Types and uses of copper braids

Types and uses of copper braids

If you are new to this industry, then you should know that copper braids come in multiple types and if this is the first time you want to purchase this type of product, then it might be quite overwhelming for you. It is important to know how the braids function and look and what advantages and disadvantages every one of them has. In this article you will find some basic details to help you know where to start.

Tubular copper braids

This type of flexible wires is made from multiple small cords, interwoven between them that form a shape similar to a tube. The tube is empty on the inside and it can be used to protect electric cables. Specialists use tubular copper braids to protect the electrical cables from disturbances and interferences, because they have the ability to product screens.

Round copper wires

Round copper wires are made from multiple interwoven wires that get a round shape once they are put together. If it were to compare this type of wires with the insulated ones then it is important to note that round copper ones are more flexible and they pose more current density. Round copper wires are used for power and mass connections and if they are insulated then they can also be used as an alternative to cables.

Flat copper braids

If you are interested in buying flat wires then you should know that they can be made to the dimensions you need. They are used mainly for equipotential connections, power connections and earthing equipment. They are interconnected between other elements if they are used in power applications and they are quite useful because they offer great buffering to vibrations.

Copper properties

It is important to know the properties of copper to understand if you need to buy flexible copper braids or other type of wires.

  • Copper has mechanical resistance
  • Copper has great resistivity at 20° C: 1.724 sq.
  • Copper is an efficient and economical way to protect electrical tools


