Types of Stirrups Used in Construction and Their Applications
Stirrups are the structural elements which help to provide support to the reinforced concrete beams and columns in the construction structures including buildings, bridges, and other structures. Stirrups can be made of steel and are able to resist tensile forces that have occurred in the construction structure. The stirrup can bent to a rectangular or U shape and can be placed vertically at fixed intervals. The structural integrity of the concrete elements can be ensured in case the space between the Stirrups does not exceed a certain limit. The size and shapes of the Stirrups depend upon the load-bearing capacity and other requirement of the construction structures.
The purposes of Stirrups
? The main purpose of Stirrups is to hold the primary reinforcement bars as well as prevent columns and beams from buckling.
? In addition, Stirrups are used to improve the comprehensive strength of the columns as well as increase the column’s ductility.
? Another purpose of using Stirrups is to inhibit the primary reinforcement movement during the concreting process of the construction structure.
? For the same purpose as in columns for the calculation of lumpsum, Stirrups have been employed in the beams.
? It is also used in producing the longitudinal bars along with the lateral confinements.
? This is also used to keep the longitudinal bars in place during the construction process.
? Stirrups are also used to keep the concrete in the core thus helping to make the concrete more ductile and strong.
Design and installation of Stirrups
The effectiveness of stirrups on the construction site depends upon the proper design and installation procedure. Several factors that should be considered while designing and installing Stirrups are:
The size and diameter of stirrups should be selected on the basis of the structural requirements.
There should be properly spaced between the Stirrups to provide adequate shear resistance.
Concrete cover helps to protect Stirrups from fire damage and corrosion.