Typescript Discovery : The new strong javascript

Typescript Discovery : The new strong javascript

Hello Friend ??,I hope everyone is good ! Today I would like to discover Typescript together, trying as much as possible to cover the common questions that we all may ask like : Are Typescript and Javascript the same language ? Does Browser understand Typescript ? and How can we execute our Typescript Code ?

Are you ready my friend ! let’s start??? :?

First JavaScript is a language with a set of logical instructions in order to solve a problem as other languages .And it’s the only thing that the browser understands and executes .That means the Browser understands only JavaScript to execute the code ,nothing else …

And Remember with me when you write JavaScript code ,you notice that there is a difference compared to other languages at the level of Typing variables for example. And we can create variables without specifying the data type, Good ! that’s why Typescript came with a huge improvement of JavaScript inspired by C++, C#, Java to apply the types of variables as (string,number,boolean) also 'void' not only that but in addition a lot of object-oriented programming concepts like: ( class, constructor, interface, encapsulation, inheritance …).

?? For the first conclusion we can say that Typescript in a simple way is just an improved version of JavaScript developed by Microsoft.?

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Now imagine with me we want to execute our first Typescript code as the example above, knowing that the browser doesn’t understand the Typescript code to be executed ! So what's work here ????

Good ! Here we need a TS compiler that takes our typescript code and converts it to JavaScript ,Therefore the browser can understand the code and execute?it !

To do this action we need to install the first Typescript in our machine.and to install we obligatory need to have nodejs already installed to be able to use npm which is a “node package manager” that allows us to install all dependencies we need for our project. For my part ,I have node js installed, and to ensure that we can do a quick check as shown below :?

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Now we can pass to install Typescript by using the following command:

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The next step? ,we will create a file but having (.ts) extension of typescript file ,we call it “script.ts”. we put the following code inside :?

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Until now we’ve installed Typescript and created our typescript file using ‘.ts’ extension with simple code ,as you can see just 2 variables with types and we added a simple console.

Right ??! The next now is starting with the process that compiles typescript code to JavaScript by using the line shown below :

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After the compilation is executed successfully we will have a new file generated automatically called “script.js” with ‘.js’ extension .This file contains the javascript code. So here I would like to ask a very good question:

which one of these two files are we going to?execute ?

So here ,the correct answer is ‘script.js’ ,you know why ? because the browser always needs the JavaScript code to execute our program ,and typescript is just a superset that provides a lot of features to facilitate our coding but at the end it should be converted to JavaScript that the browser can understand and executable.?

I really hope the idea is clear ! So now all what remains is executing our code ,let’s do it by using “node” keyword Then?the JavaScript file name as shown below :

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The result will be :

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Dear friends, I hope this post is useful ! Thank you for your attention ??!


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