Types of Training Activities 11. Video Sessions
These activities enhance the instructional value of training videos. In a typical video session, the participants watch a video and take part in an activity to review and apply new concepts and skills. In a variation of this type of games, the participants record a roleplay video and provide feedback to the actors.
Examples of Video Sessions
Here are six examples of video sessions:
Alternative Audiences
The purpose of this session is to figure out how the characteristics of a new audience impact the revision of a video: The facilitator plays a video designed for a specific audience. At the conclusion of this video, teams of participants plan to revise the video for a drastically different audience (such as 7-year-old children.) The teams take turns to present their revised scripts.
Bashers and Boosters
The purpose of this session is to analyze a potentially controversial idea. The facilitator presents a video introducing potentially controversial strategy, procedure, concept, or technique. The participants watch the video about and, working in two groups, make exaggerated arguments about the advantages and disadvantages associated with the content of the video. Later, they discuss how to enhance the advantages and reduce the disadvantages.
The purpose of this session is to demonstrate that body language, gestures, and facial expressions sometimes don’t have the same meaning across different cultures: The facilitator presents a segment of a foreign-language soap opera with English subtitles. The segment is initially played without the captions. Teams of participants work collaboratively to guess the feelings and emotions behind the dialogue. After about 10 minutes, the same segment is played again, this time with the English captions. Finally, the participants discuss what they guessed correctly and what they missed.
Critical Incident
The purpose of this video session is to effectively conduct a difficult conversation: The facilitator asks two random participants to roleplay the continuation of a difficult conversation depicted in a video recording. This roleplay is repeated with other pairs of participants. During the debrief, the participants come up with suggestions for conducting difficult conversations.
Marketing Materials
The purpose of this session is to identify the important points from a video: After watching the video, teams of participants prepare a variety of marketing materials (such as a subtitle, a blurb, a 100-word description of the content, bulleted sentences highlighting key features, and fake testimonials). The teams take turns to present and explain these items.
Quiz Closure
The purpose of this session is to require and reward the participants to recall key learning points: The facilitator asks the participants to take notes as they watch the video. At the end of the segment, the participants work in teams to come up with three closed questions and one open question based on the content of the video. Randomly selected teams are invited to read their closed questions. Other teams respond to them. After the closed questions, invite the teams to take turns to read their open questions. After each open question, give the other teams 30 seconds to prepare their responses. Ask the questioning team to listen to the alternative responses and select the best one.