // Error, Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'never'
let d: never = a; // OK, d is also never
d.foo(); // Error, Object is of type 'never'
d + 1; // Error, Object is of type 'never'
The never type is useful when we want to express that something is impossible or unreachable in our code, such as a branch of a switch statement that should never be executed. It helps us to catch errors and bugs at compile time, and to make our code more expressive and accurate.
In this article, we have learned about four special types in TypeScript: any, object, unknown and never. We have seen what they mean, how they differ, and when to use them. Here is a summary of the main points:
I hope this article helped you to understand the TypeScript any, object, unknown and never types better. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!