TypeScript - Introduction
TypeScript Intro
TypeScript Project Files
* Simple JSON text file named `tsconfig.json`
* Stores compiler options used with the project
* Specifies files to be included or excluded in compilation
* Supports configuration inheritance
Basic TypeScript Types:
* boolean
* number
* string
* array
* enum
Additional Built-in Types:
* void
* null
* undefined
* never
* any
Union Types <> Example:
let someValue: number | string
someValue = 42;
someValue = 'Hello Or Hasson';
Using the `--strictNullChecks` Compiler Option
let basicString: string
basicString = null;
basicString = undefined;
let nullableString: string | null;
nullableString = null;
nullableString = undefined;
let mysteryString: sring | null | undefined;
mysteryString = null;
mysteryString = undefined;
Type Assertions
let value: any = 5
let fixedString: string = (
console.log(fixedString); // 5.0000
// another syntax for Type Assetion
let fixedString: string = (value as number).toFixed(4);
console.log(fixedString); // 5.0000;
Adding Type Annotations to Functions
// JavaScript
function dullFunc(value1, value2) {
??return "I love the way you love the way you love.";
// TypeScript
function funFunc(score: number, message?: string): string {
??return "I love the way you love the way you love.";
Using the `--noImplicitAny` Compiler Option
function dullFun(value1, value2)
??return "I love the way you love the way you love.";
ERROR TS7006: Parameter 'value1' implicityly has an 'any' type.
ERROR TS7006: Parameter 'value2' implicityly has an 'any' type.
Default-Initialized Parameters
function sendGreeting(greeting: stirng = 'Good morning!'): void
sendingGreeting(); // Good morning!
sendGreeting('Good afternoon, Or Hasson!'); // Good afternoon, Or Hasson!
interfaces vs. Classes
??1. Define a new type
??2. Properties(signatures)
??3. Methods (signatures)
??4. Cannot be instantiated
2. Classes:
??1. Define a new type
??2. Properties (with implementation)
??3. Methods (with implementation)
??4. Can be instantiated
// Creating an Interface
interface Employee {
??name: string;
??title: string;
interface Manger extends Employee {
??department: string;
??numOfEmployees: number;
??scheduleMeeting: (topic: string) => void;
Class Members
* Method implementation
* Property implementation
* Accessors (getters and setters)
* Access modifiers
class Developer {
??department: string;
??private _title: string;
??get title(): string {
????return this._title;
??set title(newTitle: string) {
????this._title = newTitle.toUpperCase();
??documentRequirements(requirements: string): void {
Extending a Class
class WebDeveloper extends Developer {
??favoriteEditor: string;
??writeTypeScript(): void {
// write awesome code
let webdev: WebDeveloper = new WebDeveloper();
webdev.department = 'Software Engineering';
webdev.favoriteEditor = 'WebStorm';
Implementing an Interface
interface Employee {
??name: string;
??title: string;
??logID: () => string;
class Engineer implements Employee {
??name: string;
??title: string;
??logID() {
????return `${this.name}_${this.title}`;
Static Members
class WebDeveloper extends Developer {
??static jobDescription: string = 'Build cool things!';
??static logFavoriteProtocol() {
????console.log('HTTPS, of course!');
??logJobDescription(): void {
class Developer {
??constructor() {
????console.log('Creating a new developer.');
class WebDeveloper extends Developer {
??readonly favoriteEditor: string;
??constructor(editor: string) {
????this.favoriteEditor = editor;
Why Use Modules?
* Encapsulation
* Re-usability
* Create higher-level abstractions
Exporting a Declaration
// person.t
export interface Person {
export function hireDeveloper(): void {
export default class Employee {
class Manager {
} // not accessible outside the modules
Exporting Statements
interface Person {
function hireDeveloper(): void {
class Employee {
class Manager {
export {Person, hireDeveloper, Employee as StaffMember};
Importing from a Module
// player.ts
import {Person, hireDeveloper} from './person';
let human: Person;
import Worker from './person';
let engineer: Worker = new Worker();
import {StaffMember as CoWorker} from './person';
let emp: CoWorker = new CoWorker();
import * as HR from './person';
Relative vs. Non-relative Imports
// relative imports
import {Laptop} from '/hardware';
import {Developer} from './person';
import {NewHire} from '../HR/recruiting';
// non-relative imports?
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import * as lodash from 'lodash';
Module Resolution Strategies (Classic vs Node)
`tsc --moduleResulution Classic | Node`
* Classic:
??* Default when emitting AMD, UMD, System, or ES2015 modules
??* Simple
??* Less Configurable
* Node:
??* Default when emitting CommonJS modules
??* Closely mirrors Node module resolution
??* More configurable
Resolving Classic Relative Imports
// File: /Source/MultiMath/player.ts
import {Developer} from './person';
?*?The import will search:
?*?1. /Source/MultiMath/person.ts
?*?2. /Source/MultiMath/person.d.ts
Resolving Classic Non-relative Imports
// File: /Source/MultiMath/player.ts
import {Developer} from 'person';
?*?The import will search:
?*?1. /Source/MultiMath/person.ts
?*?2. /Source/MultiMath/person.d.ts
?*?3. /Source/person.ts
?*?4. /Source/person.d.ts
?*?(continue searching up the directory tree)
Resolving Node Relative Imports
// File: /Source/MultiMath/player.ts
import {Developer} from 'person';
?*?The import will search:
?*?1. /Source/MultiMath/person.ts
?*?2. /Source/MultiMath/person.tsx
?*?3. /Source/MultiMath/person.d.ts
?*?4. /Source/MultiMath/person/package.json (with "types" property)
?*?5. /Source/MultiMath/person/index.tsx
?*?6. /Source/MultiMath/person/index.d.ts
Resolving Node Non-relative Imports
// File: /Source/MultiMath/player.ts
import {Developer} from 'person';
?*?The import will search:
?*?1. /Source/MultiMath/node_modules/person.ts (person.tsx, person.d.ts)
?*?2. /Source/MultiMath/node_modules/person/package.json (with "types" property)
?*?3. /Source/MultiMath/node_modules/@types/person.d.ts
?*?4. /Source/MultiMath/node_modules/person/index.ts (index.tsx, index.d.ts)
?*?5. /Source/node_modules/person.ts (person.tsx, person.d.ts)
?*?6. /Source/node_modules/@types/person.d.ts
?*?7. /Source/node_modules/person/index.ts (index.tsx, index.d.ts)
Type Declaration Files
What Are Type Declaration Files?
TypeScript wrapper for JavaScript libraries
??* Types for variables, functions, etc.
??* Define valid property names.
??* Define function parameters.
* Development-time tool
* Filenames end with .d.ts
* Available for thousands of libraries
* GitHub repository containing thousands of type declaration files.
* Declaration files often maintained independent of related JavaScript library.
* Source for installation utilities.
Installing Type Declaration Files
* Installed with npm
* Packages installed from `@types/<name>`
* Sourced from the DefinitelyTyped repository.
Write code faster.
Find errors faster
Provide value faster
Thanks :)
Or Hasson
Chief Technology Officer | R&D Leader | Software Architect | Innovation & Growth
1 年Or, thanks for sharing!
Backend Engineer | Software Engineer | B.Sc. | B.A.
2 年https://medium.com/@hassonor/typescript-4-introduction-229f49ab0f86
Backend Engineer | Software Engineer | B.Sc. | B.A.
2 年https://github.com/hassonor/core-typescript/tree/master/typescript-intro